Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I swear, next time I sit close enough and a ball flies outta bounds and I catch it, I will be firing a jumper no matter where I am sitting :lol:

Would i get kicked out of the game for that?
if you make it you will be on espn top 10 :smokin

probably will still get kicked out tho

just blame the sign lady
Thompson is not the answer at 4, they missed with that pick.. Maybe Williams isn't the answer either but he at least deserves a chance.

What do the Cavs have to lose?
If I'm OKC...

Kendrick Perkins, Jeremy Lamb, Perry Jones and Raptors 1st for Demarcus Cousins and John Salmons.

No one is stopping this 9 man rotation.... Westbrook, Sef, KD, Ibaka, Cousins, Maynor, Martin, Salmons, Collison
i guess i'm the only one that isn't too interested in the headcase/ 6-11 / too many jumpshot shooting/ questionnable shot selection having/ 43% career shooting center that is Demarcus Cousins

seinfeld gif
i guess i'm the only one that isn't too interested in the headcase/ 6-11 / too many jumpshot shooting/ questionnable shot selection having/ 43% career shooting center that is Demarcus Cousins
seinfeld gif

The wonders of being around better teammates, organization and coaching...

If a player acts like this on a bad team and has elite level talent (especially someone as young as Cousins), I would take a chance on him if I'm a good/great organization with good coaching.
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The Kings had been strongly advising the volatile Cousins to begin seeing a mental health counselor, but a person with knowledge of the situation said he refused to do so. The person spoke to USA TODAY Sports on the condition of anonymity because of the private nature of the matter.
i guess i'm the only one that isn't too interested in the headcase/ 6-11 / too many jumpshot shooting/ questionnable shot selection having/ 43% career shooting center that is Demarcus Cousins

seinfeld gif

He's one of those players who will coast for years off of his "potential".

He actually has alot more ability than alot of players who get by on their potential...but its almost not worth taking a chance on.
I'm just trying to understand why are people giving up on a 22 year old big man that obviously shows the talent, he just has attitude issues. Its not like he's Stromile Swift and shows the talent every blue moon. I think its more of where he's at than anything.
There's nothing funny about that.
I'm not laughing at Cousins, but rather the Kings. If you believe there's something seriously wrong with him, why not do more to get him help, rather than enabling his current behavior? Clash with a coach? Fired that coach. Clash with a coach? Suspended indefinitely... which ultimately winds up being 36 hours.

I know the person has to "want" to get help themselves, but there's more the Kings could be doing.
Like I said, this Boogie and Kings situation is the ultimate "chicken or egg?" question. :lol:
If I'm OKC...

Kendrick Perkins, Jeremy Lamb, Perry Jones and Raptors 1st for Demarcus Cousins and John Salmons.

No one is stopping this 9 man rotation.... Westbrook, Sef, KD, Ibaka, Cousins, Maynor, Martin, Salmons, Collison
Nah, though I wouldn't mind Salmons for our 2nd unit to be an anorexic homeless man's Harden, I'm just giving you a 2nd rd pick for him, or Reggie Jackson if you want him. If you would take Maynor,

The trade that needs to be made is for Varajeo. I give you Perkins, Lamb, Reggie Jackson (you only get 1 of the 2 rooks) for AV, Boobie, and Gee. I'm keeping our Toronto pick though plus IIRC Cleveland already has like 4 1st rd picks next yr so maybe they ain't interested in it. Give us another player I like, you can have our Charlotte 2nd rd pick though projected to be like 31.

But this organization overvalues the hell out of "sustainability, stability" and is super resistant to ever making ANY type of change. I'll admit, you can see Perk does have some unquantifiable value to "toughness, edge, leadership" on this roster but these 2 rebound in 30 minute nights can't continue. I feel like a healthy AV damn near guarantees us the chip.

Gortat, if he can be had is a nice option as well. I want Shannon Brown out of it too, so I'll throw in the Toronto 1st. I'll even give you both Lamb and Perry Jones, but now I want Dudley or Telfair and I think Morris. Of course, the bigger the deal gets the even further unlikely it becomes

Pipe dreams though, we aren't doing a thing except possibly something to address Maynor
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There's nothing funny about that.
I thought he was laughing because it said "The source wished to remain anonymous, because of the private nature of the matter" Like, well it's not private anymore mother ******. :lol:

I would trade Varajo or Reddick for Derrick Williams in a heartbeat.

I would take either of them for Derrick Williams right now.
There's nothing funny about that.
I thought he was laughing because it said "The source wished to remain anonymous, because of the private nature of the matter" Like, well it's not private anymore mother ******.

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