Originally Posted by Mr Subliminals

An now that i think about can almost be POSITIVE that this is true. Who really would still be playing in the game if they knew one of there immediate family memebers were being taken to the hospital for something serious like that?
@ the knicks

if i was steph i wouldn't play for them again either

My anger right now with this organization is just indescribable. And i know that i shouldnt be talking froma bbball standpoint right now, but if Marbury DOESgo (which i doubt he actually will at the end of the day but i cant blame him AT ALL if he does) we just need to let them all go once and for all.
GREENBURGH, N.Y. -- Stephon Marbury played the second half of New York's loss to Phoenix on Sunday night unaware his father had been taken to a hospital, where he died before the game ended.

Don Marbury was taken from Madison Square Garden to St. Vincent's Hospital and Medical Center during halftime, reportedly because of chest pains, but a family member advised a Knicks official not to inform Stephon Marbury at the time.

Stephon Marbury learned of his father's death from a family friend minutes after the game.


"Right when you think it can't get worse..."

That has been my Knick motto for years now.
Just %#+$%%% horrible, thats a new low.

I didnt know that he was at the game, that makes it even worse. His dad is in the stands, gets taken via ambulance to the hosital in serious condition in the1st half, with management fully aware and they do not even notify him at the haf so he can finish a %#+$%%% basketball game?

I cant even express my anger
Don Marbury was taken from Madison Square Garden to St. Vincent's Hospital and Medical Center during halftime, reportedly because of chest pains, but a family member advised a Knicks official not to inform Stephon Marbury at the time.
as much as I wanna +$$# on the KNicks, that wasnt entirely their call. so tey arent completely to blame
^^Than what the *$!$ was the cousin talking about on the radio? I still believe that this was the Knicks' call, idk though,
OK they just mentioned his father dying, but there was no mention of the Knicks not informing Marbury so I don't know
Yahoo reported that one of his family members told the Knicks not say anything until after the game.
Whoever that family member was that decided a win was more important then being by his fathers side during his last moments need to re-evaluate things. I stillthink the organization should've told Marbury.

But then, that leads me to think whats the story behind the angry cousin.
Unless this was the wishes of his mother, you HAVE to tell the son. The fact that his dad died before the game was up is only going to eat at Marbury. He isprobably feeling the burden that if he had known sooner, he could have at least had a moment with his father before he passed. This is inexcusable on theKnicks part (if true), and I seriously hope that no one in the organization would be as callous as to put a game over someone's life.
Wow...this season is just getting worse and worse...

Feel bad for Marbury, w/e he chooses to do from this point, he should be able to do without any criticism, i've never seen anyone hated on more in myentire life than Stephon Marbury...I bet mad ppl at the ny post and daily news were pissed to find out his dad died so they couldnt use a stupid headlinehating on him...

As much as i love the knicks, its just a basketball game, if things really went down like that....idk what to say, thats messed up...
^^^I agree with the past 4 guys IMO.

No family member should have power even if they really DID tell Stephon not to go. That is unless it was in the wishes of the mother, because no one else inthe familyother than Stephon had as strong as a bond with Don. The Knicks definitley should have told. I cant imagine the feeling that stephon feels that hecould have been by his dads side and was unaware of his death while complete strangers already knew.

And yes, whatever Marbuy does after this he shoul recieve no critism whatsoever. No one kknows what Marbury feels like right now, and he takes more critismthan any athlete on the planet. (Right now, i think he even takes moe than Rex Grossman) But unlike Rex, SStephons hate has been undeserved.
he takes more critism than any athlete on the planet. (Right now, i think he even takes moe than Rex Grossman) But unlike Rex, SStephons hate has been undeserved.

ya man that's what the media does....
..especially in NYC...
...but hopefully Steph will persevere through this difficult time and move on......Iwouldn't be surprised to see his play increase greatly.....especially in terms of leadership.......getting along with teammates.....because he already hasthe game.........

regarding the Knicks however, I really don't like Randolph and Eddy Curry in the same front it seems Isiah plans for Jerome James

December 3, 2007 -- With Eddy Curry turning into a November disappointment on both ends of the court, Knicks coach Isiah Thomas is - believe it or not - eyeing center Jerome James' return with anticipation.

Though James is at least one month away from returning, The Post has learned he had a heart-to-heart talk with Thomas after James' foot surgery to remove a cyst-like growth.

Thomas told James he is still in Thomas' plans, and that the coach hopes to go get James into the rotation.

The pep talk even surprised James, who has felt like a spare part the past two seasons. During the talk, Thomas told James he still envisions playing him alongside the slumping starting center.

With Curry regressing (a combined 19 points in his last three games before last night's 21-point output) and the defense slacking, there is a possibility James could start again like he did for 10 straight games last season. This time, though, he might start alongside Zach Randolph, with the Knicks bringing Curry off the bench.

One Knick said he feels the club's greatest need right now is having a shot-blocking presence like James' in the middle to deter penetration.

Thomas lavished James with a five-year, $30 million contract in the summer of 2005 to be the Knicks starting center, not realizing he would be getting Curry in a trade soon.

Thomas had to laugh when he was asked if owner James Dolan's absence from the Garden last night meant anything about his future.

After attending the season's first five home games, Dolan missed his fourth straight home game.

The Garden says Dolan has attended about 50 percent of Knick home games in recent years, and he's on pace.

The Garden indicated the recent no-shows were a scheduling thing, but that he was advised to stay away Friday, the day after "The Boston Massacre."

"I think you guys pay more attention to that than I do," Thomas said.
....this is nothing but a move to light a fire under Curry's large butt. On paper, the front court of Randolph and Curry looks intriguing, but inactuality it's got the defensive presence of Gary Coleman trying to handcheck Shaq.
at Isiah still stcking to Jerome James, but i am gonna say somethingcraz here...

I honestly would not even mind starting James in favor of Curry at center.

There is no doubt that Curry is the more talented player, but he is exactly what the Knicks do not need. We simply cannot win Curry at center. He kills usoffensively in terms of ball movement and getting other players like our talented guards involved, and i dont even have to mention defensively, where he is theworst i have EVER seen for a starting center and gives us the softest defensive frontcourt in NBA history.

Where James is a pathetic piece of %%@$ even worse than curry and is no where near even benchwarmer status never the less a starting center, he would be betterfor this team than Curry at center. This is because with Curry out there we get worse in offense and FAR worse of defense. Starting James would not hurt theoffense because it would just allow us to work out of the guards and a single big man option in Randolph and not the duo ball movement killers in Randolph andCurry. James would do jack %%@$ but at least he wouldnt KILL ball mvement like Curry. And defensively/boards he HAS to be better than Curry, so theres animprovement already.

While i cant stand Isiah's ego and i cant believe James is still on the team never-the-less maybe to get minutes, at this point i would take ANY center inthe league to start over Curry because Curry kills us in every way, shape, or form.

I forgot to mention this from our last game, but this line from Clyde had me rollin, i dont know if yalls heard it or not...

Mike Breen goes, "The offense just completely stops moving when Randolph gets the ball"

Clyde- "That's because they know that they are not going to get it back."

I dont know about yalls but i foun that %%@$ to be hillarious, partially because it was SOO true and also because Clyde said it.


Clyde, he is the best thing in our whole organization right now... After David Lee ho stillneeds MORE PT!!!!!!
@ Jerome James even being mentioned to get playing time, dude is a bum not too mention all the free money he is taking from us. Everyday a string of badnews keeps coming. TO quote HTTB can we just play ball
"One Knick said he feels the club's greatest need right now is having a shot-blocking presence like James' in the middle to deterpenetration."
$100 say that one knick is big snacks himself
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