Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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Cartwright.....Wennington....Armstrong....Longley....Harper...Kukoc...Rodman. This equates to stacked?

That is a farrrrrrrrrrr stretch and gross overuse of the word. MJ made a lot of medicore/average players that much better because it demanded and got the most out of every player on his squad. His teammates played their best ball with Mike....check out their careers before and after MJ.

Cartwright, Wennington, Longley were all legitimate NBA centers.  Not great players but big centers(add in Will Perdue there, and Jordan had them all at the same time.)  Aside from Shaq and Bynum, can you even name another center Kobe played with?

Pippen was a top 5 player for many of those Bulls championships.

Aside from Gasol, Kukoc was as good as any forward Kobe ever had on any of his teams.  Old *** Malone included.

Kobe won with Harper and Rodman in wheelchairs.  Jordan had them in their primes.  Argue that Harper was mediocre, but Rodman was the best defensive player in the NBA at the time and one of the greatest ever.

But Jordan had zero help, doe.
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Don't get me wrong :lol: i'm not arguing one way or the other.  just saying i'm tired of the "Get to 6 chips then we can talk" arguments against kobe being one of the greats.  even the "kobe had shaq" argument is stupid (mike's teams were stacked too. argue against that if you want.)

i just want kobe to meet/surpass some of mike's individual accomplishments out of spite towards the mike worshipers and their arguments, not because of any belief that it would legitimize kobe as the goat. The large number of people arguing against kobe being close to mike are lakers haters and mike fans who are just bitter someone is even close to their hero and being compared to him.  Their kobe distaste is reactionary.

and kobe was prob the best player in the NBA from 2002-2006 (maybeee 2007&8 too.)

Besides Pippen, who else was on Bulls that you could consider a superstar?? :nerd: Stacey King, Will Perdue, Randy Brown, Dickey Simpkins, Bison Dele, Cliff Livingston, Jud Bucheler, Jason Caffey, and Scott Burrell just to name a few :smh: . The Bulls had specialist who knew their roles like Rodman/Grant who were rebounding machines, didn't get respect on a superstar level either, Kerr/Paxson 3 pointers all day, and guys like Kukoc who could give you a little bit of everything. That's why they won, excellent role players.

Andre is exactly what Denver needed! I still feel we got Iggy for a steal. I am so ready for next season. And for the Lake show, I dont know if Mike Brown can bring that team together. They literally have an All-Star line up, but it takes time to gel. Just like Miami last year. But if they gel right (I hate to say this because I CANT STAND the Lakers), I dont think anybody can beat them. They are too stacked!!!!
Cartwright, Wennington, Longley were all legitimate NBA centers.  Not great players but big centers(add in Will Perdue there, and Jordan had them all at the same time.)  Aside from Shaq and Bynum, can you even name another center Kobe played with?

Pippen was a top 5 player for many of those Bulls championships.

Aside from Gasol, Kukoc was as good as any forward Kobe ever had on any of his teams.  Old *** Malone included.

Kobe won with Harper and Rodman in wheelchairs.  Jordan had them in their primes.  Argue that Harper was mediocre, but Rodman was the best defensive player in the NBA at the time and one of the greatest ever.

But Jordan had zero help, doe.

Not directed at you specifically but for some people posting nonsense.....

Kobe had arguably the best center of all time for 3 of those championships, and Shaq was Finals MVP in all of them.

Jordan had Luc Longley, Bill Cartwright and Wennington as his centers. Everyone said you needed an all star big man to win in this league and Jordan proved that theory wrong. He had Scottie Pippen who was drafted by the Bulls (homegrown) to help him and everyone else around them were role players. The only FA move they made that was big up front was Rodman and that was for the last two chips, other than that how many stars went to the Bulls? Harper was past his prime on the Bulls. That Rodman deal was their one BIG TIME move and he was on his last legs. :lol:

Kobe has had %$#@ handed to him his whole career, he is my favorite player but to sit there and say Kobe has achieved what Jordan has is the most dumbest thing I have ever read on this forum. I respect him for complaining to the front office when his team sucked, but some of you fans are the worst.

"Hey look guys, if Kobe wins 6 that means he is Jordan's equal because he has 6. If Kobe has 7 that means he is better than Jordan"

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Shouldn't the end argument when comparing players who Kobe and Jordan played with stop once mentioning Kobe played with Shaq???
The only people I ever heard say Kobe is better than MJ is lakers fans :lol:
did you guys all of a sudden forget the threat Dwight's camp put out about being traded to Houston? I'm pretty sure their trade offer was retracted or reduced based off that..

yeah but he wouldn't be going to hou anyway, it was a three team deal:

Lakers would get dwight
Hou gets bynum
Orl gets their expiring contracts/draft picks
you can tell whos MAD when Kobe gets a great player on his team and people jump right into the Kobe vs MJ thing.

Cartwright, Wennington, Longley were all legitimate NBA centers.  Not great players but big centers(add in Will Perdue there, and Jordan had them all at the same time.)  Aside from Shaq and Bynum, can you even name another center Kobe played with?

Pippen was a top 5 player for many of those Bulls championships.

Aside from Gasol, Kukoc was as good as any forward Kobe ever had on any of his teams.  Old *** Malone included.

Kobe won with Harper and Rodman in wheelchairs.  Jordan had them in their primes.  Argue that Harper was mediocre, but Rodman was the best defensive player in the NBA at the time and one of the greatest ever.

But Jordan had zero help, doe.

I don't think the argument is about whether MJ had zero help or not, of course MJ had help but none of his teams were stacked across the board.
Brah, what is this even supposed to mean? 

It means Kobe has lost in two different NBA finals....When Jordan made it to the Finals, it was a wrap, he wasn't losing.

First you claim Jordan's Bulls teams as you say those players were legit NBA centers? Robin Lopez is a legit NBA a team stacked because he is on it? No. What did the Bulls do when Jordan retired to play baseball? Oh that's right.....get bounced out of the playoffs and have Pippen pointing at his AJ Xs to have Money come back ASAP.

Kobe has played with some great talent/solid players....and this is before his current All-Star Squad, you must be forgetting:

-Derrick Fisher
-Rick Fox
-Eddie Jones
-Horace Grant
-John Salley
-Glenn Rice
-Brian Shaw
-Caron Butler
-Lamar Odom

Shaq, Gasol or Bynum are better than ANY center Mike played with. Come on.
Don't get me wrong :lol: i'm not arguing one way or the other.  just saying i'm tired of the "Get to 6 chips then we can talk" arguments against kobe being one of the greats.  even the "kobe had shaq" argument is stupid (mike's teams were stacked too. argue against that if you want.)

i just want kobe to meet/surpass some of mike's individual accomplishments out of spite towards the mike worshipers and their arguments, not because of any belief that it would legitimize kobe as the goat. The large number of people arguing against kobe being close to mike are lakers haters and mike fans who are just bitter someone is even close to their hero and being compared to him.  Their kobe distaste is reactionary.

and kobe was prob the best player in the NBA from 2002-2006 (maybeee 2007&8 too.)

Besides Pippen, who else was on Bulls that you could consider a superstar?? :nerd: Stacey King, Will Perdue, Randy Brown, Dickey Simpkins, Bison Dele, Cliff Livingston, Jud Bucheler, Jason Caffey, and Scott Burrell just to name a few :smh: . The Bulls had specialist who knew their roles like Rodman/Grant who were rebounding machines, didn't get respect on a superstar level either, Kerr/Paxson 3 pointers all day, and guys like Kukoc who could give you a little bit of everything. That's why they won, excellent role players.


If it wasnt for Pippen, MJ wouldnt have any rings. 100% fact.
I'm a Lakers/Kobe fan, but people need to shut up about this whole MJ vs Kobe debate. This is part of the reason why so many people hate on Laker fans.

Let's all just calm down and enjoy the upcoming season. :smokin
MJ at 40 years old took a team with POPEYE JONES, Chris Whitney, Christian (stoned out of my mind) Laettener, Tyrone Nesby, Jahidi White......and made them relevant. He should get another title for that accomplishment in itself!

I've been a Kobe fan since he caught his first charge in Colorado :lol: and I'm happy for Kobe, a deal like this helps prolong his career another 4 years and gives him a legit shot at beating the Heat.
so you want Jordan to win a championship completely by himself in that case? Of course he needed a guy like Pippen.

Point is people are saying Bulls were stacked, no they weren't. :lol:

People think Kobe is just as good as MJ if he ever wins 6, it's not even close. :lol:

Only people that speak that nonsense are Lakers fans.
Oh boy.

Good post Mez.
you can tell whos MAD when Kobe gets a great player on his team and people jump right into the Kobe vs MJ thing.
Actually it was Kobe/Lakers' fans who brought this topic up saying it was "sad" Kobe could never be viewed as being better than MJ.

You should read more carefully before you troll.
Again, we don’t know how concrete any of these offers were, and there have been rumblings around the league that Orlando’s non-basketball people — i.e., CEO Alex Martins — have taken control of the Howard talks away from GM Rob Hennigan (and Otis Smith before him). But this deal stinks for the Magic. It’s great for the Lakers, though. Some things never change.

The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same...

*puts my goddamn records on*

:smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
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