OFFICIAL NFL Discussion Thread: 2015-16 Season - Congrats to the Denver Broncos and their fans! SB 5

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Johnny ruptured his ex's eardrum but we care more about Cam's press conference. Don't change Merica...
Quote were I downplayed the racial aspects of the issue. I'm not letting you slide on this. Quote the post were I did this as it pertains to Cam showing no effort on going after that fumble. That was the context behind this whole conversation. I'll wait...

Here you go.

I've had it. I've defended Cam all season. He played bad on Sunday as did his team. Cam has suddenly become a player who can't be criticized. If your white and say something your automatically a racist. If your anything else your a hater. Cam isn't some God who's immune to criticism like folks would have you believe.

You clearly downplayed the fact that there is a racial element to the vitriol Cam is receiving. :lol:

Nobody said that "if you're white and you're criticizing Cam, you're racist!!!".

And that wasn't the context of the whole conversation AT ALL. You quoted ME son, not the other way around. You don't get to dictate what the context of the conversation is on a statement I originally made. When I said "people are just piling onto Cam", that's a general statement. It wasn't even about race to begin with.

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Johnny ruptured his ex's eardrum but we care more about Cam's press conference. Don't change Merica...

What else is there to say? Nothing to argue about there. Just hope she's okay and he learns from this and grows up.

Everyone pretty much agrees on that.
What else is there to say? Nothing to argue about there. Just hope she's okay and he learns from this and grows up.

Everyone pretty much agrees on that.
What else is there to say about Cam? Dude got mad and left the press conference and didn't dive for a fumble. He didn't rupture a women's ear. Johnny should get more media coverage for his actions than the negativity associated w Cam's antics.
What else is there to say? Nothing to argue about there. Just hope she's okay and he learns from this and grows up.

Everyone pretty much agrees on that.
He should be incarcerated. I'm sure he will learn and grow in the state pen.
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What else is there to say about Cam? Dude got mad and left the press conference and didn't dive for a fumble. He didn't rupture a women's ear. Johnny should get more media coverage for his actions than the negativity associated w Cam's antics.

Agreed. Thought you were talking about this thread instead of the media.

LA Rams lost to Pittsburgh in LA.

Rams played in the colesium still at that time. Played the super bowl in the rose bowl.

49ers played super bowl 19 in stanfords stadium against the Dolphins. Those are the two closest examples I could think of of a team playing the super bowl in their home stadium.

Maybe the raiders vs bucs in San Diego in 2003 since San Diego is unofficially raider territory lol.
Here you go.
You clearly downplayed the fact that there is a racial element to the vitriol Cam is receiving. :lol:

Nobody said that "if you're white and your criticizing Cam, you're racist!!!".

And that wasn't the context of the whole conversation AT ALL. You quoted ME son, not the other way around. You don't get to dictate what the context of the conversation is on a statement I originally made. When I said "people are just piling onto Cam", that's a general statement. It wasn't even about race to begin with.

You can't comprehend at all. You can't separate racism and simply being critical. That's the point. We've gotten to the point that criticism of Cam is met with either being labeled racist or a hater. To deny that racist or hater hasn't been throw around in defense of Cam is a lie.

Explain to me how this disregards the racist letters? Explain to me how you figure this disregards the obvious racism?

Why would I who spent the first few weeks of this season pointing out the media treatment of RG3 vs Luck and how race played a factor suddenly turn a blind eye to Cam? Your not familiar with my stances on these issues and are painting a view of myself that's totally false. I asked you to check my older post to get a sense of where I stand on these issues and you refused. Instead you'd rather attempt to paint me as someone who is defending racist. That's extremely irresponsible and yes is pissing the hell off.
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Let's stop all the Cam talk it's getting played. I'm sure cam is chilling at the crib with his MVP trophy, his new baby, and his $$. I don't want to talk about Cam anymore.
I think he's saying Greg Hardy had DV allegations and it was a huge deal, months later with people saying he's scum and he shouldn't be allowed in the NFL etc etc.

Johnny Manziel is accused DV 2 times and it's I hope Johnny gets help and this is sad. The girl has a busted eardrum and cant hear out of one ear!

Only like 1-2 dudes in this thread have been consistent in their criticism. The others who were going at Greg Hardy have been conveniently silent about Manziel.
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God I hate sports talk radio, don't even know why I switched the radio to it for a second smdh
Originally Posted by HNL HI
Originally Posted by DarthSka
Originally Posted by HNL HI

what happens first, a team plays in the super bowl in their home stadium or the browns win a super bowl?

LA Rams lost to Pittsburgh in LA.
Rams home stadium was the Coliseum tho.
True. But I mean... it's literally RIGHT THERE. 
You can't comprehend at all. You can't separate racism and simply being critical. That's the point. We've gotten to the point that criticism of Cam is met with either being labeled racist or a hater. To deny that racist or hater hasn't been throw around in defense of Cam is a lie.

Explain to me how this disregards the racist letters. Explain to me how you figure this disregards the obvious racism?

Why would I who spent the first few weeks of this season pointing out the media treatment of RG3 vs Luck and how race played a factor suddenly turn a blind eye to Cam? Your not familiar with my stances on these issues and are painting a view of myself that's totally false. I asked you to check my older post to get a sense of where I stand on these issues and you refused. Instead you'd rather attempt to paint me as someone who is defending racist. That's extremely irresponsible and yes is pissing the hell off.

:lol: My OG statement had NOTHING to do with racism. If you've been following this conversation I started talking about #72 Mike Remmers allowing Von Miller to get to Cam on the play. Another poster quoted me pointing out the fact that the play-calling was subpar. I agreed with him and you jumped in talking some nonsense.

It was never about race TO BEGIN WITH. You brought up race, you downplayed it in the quote. By you saying that everyone is assuming anyone who is white that is criticizing Cam to be racist you're downplaying the fact that there is an element of racism in the vitriol Cam is receiving.

Your previous statements on race notwithstanding. It doesn't matter where you stood on similar matters if the statement you're making at the moment is in fact erroneous and is downplaying the element of racism at hand.

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:lol: My OG statement had NOTHING to do with racism. If you've been following this conversation I started talking about #72 Mike Remmers allowing Von Miller to get to Cam on the play. Another poster quoted me pointing out the fact that the play-calling was subpar. I agreed with him and you jumped in talking some nonsense.

It was never about race TO BEGIN WITH. You brought up race, you downplayed it in the quote. By you saying that everyone is assuming anyone who is white that is criticizing Cam is racist you're downplaying the fact that there is an element of racism in the vitriol Cam is receiving.

That's notwithstanding your previous statements on race in this thread. It doesn't matter where you stood on similar matters if the statement you're making at the moment is in fact erroneous and is downplaying the element of racism at hand.

Yes or no has racist or hater been used in defense of Cam this year when it hasn't been warranted?

I didn't even quote you when I made that post. I quoted Chester and made a general statement. You took it as being directed towards you. I stand by what the **** I said. If you can't comprehend it then I feel sorry for you.

Now say I'm downplaying it again when I'm not. Keep spinning your BS narrative because you don't understand what I mean. Your legit crossing the line right now and it's becoming a problem that goes beyond a sneaker forum. Stop playing with me.
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[QUOTE name="HNL HI"]

Rams home stadium was the Coliseum tho.
True. But I mean... it's literally RIGHT THERE. :lol:

definitely, next year is houston then mlps. maybe the Vikings will do it?
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Let's stop all the Cam talk it's getting played. I'm sure cam is chilling at the crib with his MVP trophy, his new baby, and his $$. I don't want to talk about Cam anymore.
Thank you.

Stillin is right.

It's sad that we can't have a balanced discussion in here. I feel like people are incapable or afraid of being objective.
new topic:

a) Will any single season records be broken next season?
b) Which team will have the biggest improvement?
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new topic:

a) Will any single season records be broken next season?
b) Which team will have the biggest improvement?
a) Probably some passing or receiving record will get broken. For sure not any rushing records since the league is putting a lot of emphasis on passing.

b) I think the Bucs will improve a lot next season
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