"I never understood how a guy who puts up 20 and eight can be called an 'underachiever' or 'selfish,' " a West Coast NBA GM says. "Until I saw Stephon play day in and day out. Then I knew."

people gotta remember. on court and off court personalities are different.

Steph is a PG. thus he should be a main leader, plus his experience in the L. there's too much fkry going on with him. i'm all for giving someone achance and i have given steph a shot since he came here....

he can be the best person off the court and all that jazz, but i could give a f less. we need Ws and the respect and integrity of this franchise back. i thinkhim and thomas have worn out their welcome in NY.
@ all the fire Isiah avatars.

I actually thought the Knicks would win 40+ games this season. Isiah is a big problem, I'd be surprised to see him hired elsewhere in the NBA.
i think its time for Stern to start stepping up, and control the NY Knicks franchise.

I thought i'd never want this, but i think this would be the best idea. We need to get rid of Dolan, and fire Isiah. We are the laughing stock of the NBA.Sadly.......
Yeah I gotta say those FIRE ISIAH avi's and sigs are hilarious

Next up: TEES!
This team is definitely a joke so far.

And Zach....Im comin to realize that Portland got rid of him for a reason.

Dude is a ball hog and he plays NO D. He's worse than Curry with his walking back on defense. But he sure does move fast into post position on the otherend......screaming and clapping for the ball.

The more I watch him play, the more I see another talented offensive player who can't pass (1Assist avg), makes no attempt and D and has a horrilbeattitude. I wouldn't mind seeing him go now.
I thought the Knicks had a chance to finish with a .500 record.

So much for that.
lol...thats what i said last year and the year before and the year before.

"the season is still young"

call a spade a spade, it is what it is....we're trash
we gonna have to wait the bad times out and hope management stops giving the teams draft picks up so easily.
We've been cursed theres no hope for us this season Just chalk up the L and hope maybe we can nab up Derrick Rose or Michael Beasley
the Lord himself would have to intervene....

if there's ever a time i wish Stern would interfere it's now. this@%++ is embarrassing man
Iiight y, i know a little delayed but here is THE GR8's rant...

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

dont get me wrong tho, i'm hoping for a miracle...

Aint that the truth so, i's still hoping that Steph can clear all this !*@# outa his head and play with his Coney Island passion...

Anyway for some notes of the Motown disaster...

EDDY CURRY IS TRASH. The Knicks are a great team, i still think. We just keep running the worst *!+#*!$ offense in the world. We cant keep dumping it to this*!+#*!$ fat!%%% every time, it gets every body out of the flow and it also takes energy out of the game in general including defense. we have always beenbetter when we dodnt center our offense around the balck hole. 26 points so what, you get the ball every time, lets talk about the other !*@#... This dude hadanother miserable game on the boards and defensively. No center in the league other than curry can accumulate only 5 boards in near 40 minutes. 6 rebounds agame that is just sad. To top it off this dude cant play D on the pick and roll and stoip these little *!+#*!$ guaards from driving to the paint. He gives thema *!+#*!$ free pass. BE TOUGH CHEESEBURGER EDDY!!! This dude cant get a block for ****T! he is a center and he only has 6 blocks all season. We have played 11games and he has only 6 blocks, that is the saddest stat i have ever seen. The Knicks post should be feared. No little *!+#*!$ guards should EVER be allowed toscoarch the Knicks in the paint. Back in the day if ANYBODY tried to drive to the Knicks there were 0 easy buckets. the onnly player who did it succesfuly wasMJ and he still had to work for it. Ewing and Oak were not gunna $@!+ around with anybody and if you wanted your points in the paint you were gunna have towork for it, and even if you did work for it hard enough they would "knock you on your!%%%" as ma boi Oak put it. Curry is *!+#*!$ pathetic. Allnight on the replays i see these guards come in and do nothing and score, all this fat $@!+ can do is jump or something, look closer on the replays when guardsscore inside he is pathetic. And offensively, it will take more than some points to impress me. How about the fact that oce that ball goes in it stays, he isblack hole. He holds onto that ball like its a *!+#*!$ cheeseburger. 7 assists all season that is god awful!

Trade him now, GIVE LEE MORE MINUTES!!! Not only is he tough on D and on the boards but he has been greatly improving his offensive game.

Like i said Marbury NEEDS to bring back his killer instinct he is great at driving he just nneeds to do it more.

Thats all i got time for now, gotta run, but more to come.
Iiight y, i know a little delayed but here is THE GR8's rant...

Aint that the truth so, i's still hoping that Steph can clear all this !*@# outa his head and play with his Coney Island passion...

Anyway for some notes of the Motown disaster...

EDDY CURRY IS TRASH. The Knicks are a great team, i still think. We just keep running the worst *!+#*!$ offense in the world. We cant keep dumping it to this *!+#*!$ fat!%%% every time, it gets every body out of the flow and it also takes energy out of the game in general including defense. we have always been better when we dodnt center our offense around the balck hole. 26 points so what, you get the ball every time, lets talk about the other !*@#... This dude had another miserable game on the boards and defensively. No center in the league other than curry can accumulate only 5 boards in near 40 minutes. 6 rebounds a game that is just sad. To top it off this dude cant play D on the pick and roll and stoip these little *!+#*!$ guaards from driving to the paint. He gives them a *!+#*!$ free pass. BE TOUGH CHEESEBURGER EDDY!!! This dude cant get a block for ****T! he is a center and he only has 6 blocks all season. We have played 11 games and he has only 6 blocks, that is the saddest stat i have ever seen. The Knicks post should be feared. No little *!+#*!$ guards should EVER be allowed to scoarch the Knicks in the paint. Curry is *!+#*!$ pathetic. All night on the replays i see these guards come in and do nothing and score, all this fat $@!+ can do is jump or something, look closer on the replays when guards score inside he is pathetic. And offensively, it will take more than some points to impress me. How about the fact that oce that ball goes in it stays, he is black hole. He holds onto that ball like its a *!+#*!$ cheeseburger. 7 assists all season that is god awful!

Trade him now, GIVE LEE MORE MINUTES!!! Not only is he tough on D and on the boards but he has been greatly improving his offensive game.

Like i said Marbury NEEDS to bring back his killer instinct he is great at driving he just nneeds to do it more.

ya I'd start Lee and try to package Curry in a deal for Ron Artest.....................IMO Stephon's skills haven't diminished. He maynot be as athletic as he once was but he can still be a top 10 PG (mabye even top 5 arguably) if he gets his head straight and finds a "home" or teamthat he trusts as a starting PG and I honestly am not sure that he has ever found a "home" in the NBA..........he needs to lead a team and playmotivated again..something like this....


Back in the day if ANYBODY tried to drive to the Knicks there were 0 easy buckets. the onnly player who did it succesfuly was MJ and he still had to work for it. Ewing and Oak were not gunna $@!+ around with anybody and if you wanted your points in the paint you were gunna have to work for it, and even if you did work for it hard enough they would "knock you on your!%%%" as ma boi Oak put it.
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