Official New Balance Thread *sizing info for different models on first page*

The whole "forum rules" thing is royally stupid in my opinion. Who cares if people are buying or selling. Can't these theads be about both? But, I am fed up with all of the new people in this thread who act like NB experts when they only have limited stuff released this year. I've been collecting NBs for like 4 years now, and rocking them as regular wear shoes for longer. 

Oh, and while y'all were busy trying to cop the Ronnie Fayg Salmon Soles (even for him, that shoe takes laziness to a new level) I picked these up for a pretty good deal. One of my favorite NBs released in the past few years, and the shoe RF straight up jacked 

Norse x 670
I love that Teal hit on the heel of the midsole.
Did you miss the part where i said i just collecting in '10. I dont buy for hype, i buy for what I LIKE. Colors, Comfort, and anything else i FEEL makes a good shoe. I don't buy off others opinions, i buy what I LIKE... Of course i will take others reviews/opinions into cosideration when purchasing an item i havent in a while. So a newer buyer notices New Balances as a good shoe and wants a pair, now they just want for hype? The first shoes that caught their eyes were limited, so its an issue?  I own a few pair of REGULAR $40-60 saucony i use for running/walking shoes, and a few pair of NB as well. Sorry i didnt post a pic of some beat up running/walking shoes smh Isn't it a good thing that others are interested in a good shoe? You sound like a bitter/grumpy old man that doesnt want times to change. The basis of "hype" being the reasons people buy isnt for EVERYONE.

At the end of the day its a product for ANYONE to buy or DONT buy. So the more "OG" (lol) collectors who dont want to buy anymore just makes room for new buyers. I hate the people who feel they "own" a brand or have more of a say so because you bought a pair/collected a few years back. This isnt a job and seniority means nothing lol

So back on topic because i wont get drawn in by someone trolling and telling me why i buy shoes lmao
I really thought this elitist crap was strictly a Jumpman thing, but I guess I was wrong. It's 10x worse on the other forum though. At the end of the day they're just sneakers and no one needs to justify why, what, or how long they've been buying a product for. If they like it, they like it. This goes for people who have been buying them for a long time, but also for the people who are new who's first post is always something a long the lines of "I got tired of crap Nike/Jordan stuff and came here". Seriously, who cares? For whatever reason, we're all here now and share that common interest. So share some info, discuss the product, help some members out if possible, and leave all of the other garbage at the door.
I'll try to break this all up with a video. My look at the Concepts x New Balance 999 "Seal."

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nothin to break up lol props on the video, dope review. Finally got a pair for a reasonable price. Pretty geeked
Im glad NBs are getting the shine they deserve here in America lately, but it just makes me sad that most of the people who post in this thread's collection looks something like this. All limited and/or all released this year. smh 
Do I like the shoes I got? yes. Have I known about new balance for some time but was hesitating on switching over till now?yes. It just so happens that the colors and models I like are limited.....heaven forbid. Are there some gr and older nbs I like? yep. And don't think for a second my overall collection looks like I've learned about shoes just this year, I have been into this for a long time and Im just glad I found another brand I like thats quality hasn't disappointed me yet. Better late than never i guess...
Some of you guys need to get off of your high horse a bit. Just because someone wasn't into NB at one point and is now doesn't make them a hypebeast (hate this word). People have got to start somewhere. I think a lot of people are coming over to NB because they are sick of the crap quality on some of the Jordan/Nike retros and want something that might be a little better. No problem with this IMO.

Anyways, nice pickups on the 1600s on the last page. Really thinking about pulling the trigger on the red ones.
I think a lot of people are coming over to NB because they are sick of the crap quality on some of the Jordan/Nike retros and want something that might be a little better.
Amen.  I just got in the NB game(mainly a nike SB wearer) cuz Nike has been dropping the ball on quality control.  They also have lost a lot of their creativity.  Most of the new drops(especially SBs and Jordans) have been super lame and/or a retro/recycled retroish(not really a word) of this or that.  NB on the other hand is using premium materials and great color ways on even their general releases.
Some of you guys need to get off of your high horse a bit. Just because someone wasn't into NB at one point and is now doesn't make them a hypebeast (hate this word). People have got to start somewhere. I think a lot of people are coming over to NB because they are sick of the crap quality on some of the Jordan/Nike retros and want something that might be a little better. No problem with this IMO.

Anyways, nice pickups on the 1600s on the last page. Really thinking about pulling the trigger on the red ones.

I don't think anyone cares if someone just started collecting NB's yesterday. Being new doesn't make someone a hype beast, being a hype beast makes someone a hype beast. I don't agree with the bashing of members. That isn't cool at all, but there is a lot of unnecessary hype going around. (It's a little OD to proclaim you're no longer buying any other release when you see the picture of a tongue.)

The "quality" reason for defecting is getting tired too. NB isn't the only brand who has higher build quality and materials than Nike. It's just convenient that they happen to be collaborating with some of the most hyped shops and streetwear brands. And that's the majority of their collections. Who cares though? If you're happy with your purchase and wear what you bought, then that's all that matters. At the same time, people need to understand what it looks like when they fit the criteria of what I just posted.

This thread is definitely more active, which is a good thing, but it's mostly pages of the same 4 shoes being reposted over and over again.

Nice Kicks' shop had a sale on Halloween for 31% off everything. They had close to a full size run of the red 1600's. I managed to get a pair for maybe 80 something. There's been finds and sales posted in this thread, but they've been getting buried by the useless posts.
OS Life has the "SEALs" sz 9 $235 sz 10 $250. Not retail but better than some of the re-sell prices out there if anyone is interested.
Fire red 1600 > salmon toe 1300..... Bam! And for those who missed out on the nice kicks 30% off sale ya blew it. I scored uk 1500 blk/org for $109 shipped! You guys can fight over $250+ seals, salmon toes over hyped bs. Only good thing about salmon toes is the norse rip off and they are usa made. Glad i sold mine and grabbed more for less. Time to double up on some fr 1600.
I'm a sucker for anything which a gum bottom. Only reason why I'm a little salty over not getting a pair of the Blue Collars. But I don't mind paying that much for something I really want. I'll just sell two or three pairs of shoes I never wear to get the money for the Salmon Soles, which I know I'll wear. 
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