Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Funny piece of satire from realgm boards (evil_e)


Alan Hahn: Eddy, can you tell us how you prepared for this season going into the off season?

EC: Well you know, coach told me to come to camp in the best shape of my life. I spent a lot of time at Tim Grover's facility, A Nap Athletics. That placeis great. They got XBox 360 and NBA 2K8, so I just played and played and played myself into game shape. I haven't been this round in years, I'd sayit's the best shape of my life.

Marc Berman: Eddy, did you work on anything specific this off season?

EC: Yeah of course, I did a lot of work on my thumbs.. Clicking all the buttons and working both the analog sticks, and all that. I think my thumbs right noware the most agile they've ever been in my life. It was like, before I would grab this burger (waves his hamburger) and my thumb would punch a hole rightthrough this soft, golden bun and I'd have ketchup on my finger and it'd be a mess. But now I feel like my thumbs are dexterous enough to hold theburger with just enough force to not mess up the bun. And you know, if it all translates, I think that this will help keep me on the floor, because I won'thave to go to the bench and get as many napkins.

Frank Isola: Eddy, what's up man. Can you tell us a little bit about your off season eating habits? I mean you're eating a burger right now, how canyou manage that?

EC: (pauses to chew and swallow) I've been working hard on my appetite and I think I've gotten very far. I ordered a number two instead of a numberfour, I figured the cheeseburgers healthier.. This time last year, I would've been speaking to y'all with a Big Mac in my hand, I think I've come along way.
Originally Posted by FlatbushKING

Looks like Curry's sick with an infection and is vomiting all over the place and Mike D had this to say...

Curry was said to be vomiting all through last night. Mike D'Antoni, always the quipster, said it could be a blessing in disguise. Throwing up is a good way to lose weight, cracked D'Antoni.
eddy curry the bulimic
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

LOL that article is pointless. Entitled "Teammates want Marbury to go away" , where in the article does anybody say that? Slap.

To me, Ken Berger sounds salty. Like Marbury smashed his girl and left the condoms on the baby seat.

say word tyhat article was pure hate.

Marbury looks like hes in sick shapew right now unlike some others [cough]CURRY[cough] it looks like he actually worked this summer to foit wioth the system. Imean we shhould keep him. Once again we wont get any discount for ridding with him now, he actually worked hard and he is the most talented PG we have alongwith being probably the only Knick other than a few scrubs like Rose and Jerome James and Jeffries to actually see the playoffs... and he performed in them toodespite no success. He is obviously not a winning PG but for our team hes the best we got.

Chandler is in ill shape as well
son is gonna break out this year andto the people who mentioned starting 5s withoput him. He will start trust me. D'Antoni has outspokenly said he is one of the most talented guys that wehave.

at how out of shape this dude Curry is. Get rid of his worthless lazy #!@and gived my man D Lee the start he deserves...

"I knew I'd have to wait. I came in here sitting behind Channing Frye who was a lottery pick. I'll just keep working hard night after night."

quote of the day right here more people need this mans mentality, above all other things this man simply just deserves to start over a lazypiece of !$!% like curry right now.

And also Pat Jr. looks right at home wearing the orange and blue i really hope hope he makes the team.
Originally Posted by Supafly122

i wonder how's the line up gonna look

would this work


it works.

not having a shooter and a passing big man really kills this team
my dream roster does not include Zach or Eddy. Find a way to trade them. Also cut James and Rose, can we cut Jeffries? Also try and rid of Collins

PG- Stephon, Duhon, Roberson
SG- Jamal, Nate, H20
SF- Q, Gallinari
PF- Chandler, Jr.
C- Lee

The small ball thing could work cause everyone in that starting 5 would hustle down the court and run the break. But we would need to find some big men toround out that roster. Im really hoping that we can find away to rid ourselves of Curry before the preseason... or at least the season.
Right now all I hope for is for Rubio to come out this year....I think I've groomed myself to handle being the worst team in the east this year. This teamas of right now....has no chance to succeed and they will just make excuses like new coach and knicks v. starbury.

But what I'm most disappointed about is that Gallinari will prolly be out until december...if that...
Curry is about three Krispy Kremes away from being Escalade.

Marion wasn't the traditional power forward, and neither will Chandler. But he's athletic, can rebound, and as allen3xis said, he can play the positionin doses. Definitely not a full-time option.
I think one of the problems with playing Chandler at the 4 is then he loses his greatest asset, which is being a physical mismatch for other 3's. Hes sostrong and athletic that he can overpower and basically out "athlete" dudes at the 3 which is what makes him successful.

At the 4 everyone is longer and will be able to bang with him. Sure he will have a quickness advantage on some players, but with no jumpshot, 4's can sagoff of him and that takes away some of his quickness advantage. Not to mention defending the post and banging for prolonged periods of play will wear him down,since he is smaller than most PF's.

Maybe in short spurts of a small ball line-up Chandler can get away with playing the 4, but he needs to be at SF to excel.
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