the splatter pattern on these looks the same as whats on the 2011 mags actually. I think its fine, its just splatter after all guys. if you want quality splatter, then get jackson pollock to paint your shoes :lol:

anyhow, ive worn them all day today and loved every second. I was afraid they would be bricks because they are retros, but they are definitely comfy enough for daily wear if you want. changing the insole helps a lot too, but that's just my opinion.
Very honest assessment and good looks on pointing out that splatter. Didn't notice that at first. In regards to the leather it's crazy because Nike does still use genuine leather at times I.e. Vintage air revolutions, QS air trainer sc II, and recently the huarache flights. The only reason I can see them using this synthetic leather is to save on production cost so they can make these widely available at a reasonable price point. Because if they retailed at a price point equivalent to the OG retail price, these would be almost $300+. At least that's my reasoning for the sub par leather. I'm still getting but I can understand why someone wouldn't want to copp.

Yeah, the leather quality on the vintage Air Revolutions is top notch along with the overall build quality. The QS AT II leather quality is pretty good too.

That's the thing about when they use the cheap synthetic stuff, the comfort of the shoe is greatly compromised. Synthetics don't flex and conform to your feet like real leather. Sure, it doesn't crease as easily, but it does contribute to the shoes feeling like "bricks" on your feet. I realize most people wear these types of shoes to "floss" their sneaker style, but they should also at least feel comfortable to wear.

Anyways, enough with the rant. I was really hoping to pick up a pair, but now I just hope they make the emeralds a QS so that they possibly use better materials on them like they did with the QS AT SC IIs.
I hope these don't fit like the vintage air revolutions. Quality was good but they felt like boats on my feet even with getting my normal Nike size.
there is a squeak that comes from the tongue rubbing on the lining. its not that uncommon with high cut shoes of the early 90's that have the big padded tounge. the ballistic forces from 92 are especially bad about squeaking until you get them broken in or apply a little sandpaper. but if you aren't familiar with the og's or other shoes like them then I guess the squeak might be a surprise. it should go away with wear tho.
The wait is killing me. 

Saw somebody trying to flip these for 500 on ebay. 
Uhh.. Decided to buy a pair from eBay for $300
I had some eBay bucks saved me $49 lol so $250.. Lol
Just couldn't wait dammit, I feel like eric cartman waiting for the Nintendo wii lol
Never understood why someone couldn't wait for a shoe, I'm assuming most of us have over 50 pairs of shoes so 1 more pair wouldn't make that much of a difference.
^ Gotta agree. Unless that's a sample pair, I wouldn't consider paying more than retail just to get it early. But in terms of this one, I can't blame any of u that just couldn't wait since they are retroing em for the first time and it seems like the quality is pretty good.
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If he's happy with his purchase that's all that matters. BUT my only gripe with this early markup crap is that I hope it doesn't get the lurking resellers to start thinking this is gonna be a money release. Just want to cop with ease.
If he's happy with his purchase that's all that matters. BUT my only gripe with this early markup crap is that I hope it doesn't get the lurking resellers to start thinking this is gonna be a money release. Just want to cop with ease.
And that's exactly what these people are doing, I wouldn't be surprised if he's a reseller himself just trying to create a base resell amount. I've seen it so many times, they claim to have copped early for a set amount and then try to have other members follow suit. I'm not paying a cent over retail for these since I have multiple sneakers already, I suggest everyone else does the same so these fools stop trying to extort money out of us.
Never understood why someone couldn't wait for a shoe, I'm assuming most of us have over 50 pairs of shoes so 1 more pair wouldn't make that much of a difference.
very true but getting excited like a kid again is an amazing feeling and with the shoe market today to have that kid feeling again only to be destroyed by the possibility that resellers think they will make money on them and then you miss out is one of the wrost feelings ever, i dont blame people for taking early pairs if they are authentic because paying extra is a better feeling than missing out that's for sure.
I'm with The7onius The7onius
#teamretail on these no doubt. And while people on NT are happy these are coming out, on the whole I don't see this being a super popular release.
Never understood why someone couldn't wait for a shoe, I'm assuming most of us have over 50 pairs of shoes so 1 more pair wouldn't make that much of a difference.
very true but getting excited like a kid again is an amazing feeling and with the shoe market today to have that kid feeling again only to be destroyed by the possibility that resellers think they will make money on them and then you miss out is one of the wrost feelings ever, i dont blame people for taking early pairs if they are authentic because paying extra is a better feeling than missing out that's for sure.
I understand, had the same feeling when I saw these but that's what resellers play on now. Soon as they see people jumping on over retail early pairs they think they can replicate that come release day.
I really wanted the Lebron WTLs since the first pics dropped, missed out but I refuse to pay reseller prices. Sad they target people who really want a shoe, soon as nostalgia or childhood is a factor all they see is $$, that's why people need to be more tactful with their actions when it comes to purchasing.
I believe that dude and the other dude who came in here saying we need to cop from eBay are just resellers trying to create hype.
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I don't think these would be on the resellers radar at all if not for the fact that the command forces usually sold at high prices on ebay in the past. (I did not buy off ebay btw)

but ive wanted a wearable pair of these for so long now that I just couldn't deal with another few weeks of edge of the cliff anticipation, so when the opportunity arose I pulled the trigger. the extra 50 is worth it to me all day long, but its cool if you wanna wait too. im waiting till the release to get another pair or two myself.

I don't see these being hard to get for one main reason: jordan never wore them. :tongue:
its such a crap shoot and i only see a few getting early pairs so i really dont think they will be sold out instantly or raffled or anything but you never know but i will be at the mall when it opens for sure to see if i can scoop a pair, if they do sell out then its all good, they're only shoes after all but i want to rock these to NYC this winter and show off to my brother in law who would go nuts over them
I've just learned to develop a "Oh well" attitude post-shoe releases if I miss out no matter how excited I am pre-shoe release. I have a little over 40 pairs at this point so I'll be ok, it's a blessing that I even have those and that I'm in a position where I can buy sneakers as opposed to my childhood.
Uhh.. Decided to buy a pair from eBay for $300
I had some eBay bucks saved me $49 lol so $250.. Lol
Just couldn't wait dammit, I feel like eric cartman waiting for the Nintendo wii lol
Let us know how they are when you get them. Been trying to fight off the urge to do it myself. 
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