Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Why is nobody talking about how bad the Cavs are?

Is the love affair with Kyrie that serious?

Its horrible. Pathetic.

Such a young team, but how can you have hope when they can't win a freaking game?

I'm telling you the Cavs FO has to make a move quick or they will lose their star AGAIN.

Thompson is such a waste. He is such a vagina.

They just frustrate me.

Yeah Irving missed 11 games but it still is sad.

Now we just toying with the Kings
"we"? ***** weren't you a Lakers fan?
Bandwagon ****. Its to be expected.

the guy on the Orlando bench got up for T-Ross' putback.
Why in the Blue hell would The kings want to hire Jerry Sloan. When their two best players are very confrontational and still figuring their way through the L. Sloan is one of those military type coaches where it's either his way or the highway, This man managed to piss off Deron williams who has always come across as very level headed to me.

Coaches like sloan, Larry Brown, George Karl aren't the kind of coaches that these younger hard head players need because these coaches have Huge egos of their own and our out to prove that ONLY their way works. When you have a player that very emotional like D.cuz you need a coach who is going to be able to establish a relationship first and still hold them accountable.

A guy like Mike Woodson, Nate Mcmillan, Mark Jackson etc. Guys who have earned their stripes are respected and can get through to a player and make him work without having that I'm bigger than you attitude.

I feel as if Nate was coaching the kings they become a playoff team by nexy year

In a perfect world i would love to see Cousins playing under Doc on the celtics he would be a BEAST
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The Cavs are just way too young. They need to see what they can get for their 1st round pick this year (maybe Al Jefferson?) and trade Varejao for a starting small forward. That Tristan Thompson pick set them back years. They could have traded the pick for an established player, taken Valanciunas or atleast traded back and taken Klay Thompson or Leonard. Atleast Waiters looks like a good pick for them. Things would be even worse for them if he ended up being a bust.
I didn't even realize the Cavs were that bad :lol: the way Irving has been balling and been talked about, I would've thought the Cavs were at least .500
Why in the Blue hell would The kings want to hire Jerry Sloan. When their two best players are very confrontational and still figuring their way through the L. Sloan is one of those military type coaches where it's either his way or the highway, This man managed to piss off Deron williams who has always come across as very level headed to me.

Coaches like sloan, Larry Brown, George Karl aren't the kind of coaches that these younger hard head players need because these coaches have Huge egos of their own and our out to prove that ONLY their way works. When you have a player that very emotional like D.cuz you need a coach who is going to be able to establish a relationship first and still hold them accountable.

A guy like Mike Woodson, Nate Mcmillan, Mark Jackson etc. Guys who have earned their stripes are respected and can get through to a player and make him work without having that I'm bigger than you attitude.

I feel as if Nate was coaching the kings they become a playoff team by nexy year

In a perfect world i would love to see Cousins playing under Doc on the celtics he would be a BEAST

so do the Kings have a bunch of young knuckle heads, or established vets? Because from you're little synopsis up there, it seems like Sloan would be the perfect coach
If you watched the Cavs closely (like I have) - you'll noticed in intent to tank this year...and I really don't know why.

The Cavs season so far has been like this (out = "injured"):

Kyrie out, but Waiters, Varajeo, and the rest are in.

Waiters out, but Irving, Varajeo and the rest are in.

Varajeo out, but Kyrie, Waiters and the rest are in.

Kyrie out, Waiters out, Varejao in.

They're announcing players being out due to minor injuries. Let alone, the rest of the squad being D-Leaguers (literally). So you have a squad that can barely compete when all of it's members are out. When Waiters, Kyrie and Varajeo are in - the team actually puts up a battle.

The front office doesn't want to miss the playoffs by a game or two, and end up with like the 12-15 pick in the draft. And they don't want to actually make the playoffs, because they know this squad can't compete with the other 8 eastern squads.

So for the past 30 games, they've rotated "injured" players and limited the the little bit of talent we have - so a loss is almost guaranteed - and so is a lottery pick.
Lol...Westbrook is as "interested" in the dunk contest as LeBron ever was. Stop listening to these stars. It's not like the '80s, '90s and early '00s. Stars and superstars don't compete anymore (Dwight was the last). Part of it is lack of creativity, but ego plays a role as well (they can't handle losing).

Also, the competition is out of their hands, and plays to the narrative (Jordan winning in '88 on his home floor, for example...a complete screw job, and nobody can legitimately argue against that). This is also the same league where NATE ROBINSON IS A 3-TIME DUNK CONTEST WINNER. It's gonna be the typical parade of no-names that nobody cares about.
Except that for 2 yrs in a row he literally asked the league to let him be in it, 1 yr they declined, the other they did that dumbass vote thing and somehow people thought Rudy Fernandez would be better. FWIW, I don't really care to see him in it this year anyways. Maybe whenever we get him a decent backup and he isn't playing damn near 40 minutes most nights. He'll be in the big game, that's all that matters. I guess I can only think or 1 person who has injured himself in a dunk contest (Rolan Roberts, season ending injury trying to do the elbow hang), but still I'd rather he sit that one out and get the rest, be on the sideline in some ill advised *** outfit.

I'd like to see Bledsoe get a starting job somewhere as well. He might bust, then again he could be the next super athletic point guard. It always fascinates me to look at things in hindsight, so I'd point out Bledsoe was actually drafted by OKC. It was for LAC, move was prediscussed, but rather than have Bledsoe (or anyone else who was available at 18 in 2010, allegedly we liked Avery Bradley) who was obviously was going to be a rookie, OKC wanted a veteran so we gave them Bledsoe and signed Royal Ivey as an FA. Whoops. Although going from Westbrook to a "pure" point guard when he rests makes a lot of sense when you have some shooters/scorers in the 2nd unit, or did when Eric Maynor was actually good prior to his ACL injury.

Speaking of which, when do they usually release All Star tickets? I need to catch them at face value and not the ridiculous markup. I saw Jam Session Tickets are out already but that's all.
Tristan still is not there fully. Dude is so inconsistent and Byron is giving him starter minutes. Dude better watch out for Zeller outplaying him and taking his minutes when Andy V comes back.
And how did Farmar ever end up in this commercial :rofl: Dude is so out of place:

that UCLA pull got Farmar in there
Even though his stupidity shows at a minimum still you can't say that Javale did not benefit from having George Karl now? Dude is a different player with a stricter, well respected coach. He is actually playing with effort and actually enjoyng playing defense. And the way you described Cousins it looks like he needs that military coach type.
if he develops a J and learns to pass more efficiently (he is still pretty early in his career), you don't think he can be like a poor mans version of an elite scoring point guard (rose, westbrook, etc)?
so were the grizz wrong in trading love for oj?

Possibly, but those are BIG IF's if you get what I saying. He's never in his life had a consistent J and has always been irratic/turnover prone, and can't really create for himself, let alone his teammates, essential qualities in a PG. At his peak, maybe he can become a poor man's Westbrook/Rose, but even that is a stretch as they are phenomenal basketball players as well as athletes. In order for Bledsoe to take that next step, he's got to be able to start knocking down a jumper consistently because he doesn't have the floor vision or creativity to be a starter in the L w/o being able to shoot. This is why he's best suited coming off the bench right now. This is exactly where his game is at.

The Grizz were not wrong at all in hindsight, even though they didn't get love they eventually got randolph and already had marc so it kind of offset not having Love. Also, you have to remember that on draft night, they picked up OJ, Darrel Arthur, and Marc Gasol and needed a 2 more than a big. Love has turned out to be really good in Minnesota, but hasn't really amounted to anything as far as making your team a winner.
OJ can be an elite player but only in the right system. His jumper is already there but there is something about his game, he's not as great as an ISO player as I thought he'd be at this point..
His work ethic is there by many accounts though, so if he wants to be a superstar, it's up to him. Somebody definitely is going to give him 80 mill this summer regardless.

Well, first off his work ethic is out of this world. I've never been around a person who works on his craft as much. It's borderline insane. I remember when he was up at SC and we would go to hoop up there with him and when we got there he would be killing himself an hr or two after practice is over, then hoop with us. It's the reason why he's such a phenomenal shooter. He gets a lot of shots up.

The thing with Juice as i've watched him this year is that with rare occasion, he doesn't force the issue at all. And this imo is what may hold him back from becoming that "superstar" that I honestly believe he's capable of becoming. Look at the FGA's and the games. He's rarely forcing shots up. A quality that all star wings have. There are nights like against Houston this year, or the Fourth Quarter against Golden State this year, The Fourth and the OT's against Boston this year, where he legit looks like he has the capacity to be a star. But nights like against Mia, or against Memphis suggest otherwise. The reason why I say he doesn't force the issue enough is because whenever he's one on one with somebody, he looks great. He had a few plays against memphis last night, with a floater, and a rise up jumper over Tony Allen that said that. But too often he's coming off screens and just because they jump him he terminates his dribble immediately and passes the ball.

If he is a superstar, that's got to stop. For One, he doesn't need a screen as much especially with Dallas because the moment a screen comes, all teams do now is trap him. And For two, even if they do trap try to beat that big that's trapping you etc. Him at the top with no screens (so nobody can blitz and trap him) has normally turned out good for Dallas this year. More of that, less trying to work with him using a screen and roll. He could also benefit from getting the ball on the elbow, or free-throw line extended area as well.

It also should be noted that teams wouldn't be blitzing juice nearly as much if Dirk is setting those screens instead of brandon wright and shawn marion. Dirk will help juice immensely.
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Wow just looked at Bledsoe's PER score for 36 min played according to Hollinger and he would average about 19.4pts 5.6assts 5.6rebs 3stls 1.4blks. Damn. Now I truly want to see him get a shot at a starting job somewhere. Dude is young so he can still add to his game. Bledsoe needs to be traded. Lets the clippers use willie green & crawford more or something at guard plus they still got billups. So until he gets a fair shot I am not even placing him in that 6th man category as his best situation until this kid gets a chance first. FreeBledsoe! :lol:
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