Isiah Thomas is not fired, just banned

Monday, April 21st 2008, 8:15 PM
Isiah Thomas must stay away from the Knicks' facilities. Spearman/AP

Isiah Thomas must stay away from the Knicks' facilities.

When, not if, Mark Jackson arrives in New York, he won't have to worry about Isiah Thomas meddling with the players or making any surprise visits tothe Knicks' training headquarters in Westchester.

According to a team source, Thomas has been barred from having any contact with the team as part of his reassignment agreement with Knickspresident Donnie Walsh. Such an agreement is critical for a new coach as he tries to reestablish a winning culture at Madison Square Garden and distancehimself from the Thomas regime.

Thomas is responsible for acquiring every player on the current roster and the fear is that if he were allowed to have any contact, including telephonecalls, he could either willingly or unwillingly undermine the incoming coach.

That agreement, however, does not prohibit Thomas from speaking to Garden chairman James Dolan, who was been a staunch supporter of Thomas despite fourstraight losing seasons.

Walsh, who removed Thomas as coach last week, apparently is comfortable with the arrangement and more concerned now with finding Thomas' successor.Jackson is not only the leading candidate, but he appears to be the only candidate to become the Knicks' next head coach.

Walsh is expected to meet with Jackson this week and there is a possibility a deal could be in place sometime within the next seven to 10 days. AChicago Bulls source confirmed that the team has contacted Jackson about its coaching vacancy. It is unclear if Jackson, unavailable for comment yesterday,will interview with the Bulls.

Jackson's lone competition, Scott Skiles, signed on with the Bucks yesterday. It appears that Jeff Van Gundy, who has endorsed Jackson, never was aserious candidate.

One report, citing an unnamed source who was with Walsh during Friday's conference call in which Walsh officially removed Thomas as coach, suggestedthat the new team president mocked a reporter's question as to whether Van Gundy would be a candidate. According to the source, Walsh made a gesture with afake pen and pretended to write Van Gundy's name as if he were adding the former Knick coach to a make-believe list.

If the source is suggesting that Walsh was never going to consider Van Gundy for the job, it makes Walsh look bad on many levels. Why would Walshridicule the third- winningest coach in franchise history, who also happens to be the people's choice for the job, and yet go out of his way to publiclypraise Thomas, who was arguably the worst coach in team history and despised by fans?

Also, if Walsh was just paying lip service to the suggestion that Van Gundy is a candidate, was he also not being forthcoming when he said that Dolan"absolutely had no input" with the decision to reassign Thomas?

Either way, Walsh learned a lesson about trusting this organization as he tries to familiarize himself with employees. Walsh seems sincere about wantingto revamp the club's notorious media policy, yet less than a month into the job he already has been embarrassed twice by his own staff.

Ten days ago, his interview with reporters was documented by a media relations official without Walsh's knowledge. This week, a private moment wasleaked as a way to humiliate Van Gundy, but it instead made Walsh look petty and vindictive.
Moreover, Van Gundy has been effusive in his praise ofWalsh and even eliminated a potentially awkward situation by essentially saying on Saturday that he had no interest in returning to coaching and that Jacksonwas the right - and only - man for the Knicks' job.
Maybe Chandlers numbers mean nothing...

But being 6'7 220 with game does.

He's far better than Collins was or ever will be, same with Ariza.

He wasn't a 2nd round pick just putting up numbers in garbage time...he can play.
For once, i agree with that u
I hope so, but I'll wait to see what he does next season before saying he can be a good starting SF in the league.
@ them sonning hes just a $18 million mime

and this kid Wilson..he's aight...but we'll see next season. son got potential though

Crawford should be a 6th man. he's old enough that his lack of shot selection and such should not be excused now. if he doesnt get it by now, he prollywont. sorry.
If we were to get a defense and rebounding minded Center this off season...

And had Chandler and Lee start at the 3 and 4 all year.

We'll be A Top 3 rebounding team in the league.
On a good team Crawford is a 6th man, but who do you start over him at SG/PG on the Knicks?

And to typerpinoy: I was basically trying to say I don't want the Knicks to re-sign Nate. I don't think there's any question Walsh is gonna holdonto Steph and his expiring contract.
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Chances are if we draft a PG really high in the draft, the Knicks would have a hard time offering Nate a new contract following this next season. Especially given the fact that Walsh has already stated he intends to get the Knicks under the salary cap. I may be in the minority here, but I think the only guy I would consider giving a long-term deal to that ties up a lot of money would be Lee. If someone is willing to give Nate lots of $ in a long term deal, how could the Knicks match it?

giving lee his paper so he sticks around is pretty much the consensus opinion around here...we cannot let him go....and if walsh is smart and really doeswanna get under the cap he will keep steph and his $20+ mil expiring contract on the roster
We need someone who can shoot...

That is not Chandlers strength right now...and we know Lee has no range. So the PG and SG better be able to

But I'd rather see us play D better....if we do I could live with an awful shooting team
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

On a good team Crawford is a 6th man, but who do you start over him at SG/PG on the Knicks?

And to typerpinoy: I was basically trying to say I don't want the Knicks to re-sign Nate. I don't think there's any question Walsh is gonna hold onto Steph and his expiring contract.

i really dont care what happens to nate as long as it doesnt kill our cap room and david lee is locked up
I just heard Walsh say on the radio that he might not look to hire for a GM. He also said that Jeff Van Gundy declined to interview for the coaching vacancy.
I really want Rose, Mayo is going to play like Jamal for his first few seasons. I think our 2nd round pick is going to be more important than our 1st rounder.
[h3]By MARC BERMAN[/h3]

Jeff Van Gundy is off the Knicks' list for new coach.


April 22, 2008 --

Knicks New York Knicks
president Donnie Walsh, speaking in a conference call this afternoon, said Jeff Van Gundy is no longeron his list of head coaching candidates after speaking to him today on the phone.

Walsh admitted he is down to a short list after Scott Skiles accepted the Bucks job yesterday.

"(Jeff's) not going to be a candidate for the coaching job for his own personal reasons," Walsh said. "I have nothing but respect forJeff."

Walsh said frontrunner Mark Jackson will interview for the job soon, but wouldn't say if it would be tomorrow or Thursday.

Walsh, asked if Jackson was the leading candidate, as has been reported, said, "I guess you don't know that until you sit down and the two of youtalk together. That's when you find out how far along you are as far as a description ... I've spent time developing a list of a small group of guysI'd feel that way about."

Walsh said he called Van Gundy today after a Post report that Walsh gestured with a fake pen during his Friday conference call, as if writing VanGundy's name down as he remarked that he's adding the name to the candidate list. Walsh felt the report of the gesture looked as if he was mocking VanGundy.

"I called him to explain I had nothing but respect for him," Walsh said. "He informed (me) he didn't want to coach for his own personalreasons."

Walsh expressed regret he got into the hunt for Skiles too late, last Friday night, because the former Bulls coach already had an offer from the Bucks.

"I like Scott," Walsh said. "He would've been one of the guys I tried to get in with lengthy conversations."
Walsh confirmed hespoke with Herb Williams yesterday and plans to discuss with him further about the head coaching
I was in an elevator with Donnie Walsh earlier today.
I was coming in from a lunch break and we both got into the elevator at the same time.

I didn't talk to him, and I didn't know if he would be comfortable with random strangers wishing him good luck with the Knicks.

A rather cool experience either way.
You work at MSG? Or was it just at some random building? I applied to a job with MSG, more specifically PR for the Knicks LOLOLOLOL....probably a good thing Ididn't end up working there.
[h1]Charles Oakley to Knicks: Give Herb Williams the job as head coach[/h1]

Wednesday, April 23rd 2008, 4:00 AM

Jeff Van Gundy thinks Mark Jackson is the right man to take over as the Knicks' coach. Former Knick Charles Oakley has his own candidate in mind - someone he believes should have gotten the job yearsago.

"They should have gave Herb (Williams) the job, even before Lenny (Wilkens), Larry Brown and Isiah (Thomas)," the always outspoken Oakley told reportersyesterday.

"That was embarrassing to bring Thomas to New York. What he has done over the last four years for the team was garbage. And being a GM, coach ...toomuch power for a guy that really hasn't done nothing for his (team) to win. He won a championship (playing) with Detroit, but as far as Indiana orwhatever, I don't know."

Oakley expressed the utmost confidence in Williams' ability to lead the Knicks, adding that he has been through every level with the team - player,assistant, interim coach - and all that's left is to give him the reins.

"(Herb) would bring just as much as Lenny brought when he was here, more than Isiah, no question," Oakley added. "I think they should givehim a chance because every time they ask him to do something, he's done it over the years. Interim coach, he's done it. So what's left?"

Williams was an assistant under Don Chaney and Wilkens, and when Wilkensresigned in 2005, Williams was named interim coach.

He went back to being an assistant when Brown took over and was still on the bench for Thomas' disastrous coaching tenure, which ended Friday when newteam president Donnie Walsh fired him.

Oakley insists Williams should be the Knicks' guy, even though Jackson - an ABC broadcaster who is also a former Knick teammate of Oakley's - isscheduled to meet with Walsh this week.

If Williams doesn't get a look, Oakley has another candidate in mind.

"I think (Williams) should be coach or bring Patrick (Ewing) back," Oakleysaid. "Patrick at least sat and assistant-coached for years (with Houston and Orlando).

"Mark was in the studio ... or whatever."

Not that Oakley doesn't respect Jackson's basketball knowledge, but he thinks if the Knicks bring in a former player, it should be someone withcoaching experience.

"I think New York management's looking for the wrong thing in a coach," Oakley said. "They're looking for somebody, who in the past,has already won championships. Mark was a great point guard. Isiah was a point guard, but he couldn't get across."

Oakley, who splits time between Atlanta and Chicago, was in Manhattan screeninghis new cooking-show pilot - "Cafe Oakley" - for members of the press and close friends.
briannnn....really?...what floor?...I work at 2 penn on the 14th the team ops department...seen walsh in the hallway a couple times myself...
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