Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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The problem was Chris Duhon who gave up 25 of Westbrook's 33..
not like you have anyone on that roster that can guard him. the problem is OKC is a better team period

KG still passing up shots late in the game and everyone giving him a free pass. If he gave it to PP i wouldnt care but he passed it to the guy that cant hit a jump shot.

didnt KG hit the last shot to tie the game? a long 2? few seconds left? :nerd:

i dont even like KG but no need for him to shoot the last shot. Rather go with Pierce which they should have done in that situation anyways.
The problem was Chris Duhon who gave up 25 of Westbrook's 33..

not like you have anyone on that roster that can guard him. the problem is OKC is a better team period

And the idea is that is where they need to go out and get a different personnel to back up.

Everyone knew that even with Nash this would be a problem.

I think Meeks would do an OK job. But then you're running an awkward roster of a 3 point specialist without much driving ability as your PG.

Minor tweaks to the personnel at PG & SF. Is all they need.
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Kobe getting to the rack better than he has in years the guy is just mindboggling

it's hilarious reading all these opinions about the Lakers but until they start playing more consistent I'm on hush mode :frown: just wait tho...
lakers need to get it over w/TOR and make sure calderon is included in any scenario. Duhon/Morris/Blake ain't cutting it. If they think they can get by with that atrocity of a PG rotation while waiting for Nash they are crazy.
lakers need to get it over w/TOR and make sure calderon is included in any scenario. Duhon/Morris/Blake ain't cutting it. If they think they can get by with that atrocity of a PG rotation while waiting for Nash they are crazy.


Hell NO.

You don't trade for a one dimensional offensive player in Bargs who plays ZERO defense and take on his HORRIBLE long term contract.The Lakers tried this before when they signed Vladamir "Space Cadet" Radmonvic and he got used & abused by Paul Pierce during the 2008 NBA Finals.

Calderon would be a decent pick up because he brings instant offense off the bench.But he's also a streaky shooter and plays no defense also.It's like adding another Steve Blake to this Laker team.Only benefit the Lakers would get is that Calderon has an expiring contract at the end of this season which is around $10 or $12 million.

If Toronto is serious in making that deal they need to offer up Kyle Lowry.

Mitch Kupchak if him and Jim & Jerry Buss decide to move Gasol at the trade deadline this year will find & make a better trade package for Gasol.
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lakers need to get it over w/TOR and make sure calderon is included in any scenario. Duhon/Morris/Blake ain't cutting it. If they think they can get by with that atrocity of a PG rotation while waiting for Nash they are crazy.

Hell NO.

You don't trade for a one dimensional offensive player in Bargs who plays ZERO defense and take on his HORRIBLE long term contract.The Lakers tried this before when they signed Vladamir "Space Cadet" Radmonvic and he got used & abused by Paul Pierce during the 2008 NBA Finals.

Calderon would be a decent pick up because he brings instant offense off the bench.But he's also a streaky shooter and plays no defense also.It's like adding another Steve Blake to this Laker team.Only benefit the Lakers would get is that Calderon has an expiring contract at the end of this season which is around $10 or $12 million.

If Toronto is serious in making that deal they need to offer up Kyle Lowry.

Mitch Kupchak if him and Jim & Jerry Buss decide to move Gasol at the trade deadline this year will find & make a better trade package for Gasol.
And they will trade their franchise player for Pau because?
Hell no TOR aint giving up lowry for an aging jump shooting bigman with 2yrs left at about $40mil. Calderon is a playmaker and heaps better than your PG rotation right now. And what's this talk about defense? You got the pringles system and have been giving up a lot of pts per game. Pau ain't even a good defender either in the first place. And Bargs > Vlad. No comparison. Bargs just needs to be the second fiddle dude should not be the #1 option. He would be a good complement to mamba, nash, & howard.

Lakers fans and their idea of equal value for their players. :lol:
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Toronto isnt trading Lowry :lol:

hes the only bright spot on that team. Toronto as a whole is trash.
Hell no TOR aint giving up lowry for an aging jump shooting bigman with 2yrs left at about $40mil. Calderon is a playmaker and heaps better than your PG rotation right now. And what's this talk about defense? You got the pringles system and have been giving up a lot of pts per game. Pau ain't even a good defender either in the first place. And Bargs > Vlad. No comparison. Bargs just needs to be the second fiddle dude should not be the #1 option. He would be a good complement to mamba, nash, & howard.
Lakers fans and their idea of equal value for their players. :lol:

Seriously QFT.

Pau ain't going to Toronto.

I'll be surprised if they move him at all this season.

Like if I said if they do decide to trade him this season they will get a better trade package than Bargs & Calderon.

Also when has Kyle Lowry ever been considered a franchise player :lol:
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Lowry been beasting. Dude is just not marketable. :lol:

I wonder if the Lakers wait it out till the deadline will they receive the same offers or even worse offers. Lakers are just hurting themselves dragging this out. Unless they use the coach excuse again and fire Pringles for Phil when the team is way below 500.
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The biggest problem for the Lakers and their fans are - they got Dwight, but they were expecting Shaq.
I dont get why they didnt bring in Brian Shaw.....wait yes I do....but he could bring a lot of Phil Jackons system back to LA
Lowry been beasting. Dude is just not marketable. :lol:
I wonder if the Lakers wait it out till the deadline will they receive the same offers or even worse offers. Lakers are just hurting themselves dragging this out. Unless they use the coach excuse again and fire Pringles for Phil when the team is way below 500.

No they won't.If anything holding onto Gasol even till this summer helps them.When Gasol is in his final year next season and has a $19 million expiring contract that makes his trade value worth even more.Other teams will be salivating at that and want to trade for him. Minnesota for one has been wanting him for awhile to pair him with Ricky Rubio_Other small market teams who are looking to stay under the cap (Utah, Houston) will want him also just for that reason alone.

Also you must of forgot who other teams are dealing with:


Just look at his track record in making the deals for Gasol, Dwight, and Nash :lol:
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