As much as I like Artest I am not for making a trade just to make a trade. Is that trade going to put us in the playoffs this season...probably not?! So whymake it.

And GR8...Damon Stoudemire??? Nah son...we don't need him at all.
I know this is a huge stretch but would this trade get the Knicks into the playoffs as the 8 seed maybe?


Knicks get Green (an energy player and great finisher at the rim who has a huge upside if he's given the chance), Telfair and Marbury reunited back in NYC
, Artest brings D and toughness on the perimeter and can spot up and hit the 3 and overpower smaller defenders, and Gasol/Curry should work better thanRandolph/Curry....... hopefully
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

I know this is a huge stretch but would this trade get the Knicks into the playoffs as the 8 seed maybe?


Knicks get Green (an energy player and great finisher at the rim who has a huge upside if he's given the chance), Telfair and Marbury reunited back in NYC
, Artest brings D and toughness on the perimeter and can spot up and hit the 3 and overpower smaller defenders, and Gasol/Curry should work better than Randolph/Curry....... hopefully
@ everyone but the knicks getting absolutely screwed in thattrade
should tune in for the piston celtic game its real close and looking like its going down to the last possesion, as soon as i saw curry's and randolph'sfaces show up on my fave 5 i knew it was a wrap

Zach: I'm Not Eddy's Problem
January 6, 2008 - 5:57 am
New York Post -
An angry Zach Randolph denied he's held Eddy Curry back this season and believes the two can still play together.

Despite the Knicks looking like a more cohesive unit without Randolph in their tight battle in San Antonio, Isiah Thomas played it safe and returned the controversial power forward back into the starting lineup last night vs. the Rockets. It didn't work as the Knicks got off to a 20-9 deficit before Randolph was removed. Randolph had six turnovers but posted 18 points and a career-high 22 rebounds in the 103-91 loss.

"Eddy can play like [he did in San Antonio] every night," Randolph said. "It has nothing to do with me. Play strong, play big. Ain't nobody stopping you. I tell him that all the time."

man this team continues to baffle me every day..... I don't even know how to react to this......
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Mark Jackson for coach.


at bum%!$+ Curry trying to $**$* and blame Z bo and $++$. Z Bo aint the problem. curry is just a soft%!$+ $**$*, get him out of here. He'sdisgracing my team and my city.

He is everything that NY hates hes a fat $++$, h dont play hard, he dont play D, he dont rebound, he dont hustle, and he$#%$*@@@. I $*#++## hate this guy. ifyou suck at least shut your $*#++## mouth and work on getting better. At least i dont see Jerome James *****ing all the time.

James>>>Curry end of discussion. Give James 30+ minutes and i guarentee you he can rack up 10 boards at least once in a while and maybe block a shotor 2, and he wont $**$* NEARLy as much as Curry. And f you are worse than the biggest piece of $++$ in the NBA. You just suck. Word to Eddy curry.
i see we moved to 3rd worst...good


Blow it up then....I'll I want is one of them, and we can go from there
^^lets leave him there, and Q getting benched tonight in his city as well in favor of Jeffries.
Originally Posted by diceloveme

2:14 of the video says it all, nothing more to be said.

Word man i still think that if pre season we would have traded Curry for ANYONE especially at that time cause of his sky rocket value, we would be playoffbound EASY by now. We would be even better than the team last February. The team we saw vs oston in the preseason. Inserting curry back in the lineup is whatled to all of these other problems because Isiah would not put any blame on Curry (who deserved it the most) until like in Cecember. If we could have tradedCurry for like Artest or picks, and than signed some random$!%% center to come off the bench with Lee and Randolph starting, we would be NICE, especially withMarbury not +$$#%+ up and on the top of his game, better defense, GREAT rebounding and toughness without curry, and also great ball movement. But lets notspeak of the "what ifs"
Here's a what if hypothetical/analyzation from me.

I think we did a bad thing in trading for Zach Randolph. Although I was totally in favor for it when it happened (I thought that was a great 1-2 punch) Iwonder if he was coming off the bench or if we didn't have him at all, we would be great. David Lee would be the starting PF and would be picking up theslack on the rebounding cuz Eddy wouldn't rebound unless basketballs were chocolate malt balls. Lee scores when he has too isn't overly aggressive inhis post game and seems like a great complement to Curry. If we didn't have Zach or if he was coming off the bench, we'd have a great presence off thebench with his scoring and somewhat rebound ability but still no defense which is what Balkman would be providing.

Oh who knows, this team isn't going anywhere, and probably don't have any hope till 2011
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