There's really not 1 player I liek on this team. Cut them all but the Italian and Chandler and trade Lee already. Walsh has really pissed me off this offseason.
jr is 6'6 240.. ?

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

There's really not 1 player I liek on this team. Cut them all but the Italian and Chandler and trade Lee already. Walsh has really pissed me off this off season.
What the hell?
I don't know how much I trust NBA/NCAA measurements...

But it doesn't matter, because I think EVERYONE is inflated, so it ends up being a wash. He must have put on quite a bit of muscle though if he is up to240.

Gallo is not starting this year. I'm just hoping he gets healthy and can play 20-25 minutes a game and continue to improve and polish his game. I reallyfeel like if they both develop to where they should, Chandler and Gallo could be a great Forward combo in a couple of years. I think they're skill setsreally compliment each other.
I'd be fine with that 5, too.

This year isn't about winning. Its instead about moving forward with new young talent and letting that talent grow.

I'd rather Will at the 2, thank Gallo at the 4 getting beat up all night. Look at what happened to him with a little bumping down low.

Hell, I'd go with Roberson, Nate, Will, Gallo, Lee if I could. Whatever gives the youngest guys the most time and experience. I just want to see the youthplay. If I have to suffer through another horrible season, at least let me watch some of the guys that will be part of our future make some mistakes.

I know Eddy and Zach will get playing time just to drive up their trade value, though. Gotta do what we gotta do.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I'd be fine with that 5, too.

This year isn't about winning. Its instead about moving forward with new young talent and letting that talent grow.

I'd rather Will at the 2, thank Gallo at the 4 getting beat up all night. Look at what happened to him with a little bumping down low.

Hell, I'd go with Roberson, Nate, Will, Gallo, Lee if I could. Whatever gives the youngest guys the most time and experience. I just want to see the youth play. If I have to suffer through another horrible season, at least let me watch some of the guys that will be part of our future make some mistakes.

I know Eddy and Zach will get playing time just to drive up their trade value, though. Gotta do what we gotta do.
yep......Eddy and Zach ain't gonna do $#+@ though.....forget about them and let Lee finally get some damn playing time...

i'm excited for the season(idk why
) sucks living in NC though b/c when are the knicks on national television lol......Gonna try to get some ix when they play the Bobcats
Eh, he can be horrible shooting the ball, for all I care.

I'd rather watch Will/Gallo have trouble scoring than Crawford/Jeffries.
NEWS FLASH the italian is hurt and dude hasnt played a minute of nba ball.....dude played a half of summer league, and u guys are plugging him into thestarting lineup.....lets stop being delusional guys, these international cats don't pan out that quickly
no one is saying dude will or should start. people are just saying the 5 they would put out there. doesn't mean they think that's the 5 thatd'antoni is going to start them.
By no means do I think he's really ready to start. Give me more credit than that.

I'd rather see him start than Eddy or Zach or Jeffries etc. There's no way he's ready now...I'm just saying that's who I'd preferwatching play. I'm sick of these overpaid underachieving bums.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by Super Producer J

lol, I haven't attempted to post in here in a couple months, maybe more, but I'd like to see this thread just stay open. While all these other squads
might have 10 page threads, we're steady rising to 400.

I check this thread every day anyway so I'm never lost.

And just to make this relevant to the team, Curry was almost steadily rising to be a dominant center. I would have actually preferred Curry over Z-Bo
because he at least showed flashes of defense. However, at this point it's clear to see that the man doesn't care about his team or the fans. By
showing up out of shape once again, I feel like dude is spitting in our faces.

You would think he'd realize that with the type of Coach D'Antoni is, his spot isn't guaranteed, especially with a squad that clearly has talent.
What a joke.
, I know I'm not saying anything new either.
iight so i guess unless anybody has a problem ill just keep this thread rolling throughout the season... I like that idea and this thread has been very active lately and its all good stuff. I like how we all keep arguing about how we need to improve the team and stuff but at the end of the day we all want the same thing. We all just want to see the Knicks win so i like how this thread has been lately, i truly believe despite our bad rep because of management and +@%@ that we have some of the most intelligent fans on here.

but anyway
at at the 2nd paragraph of that post. I mean i truly believe that Isiah and the Knicks were hyping up Curry WAYYYY more than they should of i mean he was doing nothing special at all. His rebounds were still below 7 a game which is pitiful for a starting center especially one who would get minutes like he got and his blocks were well below 1 a game. His scoring looked nice on the box score but cmon the whole entire offense as give the ball to Curry and stand around. That is the exact opposite of what we are playing now. He cant run and he cant score the only way he knows how to when he is given one on one coverage with no movement so he can plow his fat !!# to the hoop. And than even in that he gets exposed when the double comes. He is worthless quite honestly ill take Z Bo over him any day of the week. Z Bo is a much harder worker and if i had to choose one of those guys who puts effort on D its him more than Curry. Curry has no excuse he is actually quick off hisfeet for a guy his size and hes huge. No way in hell should he not be intiminating guys in the paint and picking blocks. He just doesnt move. I mean Z Bo is like 6'7 and overweight, he cant jump for +@%@, i mean he still should put WAY mmore of an effort in but he tries. He is aggressive as hell on offense (too aggressive) but at least it is a sign of life, and he is a monster on the boards say what you want about him, Curry is more athletic and bigger and Z Bo i think more than doubled his rebounding #s this year. And i believe Z Bo is working hard at running and +@%@ which Curry did absolutely none of. I still want him out because he has the lowest bball IQ i have ever seen, but if he could play next to a guy like Lee who steps it up on D and passes a little more, obviously not my ideal PF but i guess i could live with it. And also despite him having a low IQ he is definitley a talent on offense and is suprisingly wet on his J. Which helps him big time in our offense... we should really look for an athletic big guy though to back him up, but for now i guess we have to rely on Chandler and Pat to play some +@%@ at the 4 despite both being undersized but i truly think that in our system they can get by because there isnt so much bodying up, and both make up for lack of size with athletisism and Chandler is pretty big also. And Lee will have to pick up alot of slack at C... Unless Jerome James can do sometihhing but i doubt it and we should cut him, but he is playing with a chip on his sholdier...

at H20. My mans no sellout Knick for life... but also he probably has the better chance of making the $+@#@+ team out in NY over the champion Celtics
I kinda didn't want to quote my dude's dissertation
, but my message might have been lost without it. Z-Bo.........yea, he's amuch better scorer than Curry, and I think because of that he is the cancer that he is on the squad. My dude is a straight up black hole. You mentioned he isaggressive on offense. %$%! yea, he's too *$####! aggressive (on offense). With Z-Bo, he has no kind of rapport with any other players on the team, and Idon't think he is/will be able to do so. Having Z-Bo essentially gives us a literal split out there on the court. There are the 4 guys and then there'sZ-Bo. I guess my ultimate disdain for him comes because his numbers a extremely deceiving. At least with Curry he can show up sometimes and then disappear whenhe's ineffective
. Z-Bo is shooting through whatever. Everything else you said, I agree with. D'Antoni's style will allow for some players toplay out fo position (at times I believe, but not for an entire game).
I'd have no problems if we win 20 games this season.

Just let our young talent play and develop.

That's it.
* - Anthony Roberson hasn't stood out much in camp but also hasn't played poorly enough to think he's not in the plans. However, Mardy Collinsshowed up at camp in tremendous shape and he continually shows off an ability to get to the rim with power and has finished more than a few with strong dunksin traffic. Both players have one year of guaranteed money on their contracts -- Roberson has $797,581 and Collins is at $997,800 -- that would be easy towaive or possibly trade for a second-rounder.

* - Patrick Ewing, Jr. hasn't stood out and seems to get overwhelmed under the basket against the veteran bodies, but I have watched him closely enough tosee him defend very well against Wilson Chandler in some matchups. Ewing, Jr. is a player the Knicks want to keep, so he can be allowed some time to developand progress.

* - Zach Randolph has played well and, with Eddy Curry already experiencing a set-back from the illness, I could see D'Antoni considering a frontcourt ofRandolph and Jared Jeffries. They could go very small with David Lee and Randolph as well or go big with Jeffries and Curry. But the more I watch whatD'Antoni plans to do with his system, the more I'm convinced we won't see much, if any, of the Curry-Randolph tandem.

* - Jeffries was married to his longtime girlfriend in July and the couple is due with their first child, a girl, in December. Fatherhood changes you, I toldhim, especially when it's a girl. He smiled. "You know what? I can't listen to rap music anymore," he said. "I just can't stand it,all this about b-tches and $!!% . . ."
why does mardy beast every year in the summer but suck when the regular season starts? it's like he's not even a serviceable player once october hits
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

why does mardy beast every year in the summer but suck when the regular season starts? it's like he's not even a serviceable player once october hits
dude knows when to kick in into gear, and when to go on cruise control. Mardy is a bum, and we need to cut him ASAP.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I'd be fine with that 5, too.

This year isn't about winning. Its instead about moving forward with new young talent and letting that talent grow.

I'd rather Will at the 2, thank Gallo at the 4 getting beat up all night. Look at what happened to him with a little bumping down low.

Hell, I'd go with Roberson, Nate, Will, Gallo, Lee if I could. Whatever gives the youngest guys the most time and experience. I just want to see the youth play. If I have to suffer through another horrible season, at least let me watch some of the guys that will be part of our future make some mistakes.

I know Eddy and Zach will get playing time just to drive up their trade value, though. Gotta do what we gotta do.
I am with you my dude on playing the young players. But right now my main concern is that the Knicks make the right cuts by the end of Trainingcamp. I actually think both Houston and Pat Jr will make the team.
If we have the #1 pick next year, who do you take. Position doesn't matter since the whole team is bad but there are 3 guys who I think would be worthy ofthe first pick.

1. Blake Griffin
2. Demar DeRozan
3. BJ Mullens

Honorable Mention: Rubio

I would be really personally tempted to take DeRozan depending on how he does this year. The boy's athleticism is freakish.
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