i remember that comment by mike. sad but true. i can live with Zach chuckin....i cant live with Eddy not boarding. @ least Zach boards and gets and 1s
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

i remember that comment by mike. sad but true. i can live with Zach chuckin....i cant live with Eddy not boarding. @ least Zach boards and gets and 1s

Exactly why i can live with Zach for now. Theres no oubt in my mind that Z Bo can be good for us. He works hard on the glass, has a VERY skilled and completeoffensive game, and he works his!%+@ off. He REALLY needs to start dishing more though, and a little post D wont hurt either.

Zach only stops movement cause he dont pass, which can change. I simply cannot live with curry though. Z Bo can succeed but he will need a center NOTHING likeCurry to do so, a center that contradicts him with good D... The anti Curry.

Curry has a completely one sided offensive game which KILLS our ball movement all around and he does not make up for it with the wide offensove skill set likeZ bo. Also dude is not only the laziest/softest defender of all time, but also the laziest rebounder. At 7 feet and 9000 pounds you shouldnt take $%%$ form NOONE down low, but at 5'10 i wouldnt mind mysely taking Curry on the glass. He is just an awaful hustler, and that is what rebounding is all abut, Barkleywas 6'4, %!%% there are at least 5 PGs right now averaging more boards than him. He is just LAZY. I have NEVER EVER seen him work to get to the ball once.only boards he gets land in his lap. And defensively him AND Z Bo dont do $%%$. They never step into ANYTHING. Curry's plan is to sit there and +##!%%%watch not even make a motion. And Randolph tries not tto move is feet and usually flares his arms a little or jumps up hoping to get a lucky block (whichusully end up in a foul) Amare jst +##!%%% walked into the Knicks paint untouched like 10 times last game. Looking, at the replays i saw his face he was justlike "Iight, that $%%$ was easy." Thats not the first time either. These little %!%% guards have their way with the Knick interior. Curry HAS TO GO.People look at Steph as the X Factor, but right now it is curry. Although we are better with Steph, If Curry gets extended minutes with or without Marbury, wewill most likely lost the game, because not only is his defensive/rebounding/hustling game AWFUL. But his best spect his offense hurts us more than helps us aswell because off how it KILLS ball movement.

So my theory is that if Curry plays more we wont win or we will have a much less chance to win. Dudes walk all up in the paint like its nothing and there is noball movemnt whatsoever. I HATE these ignorant%++#+* (like mad people i know and ,mad people on NT) who just look at Marbury as the problem cause hes Marbury.Marbury can only do so much, but Curry is the X Factor. Even if Marbury plays his best game, when Curry is in, Marbury wont have the impact on offense like heshould nor anybody else, because all Zeke does is dump it to fat boy. And how can it be Marbury's fault when guys are walking inside and putting up 2ndchance buckets like we had Mugsy Bogues and Nate Robinson down low.

This works he other way as well. Although Marbury will increase our chances to win without Curry as he has done this season, this team with or without Stephonis good enough to win a game with Curry on the sidelinns. We get that added defense and toughness and we move the ball around. Even if we dont have Marburyguys like Jamal or Zach or any other bench player (it was Fred Jones vs Milwaukee) can have a nice game with Curry on the bench cause they benefit from theball movementt. sure it can also be Marbury like it has for 4/5 wins this season, and we have a better chance with Steph, but what people are ignorant of thisis not a bad team. They ARE VERY talented and as long as they play some D and move the ball this team even without Stephon can pick up a W although Marburygreatly increases their cahances as any great guard would. See last year, and this ear in games like Utah and Denver. But when urry is out there bad thingshapen.

That is what will happen this week. If the Knicks pick up a win or 2 with Marbury on the bench dudes will be hating on Marbury like non other like they didafter the Bucks win, but even without Marbury the result of our games next week will lie directly on how many minutes Eddy Curry plays.

EDIT: I dont know how that turned into a Marbury rant but i had to get that off me. The team is at fault with Eddy now and people just blame Steph when therereally is so much to doo. He cant lead us to a victory when Eddy is out there taking all the teams shots so Marbury only shoots 6 times (which he is asked todo by Isiah with Curry out there) and he cant stop dudes from destroying down low. Likewise when Curry is out he CAN take over and lead us to victory, just asa guy as talented as Jamal Crawford can. So even when we win people blame it on him when the real solution was Eddy out and a offense with ball movement andtough D and hustle.
tomorrows game against our rival nets and jefferson is ballin right now
I aint #!$@%*+ scared of the swamprats. I want to win cause i #!$@%*+ hate the Nets. But i doubt Isiah will stay after another bad loss ad i want to see himgo. I wish Steph could play and !%#+ up J Kidd, cause they got beef, but there is no way he should and will reportedly miss this whole weeks games.
Steph-Kidd matchups are great. i just wish we'd win. they both seem to take it personally...w/o actually saying so

i kinda wish we drafted Sean Williams now. dude is exactly what we need.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Steph-Kidd matchups are great. i just wish we'd win. they both seem to take it personally...w/o actually saying so

i kinda wish we drafted Sean Williams now. dude is exactly what we need.

its not like he was available when we drafted anyway
WOWWWW... SMH at the media once again trying to dump hate on the Knicks. They even convinced ME it was true. SMH.

I hear that Marbury actually MAY play toniht although his dad gets buried tomorrow, after original reports said he would be out this whole week.

Props to Steph if he can come back and play hard. And god knows i want to see a Kidd- Marbury matchup and having Marbbury come on top. Especially after hisdads death. But i COMPLETELY understand if he does not show to this one, and in all honesty i dont think that he should. Plus i think if the Knicks sufferanother bad loss tonight, i dont know how Isiah can stay any longer especially vs a divisional rival.

Also Demetrius Nichols is back on the market. Not to late to dump James Zeke....
Solid win tonight....players stepped up and the defensive intensity was great. However the Knicks MUST continue this against Philly and get the home and homeseries sweep this weekend.

Maybe this team is coming around....they are 4-2 in their last 6 games. However, I cant get too excited. They have to keep the momentum against a bad 76'ersquad.
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