Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Watching this Clippers game. Never really noticed how awful their announcers are. Any time Blake touches the ball, they think there's a foul.


I hope that is Javale :rofl:
I feel like I never post in here, apparently I'm second behind Pmatic :smile: :pimp:
Heard this rumor getting floated around. Probably wont happen but just a rumor.

Lakers get: Anderson Varajeo

OKC gets: Paul Gasol

Cavs get: 2 First round picks in 2013 and PJIII
Heard this rumor getting floated around. Probably wont happen but just a rumor.
Lakers get: Anderson Varajeo
OKC gets: Paul Gasol
Cavs get: 2 First round picks in 2013 and PJIII

If this happens it'll be the first time the Lakers finally don't get the best player in the deal. If Pau goes to OKC, it's a wrap!

If that were to happen, do you guys think Pau would be the center for OKC with Perk coming off the bench?
Heard this rumor getting floated around. Probably wont happen but just a rumor.

Lakers get: Anderson Varajeo

OKC gets: Paul Gasol

Cavs get: 2 First round picks in 2013 and PJIII
No way that goes down unless the cavs throw in Thompson or Waiters to the Lakers. C'mon now
I CAN see the Lakers trading Pau in the off-season. Let's see how this season goes, I can see a trade happening for a bench player, or possibly even a starter. Most trades nowadays are 3 team deals. I really feel bad for Philly in the 3 team deal when they got Bynum and we got Howard, and Bynum hasn't even played a single game due to injury. I almost feel bad for the 76ers.
:lol: at thinking we're going to pay Pau ~40 mil over the next 2 yrs when we were too cheap to give James ~60 over 4. I could see us making a deal for Andy though, but no chance we're bringing Pau's sometimes *** in to be the highest paid player on the team.And that rumor doesn't even have us getting rid of Perk or ANY salary so it puts us massively over the cap. Assuming Pau starts at the 5, then Ibaka stays the 4 and Kd the 3, that would be almost 50 million between our starting frontcourt alone, then between Martin and Perkins coming off the bench, 20.7 mil more right there for 2 more players. Already into the tax with just those 5. Rumor doesn't make sense from any angle other than the Lakers kind of win as always by getting rid of a guy they aren't high on at the moment
Z I think you are looking at the rumor from an entirely awkward perspective. In what way do the Lakers win in that nonsense rumor :lol:
The Lakers usually win 3 team deals, this right here trading for Anderson Varajeo, is pure nonsense.
Z I think you are looking at the rumor from an entirely awkward perspective. In what way do the Lakers win in that nonsense rumor :lol:
I guess everyone loses then, but getting rid of Pau would be a plus. Cleveland gets younger and gets our Toronto pick so that would help them get younger, while also sucking more since AV contributes to the minimal amount of success they do have, and get to get more picks and losses out of it.

But yea, no way that trade would even be discussed. I was just looking at the OKC perspective, how we bringing in 19mil in salary without sending any out when our offseason made it clear we are not trying to pay any tax. Pau for Perkins and Kevin Martin wouldn't happen, but at least makes sense financially
I guess everyone loses then, but getting rid of Pau would be a plus. Cleveland gets younger and gets our Toronto pick so that would help them get younger, while also sucking more since AV contributes to the minimal amount of success they do have, and get to get more picks and losses out of it.
But yea, no way that trade would even be discussed. I was just looking at the OKC perspective, how we bringing in 19mil in salary without sending any out when our offseason made it clear we are not trying to pay any tax. Pau for Perkins and Kevin Martin wouldn't happen, but at least makes sense financially

Trade no way goes down, and this just proves it.

I know teams want Andy but we'll see if the Cavs sack up and deal him.

Wow that was beyond he left phil jackson hanging like @ phil jackson just looking at him....

D. Robinson was the softest big man in the history of the nba though...stay getting punked....smacked around...sonned

I already know whos back up SN this is.........
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^^^The Clippers' play-by-play guy, Ralph Lawler, has been announcing for 40 years and is widely respected in the industry. The color guy, Mike Smith, not so much. I've grown used to Smith at this point, but if they decided to replace him, I wouldn't miss him. At all. But Ralph is the man.
Color as in color announcer. There is always a play by play announcer partnered with a color announcer.
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