the fans who left early we're obviously pissed that we actually won the game. they only came the garden to boo.

good win for us. isiah keeps his job for one more day. this team needs to work on free throws. balkman with the solid defense.
finally a game where they put some effort into the defense. catalyst today was def steph with his defense, deflections, and he was helping out with reboundsalso. chicago had a poor offensive game to help us with our win. im not going to get excited over this one win because knowing these knicks they can just go onanother losing streak. hinrich is struggling crazy with his shot, dude had open 3 and missed everything
. the avy is not changing until we start winningconsistently straight up.
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

good win, but they better get ready for Boston........

we beat boston in the preseason. i think that every game we play is winnable, but i don't think we will win every game. hopefully we build on this gameand use it to get better. all i can ask for is that we play as team, play solid defense, and don't get blown out.
Balkman= Instant Defense
i agree. while everybody always talks about those instant offense players this guy is instant defense. not to many of those in this league.

q can't shoot but he grabbed 15 boards for us. he understands that you have to make the most of your minutes even if you can't score. nate had aterrible game. i thought that the summer league would better prepare him, and make him a wiser player. sadly, that is not the case.
Fire Isiah Thomas: The truth is the guy was way in over his head with this job and his arrogance led him to believe he could create a winner without rebuilding....Let Herb Williams coach: Give Herb, whose loyalty is unmatched, the real chance to coach for the rest of the season and remove the "interim" tag. If the decision is made to keep him, then he's earned it.
Originally Posted by Woodside718

finally a game where they put some effort into the defense. catalyst today was def steph with his defense, deflections, and he was helping out with rebounds also. chicago had a poor offensive game to help us with our win. im not going to get excited over this one win because knowing these knicks they can just go on another losing streak. hinrich is struggling crazy with his shot, dude had open 3 and missed everything
. the avy is not changing until we start winning consistently straight up.

q can't shoot but he grabbed 15 boards for us. he understands that you have to make the most of your minutes even if you can't score. nate had a terrible game. i thought that the summer league would better prepare him, and make him a wiser player. sadly, that is not the case.
Remember q's arm isn't 100%


Edit: can someone tell me what happent to Qyntel Woods?
that's the point. he knows he can't shoot, therefore he's passing the ball and snatching down the rebounds. when other people on this teamaren't feeling it, they just continue to jack it up and bring nothing else to the table.

qyntel woods update
i liked Woods....he was prolly the best well rounded "offensive" SF we've had in a while...(compared to Balkman and Ariza)

son was decent.
and that is why qyntel woods is out of the league. sad, because son was such a talent.

anyway, this next game against utah is winnable, but i think we are going to lose. we just have to play together as a team.
Sorry i've been out for a while, but here are just some things i have noticed from the Bulls win.

#1 and firstmost, it was a win thank god and i am estatic. But lets face it that Bulls team was HORRIBLE. The only positive from that game was momentum whichwe will NEED for our upcoming schedule of Utah and Boston. But it was nice to see a team in worse shape than us.

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

that's the point. he knows he can't shoot, therefore he's passing the ball and snatching down the rebounds. when other people on this team aren't feeling it, they just continue to jack it up and bring nothing else to the table.

Completely agree. Props to Q for helping the team last night. He was our silent MVP. Thats what i love about Q, sure injuries have been holding him back but heis quietly a VERY good peremiter defender (which we need) and a hard worker on the boards. If he could only have the skill of the Clippers Q Rich, he would bea guy to build around. But at least he was not like Steve Francis, whose career was WAY downhill but continued to play like a %$#%$*! moron and was patheticand was not helping the team out in any way shape or form.

Give Balkman and Lee more PT!!!!! Is this a %$#%$*! joke Isiah. To start with ma boi David Lee he is no question our best rebounder and he works on defense,but his offensive game has looked WAY better. When he has been getting the ball he uses his athletisism down low to get past the big guys who are slower, andif a little guy is on him he powers him up. His offensive game has looked WAY better... And Balkman has the team playing better always!! Why bring Curry outthere. The only thing he bring is individual stats. He will put up the scoring #s but the whole team is energyless and plays sleepy ball. And defensively,Curry is the worst help defender i have EVER seen but i will get into that later. Fact is Isiah needs to mix up his offensive talents with energizers likeBalkman. But Lee needs more time because he maybe our most COMPLETE player right now (maybe after Marbury)

Stephon showed again tonight that he is STILL our most talented player. I think all this *%#$ is becoming positive because yesterday i saw the Marbury i wantedto. The one that plays with that Coney Island toughness and a chip on his sholder. He won over the fans yesterday (although i am sure he will here more Boos vsUtah because most of the fans were kids yesterday) but he played tough D (as he has quitely done all season which the media LOVES to leave out) His jumpshotwas sick. And he was still destroying kids off the dribble. Like our win vs Denver the offense should go through our best player. And that man is StephonMarbury. I am not saying he should score everytime, because as i learn now with our Eddy Curry offense one man offenses arent good unless its Kobe. But ouroffense should go through Marbury, we need to let him do his thing and let it all revolve around him.

Curry is still the most pathetic dude in a Knicks uni not named Jerome James. HE IS THE WORST HELP DEFENDER IN THE NBA. And while Zach is a decent all arounddefender when he wants to, he is not much better of a help devendder than Curry. These 2 keep letting anyone that wants get into the paint. Basically ifsomeone gets by our guards, they will be free to the hole, cause Curry dont do *%#$ defensively. He does not work on the boards either. I have NEVER seen currywork for a rebound not once. I have never seen him go out of his way to get a ball. All this fat%$$!%% rebounds are ones that land right in his hands. I stillhate this bum, but im not gonna lie, although i dont like the scheme, he was doing pretty nice down low yesterday. But the Knicks would be WAY better offwithout this piece of *%#$. We need to give Lee his minutes and find a way to package him for Artest. But i do not see this guy going unless Isiah does. Butthere is no way i can keep standing a Knicks team run through this softee.

By the way Balman played only 18 minutes and Lee only played 11
And Jared Jeffries is looking like the guy that the Wizards loved so much right now. Iwould not mind working him into the rotation. I like his game right now.
curry's help defense is nonexistent. i don't know what his deal is with playing defense, but he better cut it out. he needs to watch some old billrussell tapes.

i like jeffries a lot. i think that he and balkman are almost interchangeable, but it's great to have them both. good long defenders who start a fastbreak, grab some rebounds, and guard a scorer. isiah does indeed have an eye for talent.
^^I agree with you about Jeffries, and i love his game. But i think he is more worth somewhere between 2-3 mil a yr. I think that 30 mil over 5 years couldhave been spent better elsewhere. But whatever hes here and we need to make the best of him. The Wizards did not love this dude for no reason. Unlike JeromeJames who was signed merely because of 1 playoff series.

EDIT: I just read this article from a different thread and i thought it was one of the onlt intelligent things i have ever read from the media about theKnicks. Probably because it is not just biased hate. It says everything pretty much that i and most of yalls have said, and i agree it would improve us withputmaking big moves. Except is says to still keep Curry in the lineup which i am opposed to cause i would rather Zach although we would be undersized. And also ithink that Jeffries can be a very good starting 3, he would bring energy to the 1st team much like he did in Washington, and his energy is not much neded offthe bench because Balkman brings it and Nate. Also having Q to back up Crawford i like as well. Our 2nd team would be dominant, and adding Lee and Jeffries tothe 1st team will bring that mix of talent and energy i have spoken about before...

"The Knicks can be fixed - without any trades or changes in personnel. We're not wasting any time - we have a game tonight. At our team meeting thisafternoon, here is our plan to do it:

OUR NEW STARTING FIVE: Stephon Marbury, Jamal Crawford, Jared Jeffries, David Lee, Eddy Curry

Eddy Curry and Zach Randolph: You cannot be on the floor together. This is a bad offensive scheme - it is not your fault. We need one of you on each unit andcan interchange you throughout the game. Whoever has it going the best that night will be the guy on the floor down the stretch in the fourth quarter.

Zach: You are going to be the anchor of the second unit. Your attitude, effort and behavior last night in the Garden was a disgusting display of disrespect toour fans. You have a lot of making up to do to them. In order to learn to handle this assignment of coming off the bench, here is Manu Ginobili's cellnumber: 1-800-BE-A-PRO.

Eddy: This is your opportunity to be the consistent, dominant post player you have the ability to be. We won't just dump it in and stand around like wehave been. We will create more action around you to give you more room to work. We question your commitment to being great. This is your chance to prove uswrong.

You guys are both overweight - this is your fault. Both of you need to lose those five bags of sugar you are carrying around in your uniforms. You will roomtogether on the road with our new assistant coaches: Jared Fogle and Clay Henry from Subway.

David Lee: Last season you shot 60% from the field, setting a Knick single season record. We rewarded you by sitting you behind a guy who is shooting 40% andplays half as hard as you do. That is our fault. No more will we have to see that "what kind of nightmare am I living" look on your face. You are astarter for life.

Stephon Marbury and Jamal Crawford: Our scheme of throwing it into the double black holes and standing around doesn't take advantage of your skills,talents and ability to score. That is our fault. Although we will still run some things through the big guys, we are screening, cutting and creating sets andsituations for you.

We are going to get you to open areas, give you driving lanes, and get you shots. The days of catching the ball, staring down your defender and having to makesomething up against their whole team are over. Your struggles offensively are our fault. You guys can be a dynamic duo of offense and we are going to put youin position to do just that.

Steph: All that garbage and immaturity off the court distracting the team is your fault. You deserved to be booed last night. You have even more to make up toyour teammates and the fans. It is your job to see that those days are over. It's time to grow up. Your slate is clean.

Jared Jeffries: You were a starter on a playoff team. We brought you to New York, ruined your confidence and buried you on the bench. That is our fault. Youhave value as our fifth starter - defender, passer, rebounder - giving us a little of everything.

On behalf of the entire Knick organization, please accept my apology for your head coach publicly bashing you at the Orlando Pre-Draft Camp last June -dropping F-bombs about you and your game - and in front of the head coach's son. Those days are over. We believe in you. Help us win.

OUR BENCH: Maybe The Best In The NBA

Quentin Richardson and Fred Jones: Before you came to New York, both of you could shoot the three.

Q: You shot between 35-37% the last four years from behind the arc. Fred, from 04-06, you made 150 threes and shot 36% from behind the arc.

The fact that you are not contributing is our fault. Reversing the trend of players getting worse when they come to New York, you guys are going back to beingbombers. You are going to be working daily with our new shooting coach, and you have the green light on the second unit to fire away.

We will also insert either of you into the starting line-up when we need more shooting, and you will be on the floor at the end of games to help us put teamsaway. You are not locked into the second unit.

Q: You don't have to room with Zach and Eddy, but you must eat your meals with Clay Henry.

Nate Robinson and Renaldo Balkman: We are going to turn you loose to wreak havoc on the second units of the league. We want you to push, run and pressure - beaggressive and attack at all times. When you guys take the floor, we want to feel the electricity throughout the arena - energize our team!

Zach: You are on this unit that will push, run, shoot threes and attack the rim. You won't be the first option, because you can't get to the offensiveend fast enough. We won't wait for you. You are our go-to-guy in the last half of the shot clock, and we will surround you with quickness and shootersmaking you unstoppable. Again, how you choose to respond to coming off the bench is up to you. Your slate is clean as well. Keep Manu on speed dial.

Steph, Jamal: We will play one of you with the second unit at times, to give us more creativity and scoring punch. It will give you both an opportunity to playthat scorer's role with a different group and create matchup nightmares for opponents. You will both be terrific in this role with this unit.

Mardy Collins and Wilson Chandler: You are going to get minutes. Because we are going to play so hard, you will get opportunities to contribute. We need you torun, defend, hustle, rebound and do all those little things that contribute to winning.


All 12 Of You: Your poor, pathetic defensive effort and overall lack of hustle on the court is YOUR fault. We will defend, compete and play hard - every play,every night.

We will pledge to give you professional leadership and put you in position to be successful. We demand that from ourselves and you should demand it from us.Anything less than that is unacceptable. We deserve to be booed, publicly criticized and fired if we give you any less than our best professional effort.

What we demand from each of you is professional commitment to our organization, our fans and to our team. Anything less than that is unacceptable. You deserveto be booed, publicly criticized and fired if you give us anything less than your best professional effort.

Practice is at 3:00 pm at the high school down the street. We will leave from there to go right to the game. Be on the first bus. Fogle and Henry - bring thebox lunches."
Does anyone know the team record since isiah has joined them? I remember seeing an article that discussed all the players hes traded away and who hes broughtin and his record with the team. Does anyone have it ? I cant seem to find it
Tonight sad to say...I tuned in, first thing I see is Steph arguing a call....turned it right back off

can't deal with the crap tonight
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