Don't get too excited J, there's not a lot of time left and its still a double digit defect.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Don't get too excited J, there's not a lot of time left and its still a double digit defect.

I know Just trying to have faith in these dudes man its so tough tho
diceloveme looks like you went on a 10-0 run yourself with that hype lol, you already know its better off taking defeat so you wont feel thatdisappointed
ARGH I just wanna go to Empire state building and scream. Isiah is a useless coach. Why the hell is he trying to experiment every game. Get a damn rotation andstick to it. If people aren't producing on O and D (Ala Curry, Zach , Q) Sit em' down and let them know people who can bring us what we need will play.Every night it should be Jones, Jamal, Nate , lee , Balkman and rose F these other scrubs. Its sickening how far we have fallen. I knew the game againstCleveland was a fluke
So basically the starters allow the Bobcats to score 69 points on em.

The reserves allow the Bobcats to score 34 points in the entire second half alone.

Hmm...its not rocket science.

DREAM WORLD: Get rid of Isiah and let the young guys play basketball w/o any distractions.

REALITY: Isiah has dirt on Dolan which is why he has not been fired, gets a contract extension at the end of the season.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

So basically the starters allow the Bobcats to score 69 points on em.

The reserves allow the Bobcats to score 34 points in the entire second half alone.

Hmm...its not rocket science.

DREAM WORLD: Get rid of Isiah and let the young guys play basketball w/o any distractions.

REALITY: Isiah has dirt on Dolan which is why he has not been fired, gets a contract extension at the end of the season.

I think we are SOL. Like forreal theres no hope
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

hey at least NYC is on the East Coast
.... Imagine this team in the Western Conference

what difference would it make if we were on the west coast? you can find us on the very bottom with both conferences combined
I just saw that Q-Rich got in to it with Isiah on the bench.....

REALITY: Isiah has dirt on Dolan which is why he has not been fired, gets a contract extension at the end of the season.

seriously.....the players HAVE to be using every ounce of restraint in pulling a Sprewell on Isiah and choking him out....there is no logical explanation as towhy he still has his job...

Mez 0ne wrote:

So basically the starters allow the Bobcats to score 69 points on em.

The reserves allow the Bobcats to score 34 points in the entire second half alone.

Hmm...its not rocket science.

DREAM WORLD: Get rid of Isiah and let the young guys play basketball w/o any distractions.

REALITY: Isiah has dirt on Dolan which is why he has not been fired, gets a contract extension at the end of the season.

Word up. That game was a joke. Isiah is a joke. i dont know how this guy still starts Curry.

Cmon man, like you saidd this $+** aint Rocket Science, you talk and say your guys dont play with energy but than you do NOTHING to change that. If you wantenergy start David Lee. Holy $+**. You wont get energy keep playing Curry, everybody knows it, yet he considers to start him. That 1st half defense was theworst of the whole season. The Bobcats played awful, yet Z and Curry felt no need to contest $+** down low, and we wre watching them pop 3s in our !##+%%%face.

Once again the same !##+%%% lineup had to do it for us. And once again which is even sadder, Isiah will keep his job and make 0 changes. Anyway i will say itonce again although it is pretty pointless by now...

Eddy Curry is absolutley worthless, he is a negative in every aspect of the game and should get 0 to negative 4 minutes per game. I really cant even express itmore by now. I really dont understand how Isiah still keeps him in, imdont even know what to say anymore.

Also without Marbury Nate should be starting. Noway to go around it. He is playing with the most energy out of anyone, and Nate= instant energy. Nate greatlyimproves our overall energy, our offense and our defense. Nate was a warrior tonight. And although i like Fred Jones he is not a pg. Nate is not a pg eitherbut he is better at it than Jones and will take the pg spot away from Crawford who needs to be tthe off ball guard because of his scoring. Fred Jones bringsnice defense and energy along with some scoring, but he cant play the point. and when Crawford runs the point it is too much iso cause we need him to score aswell. Fred Jones is a backup SG and that is where he should be played cause at 6'2 he is too small for a 2 guard and he cant run the point. Nate should bestarting without Marbury, give this man his minutes. We are a WAY better team with him in.

Also David Lee should be starting. We all know this once again. He is our best big man. He had a very off night tonight, but he still greatly improved theteam, and came away with a double double (aka 3x the amount of rebounds that Curry will get in a game playing 48 minutes.) They mentioned that he might of hurthimself which looks to be the case, because he looked pretty off tonight. But needlesstosay he should be starting IMO.

Crawford looked VERY off tonight as well, we need Crawford to be at the top of his game, but in no way am i worried about Crawford. Also Q needs to be moved tothe bench. Starters should be Nate, Jamal, Jeffries, lee, Randolph. Or maybe we could play a 3 guard lineup with Nate, Crawford, Jones, Lee, Randolph, butthat lineup is WAYY too small, very undersized at all positions and Jeffries's versatility and height at the 3 would be necesseary.

Also it looked like Donaghy was out there tonight. Lee was getting KILLED down low late in the game, but the refs werent calling $+** that had me

But really it didnt even matter cause we were
from the line tonight. How do guys like Nate and Lee who never miss FTs misslike 6 in a row down the strech, we coulda got back in it, we gotta hit our FTs especially those guys.

As for my impact player prediction for Charlotte of Nazr Mohammed, he proved to be our killer tonight 20 pts, 14 boards, 4 blocks (although a few were foulsIMO) But this is the kind of game in which he excels. like i said before with bums like Curry wwho dont rebound and play D, and all he does is be under thebasket benefiting from nice dishes and grabbing O rebounds, and cause Curry dont defend our rebound he was bound to excel in this game, especially playing witha chip on his sholder vs NY. But his jumper looked
tonight as well

at Isiah for trading him away. Has Curry EVER seen 14 boards and 4 blocks. Takeshim like a month to get, and he cant even get those 20 points right now. In terms of our recent centers...

Camby>>Nazr>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bumstatus>>>>>JEROME JAMES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Curry

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