Official NBA 2k13 Thread

Fully Guaranteed Players missing from NBA 2K13.

James White – 1 year Guaranteed contract
Pablo Prigioni – 1 year guaranteed contract
Mirza Teletovic – 3 year guaranteed contract
Kyle Singler – 3 year guaranteed contract - on dsic - black arms - CF ID - 2137
Slava Krostov – One year guaranteed with unguaranteed team option for
2nd year
Alan Anderson – One Year Contract Guaranteed
Scott Machado - 2 year partially guaranteed contract
Nando De Colo - 2 year guaranteed contract - CF ID - 1659
Alexey Shved – 2 year Guaranteed contract
Joel Freeland – 3 year guaranteed contract - on disc - CF ID - 2508
Victor Claver – 3 year guaranteed contract - on disc - CF ID 2507

Unguaranteed Players Missing from NBA 2K13:

Maalik Wayns – Unguaranteed
Donald Sloan - Unguaranteed - on disc
Terrell Harris - Unguaranteed - on disc
Brian Roberts - Unguaranteed
Lance Thomas - Unguaranteed
Kevin Murphy – 2 year unguaranteed - on disc
Chris Copeland - Unguaranteed

Darius Johnson Odom - Unguaranteed - on disc
Robert Sacre - Unguaranteed - on dsic
Dequan Jones - Unguaranteed
Julyan Stone – Unguaranteed contract - on disc

Greg Smith - Unguaranteed
PJ Tucker – unguaranteed contract
Luke Zeller - Unguaranteed
Diante Garrett - Unguaranteed
Will Conroy - Unguaranteed
Kent Bazemore – Unguaranteed

Tweeted this list (various players added and removed since) numerous times over the past 2 weeks to Ronnie2K and the 2K Insider. Hopefully it get's used for a full fledge update.
Anyone else constantly getting an error message when playing my player after a game and can't move onto the next game just kicks you out? Any suggestions would help I really need it
This is pitiful. I make it to all-star every game on the schedule has vanished prior and after...

This is horse ****
This is pitiful. I make it to all-star every game on the schedule has vanished prior and after...

This is horse ****

Similar **** happened to me. Played the rising star game then won the dunk contest. Hit play next game and it send me right to the playoffs :smh: .

Currently in the western conference finals vs the thunder
This is pitiful. I make it to all-star every game on the schedule has vanished prior and after...

This is horse ****
Similar **** happened to me. Played the rising star game then won the dunk contest. Hit play next game and it send me right to the playoffs

Currently in the western conference finals vs the thunder
Yeah man...Im like WTF.

The season literally ended after 53 games.

Anybody notice online, how the game will make sure the end of the game comes to an exciting, nail-biting, down to the wire finish? Where after playing hundreds of games over the years against all types of players, it becomes so blatantly obvious to the point where you see it coming a mile away and afterwards you contemplate forcefully introducing your controller to the nearest wall, even if you win?

Like you're up most of the game, playing a good game, good ball movement, spacing, getting everybody involved, shutting your opponent down playing good on-ball d, disrupting his gimmicks, trying to play the right way; you're basically in complete control for the first 3 qtrs but then suddenly, out of ******g nowhere (yes alpaca) you start playing like complete horse ***t?

- Your wide open 3-point specialists start cutting to the basket AFTER you pass the ball to them.

- you run a play where your sg is supposed to come around a screen and create space to get open and you pass him the ball so he can catch it in rhythm but he decides to cut at the very last second, sending the ball into the crowd.

- your team falls into a hypnotic gaze at the ball on long rebounds or any rebounds for that matter;

- you're playing on-ball defense and your man blows by you (yes Louisiana man) so you anticipate his drive and switch to the nearest man in advance and push the right stick in his direction to put a body on him but instead either your player somehow becomes stuck in molasses and you can't react in time or the guy driving slides right off your body thereby creating a Moses-like parting of the paint for him to unleash a ferocious momentum-shifting tomahawk.

- your defender swipes at the ball and knocks it loose and then for some reason you lose complete control of your player and you wonder if there's something wrong with your controller like maybe the battery died or something and the defender picks the ball up.

- on defense, you swipe at the ball this time and knock it loose and try to pick it up but for some reason you seem to just run in a circle around the ball giving the offense opportunity to get the ball back.

- you finally have a good position and properly box out for a rebound but of course this one time boxing out actually works, the ball decides to hang on the rim for that extra second and you either a) jump to grab it and get called for basket interference or b) try to learn from your interference mistake and wait for the ball but of course this gives the opposing rebounder time to magically slide you out of the way and grab the rebound over you.

- on another rebound attempt you have about 4 guys flooding the paint waiting for it but somehow the ball either a) rolls off one of their heads or back or arms or b) the ball magnetically sticks to one of them thereby allowing the one opponent who's in the paint grab the rebound and put it back up easily.

- you're at the line up by 3 with a few seconds left with a big man whose form you know well and he promptly bricks those 2 ft's even though YOU KNOW DAMN WELL at any other point earlier in the game you would have made them and then the subsequent play the opponent hits that crucial 3 to tie the game even though you put your defensive lineup out there and made sure to guard against the 3, even though you double teamed the shooter, even though YOU WERE ALL OVER HIM.

I apologize for the wall of text but I needed to put this out there in hopes someone who has even a modicum of influence will read this as I ask why 2k... why?
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I get where you coming from, ive had games where i blow cats out the mud, but then i had games that are close manly because 3's are so heavy, i only have good games when i play friends and wie hof sim it out. This patch needs to happen asap, offense rebounds and blocks are my main issue, also the contact to foul ratio is crazy unless its on sim, which i know online is not on sim. Once the patch comes they will be good, but by then i most likely wont even be playing online. Im going be doing a Association game by game with my team.
Yea I'm hoping for the patch to improve the experience like every year but I think these things, my many specific annoyances, are built into the game engine to level the playing field and keep people from feeling discouraged and ultimately quitting online altogether. Which is why we need lobbies back or better matchmaking.
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I know that feel Infamous, I know that feel :smh:

Made a 3 chucking, constant fast breaking Thunder user quit online earlier today, but the W still wasn't that satisfying. I guess I'm greedy, but being up 38-21 still felt too close for comfort because of the amount of unrealistic offensive rebounds he got off of contested 3 launches, and the shear amount of ill-advised passes that he completed every time.

It was my best game defensively with the Warriors, and I'm glad because I was a little nervous of Durant, luckily the cat I played didn't try to do too much with Westbrook. On the right day, offensive rebounds and these dumb *** passes are going to net these wild folks online a big W. This guy had 3 or 4 straight possessions because of offensive rebounds :x

Chuck a 3
Miss it
Get the offensive rebound
Kick out to perimeter
Chuck a 3
Miss it

At one point all 5 of my players were in the paint, and were still getting outrebounded by 1 person. I had my "Fast Break" coaching slider turned down a lot to help go for the boards but it hardly did anything, at times that **** might hurt you if all your guys are sucked into the lane and you don't get the rebound. If you can switch to the person closest to the rebound and hit Triangle/Y soon enough, you'll increase your chances of getting the rebound, I had better success later in the game.

There's players you run into online, that you can tell how they'll play for the duration of the game based on the first 2 minutes, sometimes even less time than that, and it's wack knowing that these guys should be getting drug by 30+ points based on their play style, but because of the focus on casuals and highlight reel lovers, it doesn't happen.
There's players you run into online, that you can tell how they'll play for the duration of the game based on the first 2 minutes, sometimes even less time than that, and it's wack knowing that these guys should be getting drug by 30+ points based on their play style, but because of the focus on casuals and highlight reel lovers, it doesn't happen.

Now that feel is one of the worser feels cuz you already know you're gonna run the gamut from cursing under your breath and sighing heavily to full-on screaming at the tv while your girl looks at you like you're a little boy and you then give her that look that says "Right now ain't the time for that, woman."

But my main issue is what I explained before -- the artificial closeness of the game. It's so incredibly frustrating. Yes, I realize every team makes a run IRL and it should be reflected in the game but don't help the losing team come back by forcing my team to make uncharacteristic mistakes. Encourage a shift in momentum by recognizing when the losing team has made adjustments and gotten some lucky breaks.
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Don't worry same thing happened in 2k12 random trade rumors would arise and you'd find yourself on the trading block but they'd never move you, my friend was traded randomly with no request to the rockets and he was ripped

I was traded twice with no notice.. Once from Sixers to the Hornets... Then Hornets got Kevin Love then traded me to the Bucks.
I hate the coaching in myplayer. Gerald Green is one of our best scorers yet his minutes have been cut down and ******* D.J. Augustin sees more minutes at the 2 than him. I told the GM I like playing with Green but his minutes have not increased. Tried to tell him again but that option is no longer available in GM sitdowns
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