OFFICIAL NFL Discussion Thread: 2015-16 Season - Congrats to the Denver Broncos and their fans! SB 5

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QBs were getting their ***** kicked until the early 00s. I'm always amazed when I see highlights of the hits Bradshaw, Staubach and Montana were taking.

Cotchery did not catch that ball. Not sure how anyone can call it a catch. The ball is moving before the ground, ball is moving when he hit the ground and then he rolls over and it's still moving. How in the hell can anyone rule that a catch?
What are you guys missing with this Cam deal? It's not even about his answers to the questions or being upset after a loss. Not where I sit.

If the Panthers win the Super Bowl, you damn well know Cam is coming out to that press conference with a shiny and new, million dollar suit. He would be charismatic as ever and a lot of ya'll get to post your nonsense about "middle 'murica is shook" and all that garbage. Nah...Instead, the Panthers get handled and before he even says a word, his body language shows he can't stand up and be a leader when things do not go his way. And if you're gonna "
@ body language" then it shows you really don't get it. **** all your race battles for a minute and understand that some people are not appealed to a person who shows up with all the answers, style and celebrations in a win, but cowers after a loss and is a complete shell of the guy we saw for the past few months. That's it. And anyone who takes it further than that, well **** them too.
I respectfully disagree with your opinion, but can appreciate you being blunt about it.

This right here though...
and a lot of ya'll get to post your nonsense about "middle 'murica is shook" and all that garbage.

Generally speaking, it's not nonsense and it's not garbage. Sorry you feel that way though, chief.
Deadspin did an article about Daniel Bryan's retirement and noted how the WWE cares more about it's athletes' concussions than the NFL. Pretty damn sad when you think about it.
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This why Calvin, Beast Mode and P. Willy hung them up.

And Joe was a quarterback that didn't even get hit like these cats.

I've read comments that Calvin and Beast Mode quit. These dudes have enough money to live the rest of their lives and fat ***** that have never done anything in their lives are calling them quitters because they want to leave a dangerous profession.

This legit enrages me.

I think you are mistaking the life of a qb before the year 2008... Qbs don't get touched now. They got destroyed starting just a few years back.
Regarding CTE, I'm curious about the stats in other professional sports leagues around the world in how their retirees are coping with their playing days behind them? I know that the NHL is doing all they can to be proactive with concussion awareness, and have IMO, done a better job than the NFL, but what about professional soccer and rugby?

It's amazing when you look at how concussions are handled in the NHL in comparison to the NFL..

Dude's will maybe miss a few days at worst they are missing a game the following week.. I remember this from NHL:
Deadspin did an article about Daniel Bryan's retirement and noted how the WWE cares more about it's athletes' concussions than the NFL. Pretty damn sad when you think about it.

You really believe that? Now that concussions are on the forefront, of course they will err on the side of caution regarding getting their actors back in the ring.

Was this the case w/ Chris Benoit? Was his brain ever studied? ****...were any of the wrestlers who died over the past 10-15 years have their brains examined? These dudes so hopped up on painkillers as well.
Deadspin did an article about Daniel Bryan's retirement and noted how the WWE cares more about it's athletes' concussions than the NFL. Pretty damn sad when you think about it.

They kinda had to from a PR perspective, right?
Was this the case w/ Chris Benoit? Was his brain ever studied? 
The family of Chris Benoit has been searching for answers since late June, when the professional wrestler killed his wife, 7-year-old son and then himself.

At the crime scene, police found anabolic steroids prompting many to suspect that "roid rage" had accounted for Benoit's behavior, which his family found out of character for the 40-year-old.

His family now believes that new test results on Benoit's brain explain his vicious actions.

The tests, conducted by Julian Bailes of the Sports Legacy Institute, show that Benoit's brain was so severely damaged it resembled the brain of an 85-year-old Alzheimer's patient.

Bailes and his research team say that this damage was the result of a lifetime of chronic concussions and head trauma suffered while Benoit was in the wrestling ring.
So Michael turned over part of his son's brain to Bailes, the head of neurosurgery at West Virginia University and former Pittsburgh Steelers team physician.

Bailes and his research team had also analyzed the brains of former NFL players such as Andre Waters and Terry Long, who both committed suicide. Bailes and his colleagues theorize that repeated concussions can lead to dementia, which can contribute to severe behavioral problems.

"There is a constant theme in the failure of their personal lives, their business lives, depression and then ultimately suicide," Bailes said.

Bailes and his research team took samples from Benoit's brain postmortem and compared these microscopic brain scans to those of a healthy brain.

They found that Benoit's brain showed an advanced form of dementia that appears on the brain scan as brown clumps or tangles. These brown spots are actually dead brain cells, killed off as a result of head trauma, said Bailes.

In Benoit's case, the damage was found in every section of the brain — all four lobes and deep into the brain stem.

"It was extensive throughout Chris' brain," Bailes said. "This is something you should never see in a 40-year-old."

The damage is proof, Bailes said, that Benoit suffered multiple, probably chronic, concussions over the course of many years.

Benoit, in fact, told friends he had suffered "more concussions than he could count."

Benoit's brain showed the same kind of damage Bailes and his team found in four retired NFL players who also suffered multiple concussions and later sank into deep depressions and harmed themselves or others.

Perhaps most disturbing, a person doesn't need to have sustained dozens of concussions to see problems later in life.

"Our research shows that three concussions may be the threshold for lasting damage," Bailes said.

This kind of brain damage isn't new to athletes, but doctors and researchers are starting to understand it better. As far back as the 1920s, career boxers were diagnosed with "punch drunk syndrome," which is now known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

Bailes said that while he can't be certain that the brain damage caused Benoit's actions, he believes it is the leading cause.

"We think these changes are not due to steroids," Bailes said. "That has never really been studied, but it's never been in the medical literature or any research that shows steroids do this to the brain. These changes [in the brain] were found in the 1920s before steroids were even invented."
The game changed after Benoit. They're much more proactive now. 

Any of you that have read up or seen anything involving concussions/CTE have probably heard of Christopher Nowinski, who is a co-founder of the Concussion Legacy Foundation (previously known as Sports Legacy Instititute). He's been very outspoken in the public eye about the need for more awareness and education on concussions and its long-term affects.

He's been directly involved in early cases of NFL players diagnosed with CTE.

Nowinski is a former WWE wrestler.

This why Calvin, Beast Mode and P. Willy hung them up.

And Joe was a quarterback that didn't even get hit like these cats.

I've read comments that Calvin and Beast Mode quit. These dudes have enough money to live the rest of their lives and fat ***** that have never done anything in their lives are calling them quitters because they want to leave a dangerous profession.

This legit enrages me.

I think you are mistaking the life of a qb before the year 2008... Qbs don't get touched now. They got destroyed starting just a few years back.
Y'all are missing the point of the article bc of one mistake Pro made. I'm happy BeastMode and Megatron had the balls to walk away with so much left in the tank. I just they got out in time with no major effects.
I'm still trying to figure out where I typed Joe Montana never got hit.

I'm comparison to Marshawn Lynch and Calvin Johnson he wasn't hit like that especially Marshawn.

But Niketalk is gonna niketalk.
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Cotchery did not catch that ball. Not sure how anyone can call it a catch. The ball is moving before the ground, ball is moving when he hit the ground and then he rolls over and it's still moving. How in the hell can anyone rule that a catch?

The ball was moving but it never hit the ground. When he landed he had his hand is under it, he rolls over, the tip never touches, he controls it, stands up. I don't understand how that isn't a catch.

I could see your point if this was along the sidelines and he didn't have control before he went out of bounds
The ball was moving but it never hit the ground. When he landed he had his hand is under it, he rolls over, the tip never touches, he controls it, stands up. I don't understand how that isn't a catch.

I could see your point if this was along the sidelines and he didn't have control before he went out of bounds

Exactly, the way I see it. If you are on the ground and the ball is flopping around rolling around. It's fair game if it doesn't make contact with the ground.
Cam Newton making no apologies for postgame press conference. "Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser."

Cam Newton: "If I offended anyone, that's cool." But said he would not conform for anyone.

Cam said quarterbacks will throw an interception and not give effort going for the tackle, nobody ever says anything.

As for not diving on the fumble, Cam says he would've had to contort his his leg in a certain angle to do so. ...thereby risking injury

"We didn't lose that game because of that fumble. I can tell you that" -- Cam

from the TL of @josephperson
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At this point few are changing their stance on him. A couple peeps seemed to in here but generally how you felt is still how you feel on CN
I hope you dudes aren't comparing the amount of impact Joe Montana took over the course of his career to that of Beastmode. It's not even close

Of course Joe got hit hard at times, even kickers get hit.

Lynch literally initiated head first trauma thousands of times.
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