I *!!+!@# hate this team.

why is zach on the court he plays no D
We deserve to lose this game



no but seriously, if Steph can play like this every night and the Knicks play with energy every night, they will likely get to the playoffs. They reallyneed to trade Curry for Artest and get a big man that intimidates shots like Camby, Mutombo, Mourning, etc....
man knicks fans are hardcore. only in NY will they nearly sellout every game for a pathetic team and cheer them on and be as passionate as they are
K I had n's be getting me tight, big win for us, I was mad nervous down the stretch of the 4th but I was happy when curry made that block I yelled outeekkkkkkk
Had a feeling we were going to win from the beginning.
Clutch steals and blocks from curry and richardson.

good game


Edit: now everyone loves the knicks
I haven't come into this thread as much as I wanted to, but great win and a crazy finish. Starbury was in effect, and Crawford was a sight to see.

Randolph doesn't know the concept of a pass, but he did good things, so he gets a "pass."
Until they play like this consistently, I can't be too excited over a win like this.

I'm already expecting a letdown next game.

First of all though i will start off with the critisims of the game and yalls are gonna hate me for this. Curry is still a $%!%!%# bum. Pathetic. Sure he had 2nice blocks and i applaud him for that but there is no WAYYY that 2 damn blocks will make up for one of the worst defensive and rebounding efforts that i haveever seen. curry had another 5 rebound game to start it off. I think he let every single guy out there get boards over him today. He did not work for one looseball or rebound all game. It cringes me to see him out there while we got dudes working their%!@#+* off to put up a W. And this dude wont fight for a reboundpathetic. I almost cried when he was letting everybody rebound over him, but Zeke still kept him out there and ma boi David Lee on the bench. The treatment hehas gotten by Isiah this season is disgraceful. This is his 3rd season and the one where he sould be able to prove himself to be the truth. But once again hewas buried on the bench when he shoulda been out there. As the article i previously posted perfectly said it, he sets the Knicks single season record for fg%last year and we repay him by putting hoim on the bench behind dudes that work half as hard as him. Move him into the lineup or at least big minutes. But todayrebounding was not even Curry's weakest link. HELP DEFENSE. Either this dude is mentally ******ed and physically inept to guard simple@%@$ plays such asthe pick and roll or he simply just does not care about the game. Because i was $%!%!%# yelling my@%@$ off watching this #$!* today. He literally would juststand there and not even move his fat@%@$ arms when dudes would drive the lane. One $%!%!%# step is ALL i ask for him just to close the lane. It was patheticno effort whatsoever. And on the pick and roll it was basiclaly a 2-1 with Curry. They was runnong that #$!* all day, but Curry felt no need to try and stopit, and Zeke felt no need to take him out. AND THIS GUY BLAMES MARBURY FOR NO EFFORT.

BullsRepeat3Peat wrote:no but seriously, if Steph can play like this every night and the Knicks play with energy every night, they will likely get to the playoffs. They really need to trade Curry for Artest and get a big man that intimidates shots like Camby, Mutombo, Mourning, etc....


Had to get that little rant out of me, noq for the positives...


great all around game by the man who is still our best all around player. When this guy gets in the paint he is nearly unstoppable. His jumpshot has also beenDEADLYY!!! He is STILL one of the best offensive weapos in the league and STILL probably the best point at taking it to the rack. We just NEED to utilize himoffensively. Today we did that for the most part and Steph reminded us of why e is here in the 1st place. He showed that Coney Island kid today. Like i said heis still the same talented NYC kid and one of the best scoring guards in the L. But what differs now is that he has matured and made his game more unselfish.We need to utilize this rare talent that we have. We need to let the offense run through him, let him take it to the hole, but this new Stephon will also serveas our playmaker and get the ball to our other offensive weapons. We have a better more spread out offensive game when Steph is in charge. If ya;ls dontrealize that by now than yall are nuts. Our offense was the best it was all season tonight and it was sprea out as well because it was ran through marbury.Unlike the past this does not mean 30+ for Stephon and no touches for everyone else. No, this Marbury makes it so that he will be aggressive and score but alsolook at the other offensive weapons we have like Randolph and Crawford. I love when we have the triple threat offense with Marbury, Crawford, and Z Bo. Like myman said above and as i said many times we need to trade Curry and build our offense around these 3 scoring wise.

Start Lee and let him do the little things around our 3 big time scorers. Than Artest would be our perfect fit for a 3 right now. He b=is a hustle guy and thebest defender in the NBA but he is also a big time scoring threat. He is an All-NBA talent but has just been hampered by off court issues. If he came to NY hewould make a new name for imself. But even if we are not able to bring in Artest, like the article i poted before wrote our key is to mix our skill players andhustle players. I would not mind at all Jared Jeffries starting at the 3. He started for a playoff team in the Washington wizards and he did great there as ahustle player and was loved by the fans, but he did it oin starting minutes. He brings great enrgy, he is 6'11 to make up for our height disadvantage andcould guard 4 positions. I would not mind to let him start, he didnt get his $$$$ for nothing... A lineup of Steph, Crawf, Jeffries, Z Bo, and Lee would beexcellent, it would mix offense and defense and it would give us a top tier bench as well with Q off it now and energy guys like nate and Balkman... TradeCurry for a shot blocker and draft picks if no Artest.

But back to Marbury we NEED to let the offense go through him and have him utilize his special talents. But other than offense, although he got no help fromcurry, or Randolph (who is a great scorer and rebounder but is almost as bad and slow as Curry on D) he did a great job o n Williams and came away with bigdefensive plays at the end. He seems to be winning over the fans and his teamates and his coach and i still think he should have that big success season imentioned before. GO STARBURY

As or the other guys Jamal played a very nice game, his D has been vastly improving and that move he made was just

Randolph played with tremendous energy tonight. like Marbury he is a special talent offensively. There are not too many guys that can hit it from the outside,take it to the hole, and go strong like him. He NEEDS to learn when to pass though which will help him cut down on his turnovers (which has been WAY too high).But other than that he is ferocious on the glass. but he can not run the court and like curry plays almost 0 help defense. With those 2 out there we have THEsoftest interior defense which is why we need to mix our skill dudes with the energy dudes.

Once again cant say enough about my boi Q. TREMENDOUS toughness tonight once again. He had BIG TIME defensive plays at the end of the game, and may have beenthe catalyst in us actually finishing up that gae (cause i was sure they were going to come back) but Q made key tips and defensive hutle plays to close theJazz. His shot was also nice tonight so good for him, i'll be rooting for him. But i think we should have him come off the bench so he can play the 2., andlet a defense guy with length like Jeffries add some D and height to the 1st team.

Great game by the energy guys. Not Lee's best night. He got beat some on D and on the boards by Milsap and picked up 5 fouls in only 20 mins. But there isno doubt he should have been on to close the game.
at Nate and Balkman going all out.Going for loose balls just going 100%, 100% of the time. Without these 2 we would be lost. Have yalls notice more confidence in Balkmans shot? He hit niceshots from the peremeter in the last 2 games. He did not look to confident on the 3 he took but he almost knocked that down as well, it looks like we'vebeen working on him and Q, and Stepohs shot was also SWEEET tonight. Nate also had key buckets down the stretch and H\Jeffries had another solid game.

Great win, but once again we CANT be inconsistent. We cannot afford it. Making the playoffs will be VERY tough to say the least this year and we are still only4-9. Not only that but we have a VERY tough schedule coming up and we need to get some wins because of our early season faltering. Maybe im reaching but... IWANT THE CELTICS ON THURSDAY. I cant stand them, and i want to show we for real. We need to carry this momentum and and untilize our 2 nights rest. We need tocome out hard vs them if we want a win. Zach will have to play his@%@$ off vs KG, Lee as well, and we need the spread out Starbury ran offense and not the lazyCurry ran one. Especailly with their lack at the point, and defensively we need to utilize Crawford as well because there is NO WAY Ray Allen can stick to himon D when hes on. We can do this, we need to be hard and consistent. I WANT THAT W!!!!

EDIT: taking out the "DISGRACE" hopfully for good
Jesus Christ my dude, I finished the first paragraph and thought that was all you wrote. Lord what was I thinking?
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