This was from the ESPN Insider request thread about fixing the Knicks:

Dudes plan is so on point....what do you guys think of this?:


The Isiah Thomas era in New York has been dying a slow death for the past two seasons. A three-game win streak not withstanding, owner James Dolan has had allthe ammunition he needs to kick Isiah to the curb for more than a year now. (Here's a transaction-by-transaction case for why the Knicks' president ofbasketball operations needs to go.)
At this point, it seems to be a matter of "when", not "if", Isiah will get fired.

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Nathaniel S. Butler/Getty Images
Isiah's deal for Zach Randolph has backfired in New York so far.
And at some juncture, whether Isiah loses his job now or at the end of the season, someone is going to have to come in, sift through the rubble and try tosalvage a basketball team out of the Knicks.

Dubbed "Mission Impossible" by several prominent GMs, the once-coveted Knicks job is now considered a quagmire of salary-cap hell mingled withcombustible chemistry.

Big name executives with stellar reputations -- like Jerry West, Jerry and Bryan Colangelo and Donnie Walsh -- have been mentioned as possible candidates forthe job. But this mission, should any executive choose to accept it, would be the most challenging of their career.

For more than a year I've been talking with GMs about what they would do to fix the Knicks. The answer, invariably, has been a chuckle followed with arejoinder: What would you do?

It's easy to criticize Isiah Thomas for the moves he has made. Suggesting a course correction is more difficult … but I'm up for the challenge.

The Knicks' situation is salvageable. Bring in the right people at the top, change the culture, hire a great head coach, manage the cap carefully, developthe young guys and the Knicks might actually look like a basketball team in a few years.

I think the model to follow is the Blazers. Four years ago they were the "Jail Blazers" -- a team filled with talented players, zero chemistry andplenty of problems. Now? They are the hottest team in basketball, with a young core fans can stand behind.

Mr. Dolan, I hope you're taking notes.

Step One: Buy out Stephon Marbury
When Isiah acquired Marbury three years ago, just about everyone thought it was a slam dunk of a deal. The Knicks gave up a few expiring contracts and draftpicks and in turn landed a young point guard who could re-energize the Garden.

Only Marbury hasn't been nearly as good as Isiah (or Stephon, for that matter) thought he'd be, and the Knicks haven't been able to put together awinning season in New York.

Marbury has one more year and nearly $20 million left on his contract after this season. The Knicks have tried to trade him or the past 2½ years, but noone's biting. He hasn't had a good season in several years, he's been at odds with his past two coaches and he's been missing in action sincehis father died.

At this point, no one is trading for him. So the Knicks should fire him. Yes, it would cost them a fortune, but it would be worth every penny.

Some will argue that he'll be a valuable trading chip next summer because of his expiring contract. But using expiring contracts to collect talenthasn't worked out well for the Knicks. With this strategy, they have gotten back overpaid, third-tier type players in return; generally teams that want caproom won't give up great talent to get it.

Although Marbury could bring the Knicks something in return, it most likely won't be as valuable as getting back some cap flexibility down the road.

And whether Marbury goes on to resurrect his career elsewhere is not an issue. It's not happening in New York. The quicker the Knicks get him out, thequicker the team can begin to move away from the Isiah era. Making a bold move like dumping him sends a message to the team's next coach: The front officeis serious about creating a different atmosphere in New York.

Step Two: Trade Eddy Curry or Zach Randolph
If the Marbury deal was the one that started the Knicks' descent into hell, it was the Curry trade that sealed the door. The Knicks gave up two lotterypicks and paid a boatload of cash for Curry, a talented low-post scorer who does little else on the court. And, so far, he's been unable to coexist withRandolph.

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AP Photo/Seth Wenig
As disappointing as Eddy Curry has been, he might have trade value.
Although it may be Randolph who is begging for a trade, I think Curry may be easier to pawn off. Randolph is the more talented of the two, but he also has moreoff-the-court baggage. Curry's deal is also for far less money, and the fact that he's a center may make him attractive to a team with a huge hole inthe middle.

Although it may seem crazy to give away a guy the Knicks spent so much money on, cost is irrelevant at this point. He's a bad fit and the Knicks needflexibility and chemistry.

What type of deal might make sense for the Knicks?

First I'd hit up the Hawks, who are making a push for the playoffs. Although Al Horford has been great for them in the middle, he's much more suitedfor the power forward position. A deal that sends Zaza Pachulia and Tyronn Lue to the Knicks for Curry (or if the Hawks won't part with Pachulia, thenLorenzen Wright) would give the Knicks cap relief.

Another team that might be willing to take Curry is the Magic. They have Dwight Howard dominating in the middle, but he and Curry could play together in thefront court. Two expiring contracts (take your pick of Carlos Arroyo, Keyon Dooling, Keith Bogans and Pat Garrity) along with J.J. Redick might be enough forthe Knicks.

They may also try to entice the Wizards with a deal of Curry and Malik Rose for Antawn Jamison, whose contract comes off the books at the end of the season.

If the Knicks can't trade Curry, they can keep trying to find a home for Randolph. There's been talk in the media about Randolph being sent to theBucks. However, if you look at the long-term salary cap implications of the rumored deal, it doesn't make sense for the Knicks -- even if CharlieVillanueva is in the deal.

The Lakers could also put together a deal that included Kwame Brown's expiring contract and one or two of their young players like Jordan Farmar, JavarisCrittenton and/or Trevor Ariza.

Or the Knicks could try to get Jamison for Randolph if the Wizards won't bite on Curry.

They also could try a swap with the Cavs to get Drew Gooden and expiring contracts in return.

Still, getting rid of Curry or Randolph is only half the battle. For the Knicks to have real cap flexibility in the next few years, they need to find a way toget one more guy off their roster. Whether that's Jared Jeffries, Jamal Crawford or whoever's left between Curry and Randolph, they'll have to finda way to get a player whose contract expires in the summer of 2010.

Step Three: Start to dig the Knicks out of salary-cap hell
The Knicks' payroll issues are bleak. The team has committed to a whopping $95.2 million in payroll this season. Add in the roughly $27 million they'llowe the league in luxury=tax penalties and it gets even uglier.

Things don't get much better next season -- they only drop one contract, Fred Jones', from the books. As it stands now, the Knicks' payroll goesdown to $89.8 million in 2008-09.

The watershed year is the summer of 2009. Marbury, Rose and Mardy Collins all come off the books and the Knicks' payroll plummets to $62 million.That's not enough to sign free agents, but for the first time in a long time the Knicks will have breathing room from the luxury tax.

Of course, had they not pulled the trigger on the Randolph deal this past summer, they could've been $10-$15 million under the cap in 2009.

If the Knicks are patient for one more year after that, Quentin Richardson and Jerome James can come off the books, too. However, by then they'll have todecide how much to pay David Lee and Nate Robinson.

So, in the summer of 2010 -- the same summer that LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh become unrestricted free agents -- the Knicks could conceivably havecap room, especially if they move Curry or Randolph for cap space down the road.

Patience is a virtue here. If Isiah had bit the bullet and whittled away the Knicks' salary cap when he got to New York, he would have had serious cap roomthis past summer.

Instead, the Knicks are in worse shape than when he arrived. The next guy can't make the same mistake.

Cap room doesn't win championships, but it gives teams the flexibility to make things happen. Right now the Knicks have zero flexibility, essentiallyneutralizing anything intelligent that a GM can do.

If the Knicks can find a way to get rid of some combination of Curry or Randolph plus either Jeffries or Crawford for a contract that expires after the 2009-10season, they could be major players on the free-agent market in 2010.

Step Four: Start collecting lottery balls
With the exception of Lee and Robinson, the Knicks have done a poor job of cultivating their young talent. That has to change.

If the Knicks start rebuilding, it should produce high lottery picks the next few years. If they can get a high pick this season and use it to draft afranchise player like Memphis' Derrick Rose, the Knicks suddenly would have some talent to build around.

Two draft picks combined with Lee and Robinson could form a nice core. And it needs to happen now -- Utah owns the Knicks' 2010 pick, which is unprotected.So they need to score big in the next two drafts.
^^i've been taking about salary cap flexibility for over 5 years now!!! If Isiah was patient with himself, and not signed all these fools. We would'vehave flexibility soon.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

I am one of the few fans who actually have the patience but I don't know how many other Knicks fans feel the same way.

I think we've all been extremely patient.

Good looks on the article.
I don't like the thinking of you can't rebuild in New York.

IF you're gona suck, it's understandable at some point, so do it correctly.

Knicks fans are smart enough to realize you can't build a team like we've tried
Take it to the Baja
Boobie Smooth is Jokes...
Anybody goin to the Philly game on Friday? If so, let me know. I'll be "working". Maybe I can chat it up with some fellow nt'ers durin thegame.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

I don't like the thinking of you can't rebuild in New York.

IF you're gona suck, it's understandable at some point, so do it correctly.

Knicks fans are smart enough to realize you can't build a team like we've tried

You can most definitely re-build in New York...that requires years of losing with your young talent waiting to gel and improve. We've been having 5-6terrible years so far. Thats enough time for us to have already had a decent bright team, if we had started to re-build 6 years ago.

But we got a cooky owner who doesn't care about anything else but making a profit. Until Dolan leaves, I don't see us winning for a long time.
Isiah Thomas: We Need A Kevin Garnett

January 22, 2008 - 9:31 am
RealGM Staff Report -

On Monday Knicks' Coach Isiah Thomas made everyone aware that he was upset when Kevin Garnett landed with the Celtics.

When asked about the current status of his team, compared to the rebuilding overhaul the Celtics executed this summer, Thomas told the New York Daily News, "(Bleep), they got Kevin Garnett. Their record was ours last year at this time."

Thomas had reportedly been trying to acquire Garnett for three seasons but never was able to make a deal with Minnesota.
damn.... Zeke was trying to land KG since 05?
Yeah the fans are smart enough as allen3xis said but its a shame our management isn't.

^LOL @ RealGM with the misleading titles. Isiah never said that the Knicks needed Garnett.
He said he tried to acquire him...I am sure he wants him but he is not goingto insult his current crop of players (although trash) and say that they need him.
^^For real cant really blame Zeke for that one though, im sure he went after him 150%

God damn Kevin McHale being a C fan
@ that lil' pic is Isiah.

As for that rebuilding plan, it's feasible, and I have the patience like the Blazers fans had for it to come to fruition. The rest of our fickle fan baseeneds to have some patience as well. I don't think we should trade Zach Randolph though. Aside from the fact that he's my favorite player, he'svery talented and unlike Eddy Curry, isn't soft.
Mike Dumbleavy taking shots at the Knicks ----

"Maybe it's a flaw I have, but I never think in short terms as coach. I always think in terms if I owned this team what would I do," Dunleavysaid in the Times.

"I would only make deals to help our future -- anything else is suicide. Anything else and you become the New York Knicks. Now if you want to do that and take on big contracts and long-term deals to potentiallyhit a home run or get some kind of turnaround, that's not the direction I would go as a businessman or if I owned the team."
Originally Posted by KingJay718

@ that lil' pic is Isiah.

As for that rebuilding plan, it's feasible, and I have the patience like the Blazers fans had for it to come to fruition. The rest of our fickle fan base eneds to have some patience as well. I don't think we should trade Zach Randolph though. Aside from the fact that he's my favorite player, he's very talented and unlike Eddy Curry, isn't soft.

agreed my man. Zach is INDEED a very nice player. He is very tough and is no way soft, he always plays hard and is ferocious on the glass. My two mainbashes on Z bo is that the bal;l movement stops with him cause he got no A button, and he just like Curry (although a little better) plays 0 D. But at least heaint soft.

But while i agree with you about Zach i still kinda think he got to go. 1 because of all the things i mentioned above, but also because he is holding DavidLee back from starting, and we NEED Lee in the lineup ASAP, he works and plays D, and is improving by the second. Although right now it dont matter cause ourseason is lost either way and we should rather lose at this point, we need to keep Lee's morale as high as possible for when we do have a team and we needhim to start at the 4. Cause right now he is kinda like why the @**$ am i here right now. And who can blame him? Zach is talented but still dont play D or passand hes also behind bum@#!% Curry.
Zach's a nice player, i always say that. Hes in a league with only guys like duncan, KG, and Dirk in terms of big menbeing able to score like he does. He can shoot lights out, probably better than everyone of those big men except for dirk, but he can also play down low (notreally dunk though
) and take it to the hoop. hes a nice player but weneed D right now and ball movement and Lee in the game, so if we can get value for him and/or expiring contracts/draft picks i think it would be best from a rebuilding oint of view to get rid of him. But the #1 player on our trade list right now should be Curry. sure he sucks but i know that there are teams outthere that are playoff caliber but have no center and need a low post scorer especially with the absence of centers in thi league and he still led the leagueand low post scoring right now. I know there have been rumors involving slightly decent players. But i know that some teams than need a center would take himon and we could probably dump some salary in the process.
we dont need to trade Zach. we need to trade Eddy. i'd KILL for a Sam Dalembert type.... someone with interior D please!!!!
Question for you NYK fans.

I was arguing with a buddy today about jerseys in the past. He said NYK never wore a black uniform, and I thoght they did about 5 years back.

Did they? or no?

^^I think they did once as an alternate for only one game i think. Or maybe they were just selling them.

I dont know, but if they did it was never like a season long thing maybe just a 1 game thing. I think i remember the Knicks in like Spree's last yearswearing a black uni, or maybe it was orange
Yeah Gr8, thats what I was thinking. Back in the days when Spree was on the team.

Anyway, if any other guys have any insight on this, much appreciated.
^^just to answer your question, i just came around this pic


not really feeling them though... nothing like these...

Originally Posted by allen3xis

Did anyone imagine Camby putting together the 2nd half of his career like this though?

Hell no. When I read the box score earlier this year to see he had a triple double, i nearly cried.
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