Official NHL 2008 Stanley Cup Finals Thread...Pens vs. Wings


sorry for the caps, im still pumped from that win
Flyers should be up 2-0 but they decided to play scared on friday but ill take the win today, very happy with Biron's play
Looks like Calgary is making a comeback here with Cujo in net.......Should be a good 3rd period
how do you score 3 goals in the first 3 mins, and then fail to score any at all against the 2nd string goalie for the next 57 mins?
yeah they are known for choking in playoffs, because they are more pretty team then tough. and the grinder teams always win the cup.
You know, as good as the Wings have been over the past 15 years, I still never get comfortable in ANY series. We're up 2-0, and I can't help butthink... Uh oh.
I have no idea why I do that. Perhaps its a trained reaction to ensure that, when the clock strikes all zeros, I'm elated...

Anyway, if the Sharks and Ducks go down, Detroit wins it all in rather easy fashion... Let's all root for an Original 6 matchup of Detroit againstMontreal, Boston, or The Rangers...
Gonna miss a little bit of the Wings game tonight for my nephews lacrosse game. They need this win badly. Cannot give a team that is beaten any ray of hope.They better burry them tonight. I would like to see a 3 goal beatdown and then McCarty or Drake beat Tootoo down. Even though he has been playing the best ontheir team, I still hate them.
Spezza AND Alfredsson are in the lineup tonight for the Sens.......Let's see how the Pens react to this, hopefully Pitt gets the W
+%+ did the rangers think they were doing interfering with the goalie last night? How lame is that? I'm glad the NHL made a "ruling" about it -that's not in the spirit of the game, whatsoever.. it's one thing to create a shield, but to be waving your stick in his face? C'mon..

Anyways - let's go pens!! Series doesn't begin until a road victory, so we gotta get one tonight.. 0-0 after 1.
Yeah, I don't agree with what Avery was doing to Marty last night.......I would assume Shanny or even Sather did/will talk to Avery because both of thoseguys are class acts and have tons of respect for Brodeur. Have to admit though, when I was watching the game and that part happened I was
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