Official NHL 2008 Stanley Cup Finals Thread...Pens vs. Wings

..........Pittsburgh just may sweep the damn Sens!!!!

Detroit game is also close.....3-2 Wings a couple mins into the 3rd.
Originally Posted by cquan05

Yeah, I don't agree with what Avery was doing to Marty last night.......I would assume Shanny or even Sather did/will talk to Avery

Drury yelled at him and told him to never do it again....
The league came out and said that if it's done again there will be unsportsmanlike penalties called. It was funny that Drury came over in the middle of theplay and yelled at him. I hated it, and I know Ranger fans didn't like it either. It shouldn't have been done. Its like someone yelling during a pop up(A-Rod) or yelling during the swing in match play golf. It's not illegal but more of an unwritten rule that shouldn't be crossed.
Defensive breakdowns... They had the game won, the building was quiet, and the Predators were just about ready to fold... Then they lose the second wave afterthat great change of direction in the slot... Damn. THEN Cheli and Lidstrom ff up the line change and give the puck away to Arnott. Who the hell changes RIGHTOFF THE FACEOFF?!?

Anyway... If I were Babcock, I'd never keep Zetterberg and Datsyuk away from each other again (pause). That line is amazing. If the Penguins can dominatewith Crosby and Malkin, the Wings can do the same with the Swedes... Trust.
averys a punk. you know if scott stevens were still around dude would of got laid out with the quickness.

and heres a scott stevens best of for your viewing pleasure.
If the Preds were to win a game it was going to be tonight. I don't expect them to win the series or anything just because of the W they got tonight, Ifully expect Detroit to win the next 2.

Colorado is up 1-0 with under 5 to go in the 1st........expect a W for the Av's here.
the pens wont bring nothing no where. the other teams are way to physical for pittsburg to continue scoring all these pretty goals.
Jeezus...those Scott Stevens hit are something else. Anyone who has played hockey, man what a feeling when you line someone up from like 15 feet away and justput your shoulder thru their face. The hits on Kariya and Lindros are just plain COLD.
That Stevens video brings back memories. I remember watching the game in the finals when he hit Kozlov and I was like 10 and I thought Kozlov was dead. Youhave to appreciate those hits because they were all clean, he never pulled the stuff you see Tootoo or someone like Steve Downey do. All clean shoulder basedchecks. Ironically, concussion problems ended his career but he's still in the HOF.
That was pathetic by the Wings. BabCOCK needs to keep Hank and Dats on a line together at all time. Give them 25+ mins and let them dominate. I hate when heswitches stuff up. You have a deadly combo and want to out think it. I don't think he gets a new contract if they don't win a cup this year. Iwouldn't mind it either. The dude thinks he is a better coach than he really is. Let your All Stars play and leave it the %@++ alone. Moron. Thats all.Hasek needs to stop wrist shots too.
I wouldn't call it pathetic by the wings, but it was definitely shameful. They lost on bad coaching mistakes. The tying goal was a really good deke. Ican't fault them for that, really. But the damn line change on the faceoff was inexcusable. That goes directly to the bench. SOMEbody called for achange...
The thing about Stevens was that EVERYTHING was elbows or any of that mess. He was about as respected as you can get.

Dion Phaneuf is in that's going to be fun to watch this guy develop even more as the years go on...
Stevens was also great aside from the hits being clean because even if he laid out your best player, he'd still take on the Langdons, Rays, and otherenforcers of the time. He's in the HOF so obviously we're not the only ones recognizing his greatness.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

The thing about Stevens was that EVERYTHING was elbows or any of that mess. He was about as respected as you can get.

Dion Phaneuf is in that's going to be fun to watch this guy develop even more as the years go on...

Homie we finally agree on something

I think Phaneuf is in the exact footsteps of becoming the "next" Scott Stevens.....When I watch Phaneuf play it reminds me so much of Scottyit's ridiculous. Dion has really stepped up this year in the playoffs so far as well after having a horrible post-season last year. I saw an interviewwhere they were talking about it and he was so determined to prove he could exceed in the playoffs and not just the regular season.
Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

The thing about Stevens was that EVERYTHING was elbows or any of that mess. He was about as respected as you can get.

Dion Phaneuf is in that's going to be fun to watch this guy develop even more as the years go on...

Homie we finally agree on something

I think Phaneuf is in the exact footsteps of becoming the "next" Scott Stevens.....When I watch Phaneuf play it reminds me so much of Scotty it's ridiculous. Dion has really stepped up this year in the playoffs so far as well after having a horrible post-season last year. I saw an interview where they were talking about it and he was so determined to prove he could exceed in the playoffs and not just the regular season.


It took us all hockey season, but we finally have an agreement

This Mike Richards kid is for real....he should have that "C" on his sweater in the next year or two...

Ovechkin is playing like crap, as are the rest of the caps....NO physical presence on the blueline...Huet is getting abused by dudes crashing the net, andthey know that no one on the caps will do anything about it....

I'm not expecting much from the Caps in this playoffs, but hopefully they will be like the Penguins from last year....use it as a learning experienceand come back even stronger the following season...

still a lot of hockey yet to be played....

2-1 Fly guys
^Yup......Mike Richards is the real deal. They compare him to his GM Mr. Bobby Clarke. I was fortunate enough to see Richards play a lot of times when he was ajunior in Kitchener. Him and Eminger are good buddies as they were both on that team and both won a Memorial Cup together. I actually agree 100% on yourthoughts about the Caps being like last years Pens. Experience is something you're not born with unlike talent etc.......and next year the Caps will def beback and much better.....

Calgary off to a quick 1-0 lead.......and Anaheim finally decided to show up against Dallas.
@ Nabokov stepping up as a leader.....He said after Game 3 that"We kind of just caved in during the game and we have to start showing them that we won't just get pushed around. It takes men to prove that, and someof our boys have to start becoming men"

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