^^Lee is 6'9 that is average height. You are making him out to be a 6'4 PF like Barkley was.

I would not call 6'9 undersized and he makes up for it with superb athletisism.

I mean how can that hurt us look at the playoffs... David West is 6'9 and against a 7 foot Duncan he dropped 30 last night and picked up a W.

David Lee will get it done in the NBA and he can be that workhorse guy on a winning team. I dont think Oak was much bigger than 6'9, although Oak had ananimal's body.
ALL WE have to worry about is this man right here! Do not trade him! He's the heart of ourbeloved franchise! Nate for MVP in '09!
You guys are forgetting one major thing. Lee is under sized for a PF. That can hurt us in the playoffs.

6'9" and 250 isn't really undersized. Players are getting thinner and thinner, and David Lee will do just fine, especially in the East. He justseems undersized because he's constantly running and moving around the court, because PFs in the 90's just roamed around in the paint.
Originally Posted by TBONE32

ALL WE have to worry about is this man right here! Do not trade him! He's the heart of our beloved franchise! Nate for MVP in '09!

check the avy.

that is Nate THE GR8
I would have no problem if the Knicks draft Mayo as long as they shift him to the 2 guard position. I think he's best fit to be a shooting guard.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

^^Lee is 6'9 that is average height. You are making him out to be a 6'4 PF like Barkley was.

I would not call 6'9 undersized and he makes up for it with superb athletisism.

I mean how can that hurt us look at the playoffs... David West is 6'9 and against a 7 foot Duncan he dropped 30 last night and picked up a W.

David Lee will get it done in the NBA and he can be that workhorse guy on a winning team. I dont think Oak was much bigger than 6'9, although Oak had an animal's body.

You missing a few things...He icant shoot past 12ft like West, He cant play with his back to the basket, and he doesn't have CP3 on his team.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by THE GR8

^^Lee is 6'9 that is average height. You are making him out to be a 6'4 PF like Barkley was.

I would not call 6'9 undersized and he makes up for it with superb athletisism.

I mean how can that hurt us look at the playoffs... David West is 6'9 and against a 7 foot Duncan he dropped 30 last night and picked up a W.

David Lee will get it done in the NBA and he can be that workhorse guy on a winning team. I dont think Oak was much bigger than 6'9, although Oak had an animal's body.

You missing a few things...He icant shoot past 12ft like West, He cant play with his back to the basket, and he doesn't have CP3 on his team.

while lee is a tad bit undersized, he plays with heart and hustle which most of the team lacks...i also remember him doing a good job against bigger 4s and5s for the most part b/c he isn't afraid to play physical...i remember him locking up shaq a couple times this season...he really just needs to develop a17 footer and he can be an allstar in the east easy
A lot of people have been saying "Develop a 15-foot jumper and he'll be an all-star lock." While true, it's not an easy task, even for Lee.He does have a nice touch at the line, but free-throws and jumpers are totally different.

Honestly, David Lee doesn't have all-star potential. Maybe down the line he'll have an outstanding scoring season, and he might sneak onto an all-starteam, but he simply does not have the offensive skillset to become a top scoring big-man. What he DOES have is heart and soul, something that most teams aredevoid of. He's a likeable person, he leads by example, he works his tail off, and he gives 100% every single game. He's a perfect right-hand-man (forsomeone like...LeBron?). I can see him average 14-16 a game from putbacks and easy dumpoffs if we get a legitimate slasher/passer. Anyone remember therookie-sophomore game? He was unstoppable because, well, he just wouldn't stop. I don't care if defense isn't played; you go 30 and 11 on 14-14shooting, that's something special.

I love David Lee as much as the next guy, but he's not our savior. But he'll be THE integral piece in our rebuilding process. Every other team in theleague would love to have this guy because he can enter ANY roster without bursting a seam. He's all about production because if he doesn't give 100%,he won't be a double-double guy. That's why he's being compared to Charles Oakley; they both share the all-or-nothing mentality. Does anyoneremember a game last season against the Clippers? Lee got elbowed in the eye by Tim Thomas (although inadvertently) and got a black-&-blue. He ended updropping 16-10-2-1-1 without skipping a beat. That's why I love this guy. That's why he's so valuable.

But to conclude, for Lee, instead of a 15 foot jumpshot, 15 lbs. of muscle would suit him much better. Hell, he's probably in the gym right now.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

A lot of people have been saying "Develop a 15-foot jumper and he'll be an all-star lock." While true, it's not an easy task, even for Lee. He does have a nice touch at the line, but free-throws and jumpers are totally different.

Honestly, David Lee doesn't have all-star potential. Maybe down the line he'll have an outstanding scoring season, and he might sneak onto an all-star team, but he simply does not have the offensive skillset to become a top scoring big-man. What he DOES have is heart and soul, something that most teams are devoid of. He's a likeable person, he leads by example, he works his tail off, and he gives 100% every single game. He's a perfect right-hand-man (for someone like...LeBron?). I can see him average 14-16 a game from putbacks and easy dumpoffs if we get a legitimate slasher/passer. Anyone remember the rookie-sophomore game? He was unstoppable because, well, he just wouldn't stop. I don't care if defense isn't played; you go 30 and 11 on 14-14 shooting, that's something special.

I love David Lee as much as the next guy, but he's not our savior. But he'll be THE integral piece in our rebuilding process. Every other team in the league would love to have this guy because he can enter ANY roster without bursting a seam. He's all about production because if he doesn't give 100%, he won't be a double-double guy. That's why he's being compared to Charles Oakley; they both share the all-or-nothing mentality. Does anyone remember a game last season against the Clippers? Lee got elbowed in the eye by Tim Thomas (although inadvertently) and got a black-&-blue. He ended up dropping 16-10-2-1-1 without skipping a beat. That's why I love this guy. That's why he's so valuable.

But to conclude, for Lee, instead of a 15 foot jumpshot, 15 lbs. of muscle would suit him much better. Hell, he's probably in the gym right now.
Well said. Developing post moves and working on his post game should be the focus.

Does it bother anyone else his rebounding numbers dipped this year?
I'm not a Knicks fan, but I do prefer an NBA with a strong NYK franchise. I'd recommend against comparing David Lee to Charles Barkley is any way,shape, or form. Barkley is one of the best players in NBA history. He could score with the best of them, rebound like few others, and is in a class by himself.David Lee can't even carry Charles Barkley's luggage.

Lee is a solid NBA player, but there is almost no chance that he will ever approach anything close to resembling Charles Barkley.

Knicks fans should ask what position does David Lee play. He doesn't have handles to be a SF in the NBA. Is he tall enough to muscle for buckets with hisback to the basket? He can rebound, but can he use his size to keep the low post bigs 8-10 feet from the rim?

The Knicks need to move either Curry or Randolph. The rotation is going to be really bad once the 1st round pick starts to ball with the club.
Knicks fans should ask what position does David Lee play. He doesn't have handles to be a SF in the NBA. Is he tall enough to muscle for buckets with his back to the basket? He can rebound, but can he use his size to keep the low post bigs 8-10 feet from the rim?

He definitely isn't a 3, although he runs the court pretty well and can slither through cracks fairly easily. He is 6'9", but he does lack a bitin wingspan. He does have above-average ups in his position, and adding muscle would help him out.

Does it bother anyone else his rebounding numbers dipped this year?

Not really. Z-Bo is an above average rebounder. I'm sure most, if not all Knick fans expected a slight dip in his #s.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

A lot of people have been saying "Develop a 15-foot jumper and he'll be an all-star lock." While true, it's not an easy task, even for Lee. He does have a nice touch at the line, but free-throws and jumpers are totally different.

Honestly, David Lee doesn't have all-star potential. Maybe down the line he'll have an outstanding scoring season, and he might sneak onto an all-star team, but he simply does not have the offensive skillset to become a top scoring big-man. What he DOES have is heart and soul, something that most teams are devoid of. He's a likeable person, he leads by example, he works his tail off, and he gives 100% every single game. He's a perfect right-hand-man (for someone like...LeBron?). I can see him average 14-16 a game from putbacks and easy dumpoffs if we get a legitimate slasher/passer. Anyone remember the rookie-sophomore game? He was unstoppable because, well, he just wouldn't stop. I don't care if defense isn't played; you go 30 and 11 on 14-14 shooting, that's something special.

I love David Lee as much as the next guy, but he's not our savior. But he'll be THE integral piece in our rebuilding process. Every other team in the league would love to have this guy because he can enter ANY roster without bursting a seam. He's all about production because if he doesn't give 100%, he won't be a double-double guy. That's why he's being compared to Charles Oakley; they both share the all-or-nothing mentality. Does anyone remember a game last season against the Clippers? Lee got elbowed in the eye by Tim Thomas (although inadvertently) and got a black-&-blue. He ended up dropping 16-10-2-1-1 without skipping a beat. That's why I love this guy. That's why he's so valuable.

But to conclude, for Lee, instead of a 15 foot jumpshot, 15 lbs. of muscle would suit him much better. Hell, he's probably in the gym right now.

dont get me not saying lee should be our #1 option nor do i think he can be a perennial all-star...but developing a midrange game is not gonnahurt...i look at lee like the white version of charles oakley...kill me if you want but i think the comparison is fair...what happened when oak developed that17 footer? he got his first and only all-star appearance...that said...we never would have been a successful team if we built around oakley...but he made agreat right hand man to ewing...why cant lee do the same?
I'll say this once and I will say it again, as long as we have Z-bo or Curry on the team, David Lee will not flourish. Besides, he isnt a legitimateoffensive threat anyways.
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

while lee is a tad bit undersized, he plays with heart and hustle which most of the team lacks...i also remember him doing a good job against bigger 4s and 5s for the most part b/c he isn't afraid to play physical...i remember him locking up shaq a couple times this season...he really just needs to develop a 17 footer and he can be an allstar in the east easy


and i know the Knicks were painful to watch late in the season, but if any of you did watch it was easy to see tyhat Lee's jumper is coming around hewas knocking down Js near 3 point range with ease and he has the summer to keep working. And he can play with his back to the basket as well. With hisathletisism and power and ambidextrousness not only is he a terrific rebounder and a great defender but he has a lot of offensive potential as well and becauseof his work ethic he is showing it.
EDIT: and i do NOT want to see Curry or Z Bo in a Knicks uni ever again. I especcially want Curry gone causse hestraight up sucks, but Z bo althougb i agree is an offensive talet, takes tme away from D lee and plays no D and i want a new look team that hustles and playsD, and i want Lee to be the PF.
[h3]By MARC BERMAN[/h3]

May 6, 2008 -- By tomorrow, KnicksNew York Knicks
president Donnie Walsh will have interviewed Mike D'Antoni and Avery Johnson as his decision onwhom to offer the coaching job of the moribund franchise takes shape.

Walsh had a reservation last night at a Phoenix hotel and was expected to have dinner with D'Antoni. A source said Bullspresident John Paxson met with D'Antoni Sunday night, and Chicago appears to be the favorite.

Johnson advisor Tony Dutt said Walsh will interview Johnson "midweek," presumably tomorrow. The Bulls will follow Friday.

Johnson was fired last week by Dallas. D'Antoni was granted permission over the weekend by Phoenix to talk to the Knicks and Bulls, who are in lockstepduring this coaching search.The search began with Mark Jackson as the heavy favorite until two recent Coach of the Year winners becameavailable, skewing the Jackson odds.

D'Antoni prefers the Bulls, who are the better team despite their crash this season, but it's no lock they'll offer him the job. Toronto couldalso be an option, with D'Antoni's former boss, Bryan Colangelo, needing to convince ownership to eat Sam Mitchell's contract.

The Knicks can likely outbid the Bulls for both coaches. If he feels Jackson's lack of coaching experience is not right for this group of Knicksmisfits, Walsh could present D'Antoni with a five-year, $30 million package to entice him to join 23-59 TeamTitanic.

A source close to D'Antoni told The Post yesterday, "Mike doesn't have his mind made up either way. He's excitedabout both places. Mike wants to go to a place where he can make the biggest impact."

D'Antoni's days with the Suns are all but over. The Suns don't want to pay D'Antoni the final two years and $8.5 million left on hiscontract, so they want to guarantee he's got another job. D'Antoni doesn't want to return because GM Steve Kerr is putting restrictions on whomshould be on his coaching staff.

"He's very upset with the owner and GM for not supporting him," another source familiar with the situation said.

"As we have continued to convey, we value Mike D'Antoni as the head coach of the Phoenix Suns and would like him to continue leading thisbasketball team," Kerr said in a statement. "Because he has requested to speak to other teams about their head coaching vacancies, we have grantedhim permission."

Clearly, Walsh is tempted by the track records of D'Antoni and Johnson, both wildly successful in the West with divergent styles.

D'Antoni contructed the chic new model of offense, the high-octane, go-go Suns that he perfected as a coach in Italy. Kobe Bryant grew up in Italywatching D'Antoni play and until last season wore his No. 8 in honor of the Italian league star.
on ESPNews bottom line it says and i quote " Bulls are the likely favorite for D'antoni's services"

all rejoice!!
^^^^PLEASE Lord

man that 5 year $30 mil has been HORRIBLE for us

I think we gave Brown that much, and Jeffries and James
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