Originally Posted by FlatbushKING

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by FlatbushKING


What a fat piece of %!+$


You'd be happy if our lotto pick doesn't play?

No...that's what i'm disappointed about....i was looking forward to seeing what he could do this season...
Mike lol @ your disdain for Curry and that satire your posted.

Yea man it has gotten to the point where I want him gone more than I do Marbury...yea that bad
and Marbury continues to keep his rep w/ the funny interviews

Training Camp Day 1 media via Cosmic

still over wieght?
Originally Posted by true 3 blue


Ewing >>>>>>> Collins + Jeffries + James + Rose

Cut all 4 of em.
My feelings exactly.

I'd hate to see PE Jr. not make the team, especially if any of those stay on the team over him.
I'm trying to get the word out, so every time I see an NBA Offseason thread get bumped, I'm just letting folks in that thread know: feel free to make athread for the new season on Oct. 5th.

Preseason begins Oct. 5th, and technically, the preseason is for the regular season. So technically, once the preseason begins, the new season for the team hasbegun.

Just letting y'all know.

^^if someone wants to start a new thread go ahead but i think it would be pretty tight to see like a 500+ page Knicks thread
I'm loving how active this thread has been lately.

Looking forward to seeing Lee, Nate, Ill Will and Danilo play under D'antoni.

I can live with a starting 5 of Lee, Zach, Will, Crawford, Marbury. Better than Eddy, Zach, Jeffries, Crawford, Marbury.

And hopefully we cut Marbury, Rose and Jerome James soon. We need to cut a lot of the dead weight from this team. Time to really move in a new direction.
lol, I haven't attempted to post in here in a couple months, maybe more, but I'd like to see this thread just stay open. While all these other squadsmight have 10 page threads, we're steady rising to 400.

I check this thread every day anyway so I'm never lost.

And just to make this relevant to the team, Curry was almost steadily rising to be a dominant center. I would have actually preferred Curry over Z-Bobecause he at least showed flashes of defense. However, at this point it's clear to see that the man doesn't care about his team or the fans. Byshowing up out of shape once again, I feel like dude is spitting in our faces.

You would think he'd realize that with the type of Coach D'Antoni is, his spot isn't guaranteed, especially with a squad that clearly has talent.What a joke.
, I know I'm not saying anything new either.
"If he can play and still has that deadly stroke, then how come he didn't try to hook up with a contender? Karl Malone did that late in his careerwith the Lakers. When Reggie Miller thought about making a comeback last season, he considered the Celtics. Who wants to come back to this? 'I thought about going to a team like that, but this is much bigger than trying to go and satisfy my desire to win a title,' Allan Houstonsaid. 'This is about...I am a Knick. This is about trying to do whatever I can to help the Knicks improve and lend whatever experience I have. This is notabout me saying, 'I've got to go win my ring. ... You know, when I was younger, I had people like John Starks and Patrick (Ewing) and Oak (CharlesOakley), and they taught me what it means to work and what it takes to win,' he said. 'This is about me passing on whatever I've learned to theguys. So I figured, if I'm going to do this, why not do it here, where I have my legacy?'"
Pat Jr. is MAYBE a legit 6'6. In that pic a few pages back he was looking the same height or shorter than Malik Rose. Malik stands about 6'5, 6'6on a good day.

Pat is not bodying any NBA Power Forwards, and damn sure better not start at the 4 let alone 5. Ever. During his career.

I like him, and his game, but he is a role player at his best, who will bring great energy, and hustle on the defensive end. Think Balkman with even lessability on the offense. I'm fine with that, but some people seem to be drinking the kool-aid when it comes to Pat Ewing Jr.
Think Balkman with even less ability on the offense
Have you seen him play?

His offensive game is better....he's a much better passer and knows where to be on the court. In the open court he'll fill lanes. He does not take badshots...hell for Pat to take a shot he'll be wide open. He plays aggressively but he is calm at the same time.

Things just run a whole lot more smooth with Pat on the court.

Only thing I give Balkman over him is rebounding/post D.

He's 6'6/6'7 I'd say.

he's a 3...and definitely won't/shouldn't be a 4.

And he shouldn't see much time...he didn't see over half the time at G' just works well with Pat that way. He doesn't do thingshe's not capable of. He's what a role player should be.
We need to make moves asap with this roster. Honestly I prefer us to keep steph, I just don't see duhon being a factor out there. If anything we need tobuy out curry he's just wasted space.
My dream lineup would be:

PG- Crawford SG-Ill Will SF-Gallo PF-Zbo C-David Lee

For some reason i want gallinari to start. I have a friend who plays overseas and he keeps telling me gallinari is ALOT better than what people see on videoand etc. That every knick fan will be surprised on how talented he is. I hope he's right. If H20 and Ewing Jr make the team i cant wait for the ovationduring the home opener
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Pat Jr. is MAYBE a legit 6'6. In that pic a few pages back he was looking the same height or shorter than Malik Rose. Malik stands about 6'5, 6'6 on a good day.

Pat is not bodying any NBA Power Forwards, and damn sure better not start at the 4 let alone 5. Ever. During his career.

I like him, and his game, but he is a role player at his best, who will bring great energy, and hustle on the defensive end. Think Balkman with even less ability on the offense. I'm fine with that, but some people seem to be drinking the kool-aid when it comes to Pat Ewing Jr.
another dude just looking at the numbers and passing judgement. my dude allen, when will these cats learn?
Balkman had a better handle (which isn't saying much
) but Balkman could semi-handle the rock. Pat plays more under control. Neither is going to createany offense for themselves or teammates. I think Balkman could maybe do a little more on his own, while Pat fits in somewhat better in a team offense due tohis better understanding of the game, passing, spacing, etc... Balkman was also a much better rebounder (off/def) and played stronger in the post. That'swhy I think he is better at playing SF/PF combo.

All in all I think they are very similar players. I like Pat, and I'm not looking at stats. I watched him play at Georgetown, saw most of his games. Hell Ieven watched him back when he was a Hoosier (he has improved a million-fold since then).

You guys think he can be an effective PF? I see him more as a wing forward with some versatility in being able to guard players a little bigger than him, orsmaller perimeter guys. But whatever his role, it should be as a rotational player, not a major contributor.
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

lol, I haven't attempted to post in here in a couple months, maybe more, but I'd like to see this thread just stay open. While all these other squads might have 10 page threads, we're steady rising to 400.

I check this thread every day anyway so I'm never lost.

And just to make this relevant to the team, Curry was almost steadily rising to be a dominant center. I would have actually preferred Curry over Z-Bo because he at least showed flashes of defense. However, at this point it's clear to see that the man doesn't care about his team or the fans. By showing up out of shape once again, I feel like dude is spitting in our faces.

You would think he'd realize that with the type of Coach D'Antoni is, his spot isn't guaranteed, especially with a squad that clearly has talent. What a joke.
, I know I'm not saying anything new either.
iight so i guess unless anybody has a problem ill just keep this thread rolling throughout the season... I like that idea and this thread has beenvery active lately and its all good stuff. I like how we all keep arguing about how we need to improve the team and stuff but at the end of the day we all wantthe same thing. We all just want to see the Knicks win so i like how this thread has been lately, i truly believe despite our bad rep because of management and+@%@ that we have some of the most intelligent fans on here.

but anyway
at at the 2nd paragraph of that post. I mean i trulybelieve that Isiah and the Knicks were hyping up Curry WAYYYY more than they should of i mean he was doing nothing special at all. His rebounds were stillbelow 7 a game which is pitiful for a starting center especially one who would get minutes like he got and his blocks were well below 1 a game. His scoringlooked nice on the box score but cmon the whole entire offense as give the ball to Curry and stand around. That is the exact opposite of what we are playingnow. He cant run and he cant score the only way he knows how to when he is given one on one coverage with no movement so he can plow his fat !!# to the hoop.And than even in that he gets exposed when the double comes. He is worthless quite honestly ill take Z Bo over him any day of the week. Z Bo is a much harderworker and if i had to choose one of those guys who puts effort on D its him more than Curry. Curry has no excuse he is actually quick off hisfeet for a guyhis size and hes huge. No way in hell should he not be intiminating guys in the paint and picking blocks. He just doesnt move. I mean Z Bo is like 6'7 andoverweight, he cant jump for +@%@, i mean he still should put WAY mmore of an effort in but he tries. He is aggressive as hell on offense (too aggressive) butat least it is a sign of life, and he is a monster on the boards say what you want about him, Curry is more athletic and bigger and Z Bo i think more thandoubled his rebounding #s this year. And i believe Z Bo is working hard at running and +@%@ which Curry did absolutely none of. I still want him out because hehas the lowest bball IQ i have ever seen, but if he could play next to a guy like Lee who steps it up on D and passes a little more, obviously not my ideal PFbut i guess i could live with it. And also despite him having a low IQ he is definitley a talent on offense and is suprisingly wet on his J. Which helps himbig time in our offense... we should really look for an athletic big guy though to back him up, but for now i guess we have to rely on Chandler and Pat to playsome +@%@ at the 4 despite both being undersized but i truly think that in our system they can get by because there isnt so much bodying up, and both make upfor lack of size with athletisism and Chandler is pretty big also. And Lee will have to pick up alot of slack at C... Unless Jerome James can do sometihhingbut i doubt it and we should cut him, but he is playing with a chip on his sholdier...

at H20. My mans no sellout Knick for life... but also he probably has the better chance of making the $+@#@+ team out in NY over the champion Celtics
at gtown ewing jr was the first forward off the bench and spent time guarding big men all the time.
of course youre not gonna put ewing on shaq, DH, or yao. but at 240 with a 7ft wingspan he's not going to have trouble against most pfs in the league.
but the point is moot cuz he's not gonna get off the bench regularly anyway.
i had nowhere else to put him if i wanted gallo and ill willl to start at the same time. gallo isnt ready to play the 4 yet imo
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