Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Could Bledsoe be a starter on another team?

Yes. He started for the Clippers in a number of games his rookie year and did an adequate job. He's improved since then too, so I could see him starting for another team. That said, I don't think his production would be quite the same as it is coming off the bench because he'd have to pace himself more. Now, he pretty much goes all out on both ends every minute he plays, which is part of the reason his numbers per minute are so high. He couldn't do that as a starter, playing 30+ minutes.
I prefer mediocre or slightly above average at ages 19-21, which ain't shabby.

It wasn't just his agent though. No GM thought he was worth that much. Especially in such a crowded position, I don't think any GM would have taken that deal.
It wasn't just his agent though. No GM thought he was worth that much. Especially in such a crowded position, I don't think any GM would have taken that deal.
Research how many teams have cap space this summer. He would have fielded a more lucrative contract than the extension he signed for.
How was his agent suppose to predict that after 3 years of sucking he would suddenly not suck?

This is once again where stat-heads are very confused...if you watched Jrue actually play, you would know he did not suck and that his level of play...playing PG for a damn good team at 21 and doing a very capable job only meant he was on the path to being what he is right now. He played on a team with a load of anemic offensive players for a while and still had good numbers.

I know the Chauncey Billups comparison gets thrown around by lots of people looking to show some guy has the potential to take the step but it was clear as day if you actually watched Jrue and saw the maturity and abundance of tools he possesses.
Article on Jrue from 2011 playoffs...

Jrue Holiday is smooth.

It’s the kind of statement that means everything and nothing all at once. It’s a statement that encapsulates his calm demeanor on and off the court, his equalizing poise with the ball in his hands, and the elegant glides to the rim or the effortless release of his constantly improving jump shot.

But it doesn’t elaborate. It can’t explain how Holiday seamlessly switches roles within the game to accommodate the coaching staff and his teammates. How at any given point in the game, he could be setting up a teammate on the weakside, a de-facto shooter on a team devoid of marksmen, or taking the challenge of defending the opponent’s best perimeter player.

It doesn’t fully explain that feeling of right in Holiday’s game — something Bethlehem Shoals alludes to in a playoff chat with David Roth for GQ:

What’s so great about Paul is that, regardless of what numbers he puts up, or even whether the Hornets win, he changes the ecology of the game. It’s not only that the Hornets play a certain style because of him—you really are watching a different vision of the sport when he’s got the ball in his hands. Steve Nash makes us droolers for the same reason, but with Paul, the lack of help makes it all the more glaring. He is the puppet master. Or the cosmos. I get a similar tingle from Jrue Holiday, albeit in nascent form.

Holiday — who has charmed us in this understandably futile run against the Miami Heat — is not Chris Paul, clearly the most imposing player thus far in a spectacular first round. That isn’t the point. Control is the point. Holiday’s poise is more than just an act like you’ve been here before facade. It’s something that — especially given his age — can develop into a team-defining gift.

As it stands now, Holiday’s control over his game is seen mostly through balancing his different roles on the Sixers. The team is still reeling from the false premise of an Andre Iguodala/Elton Brand core, which not only obscures the future, but forces the young players into diversifying their games to best fill the holes in the roster. With a competent playmaker like Iguodala on the team, Holiday’s fluidity in this year’s playoffs hasn’t necessarily been seen through his assist totals, but in his easy transition to being the team’s resident shooter.

Holiday has been the most consistent 3-point threat in this series on either team. He’s attempted exactly five 3-point field goals in all four games played thus far, shooting 55% from range for the series. Holiday has provided a much needed lift in the Sixers’ most glaring offensive deficiency, and has significantly improved his efficiency. According to Synergy Sports Technology, 11 of Holiday’s 20 3-point attempts were in spot-up situations. He’s made 45.5% of his spot-up 3-pointers in this first round series, which is a major improvement from the 33.9% he shot in the regular season. Â Four games may be a small sample size, but Holiday is attempting nearly twice as many 3-pointers a game than he did on average in the season. His confidence and efficiency as a shooter has never been greater, and it couldn’t have been more timely.

But perhaps the most encouraging sign of Holiday’s future came at the 1:27 mark of the 4th quarter in Game 4. Holiday catches a pass from Lou Williams on the right baseline. He dives into the paint, drawing four different Heat defenders before making a jump pass to a wide open Evan Turner. With all of the attention Holiday commanded, Mario Chalmers loses sight of his man (Turner), and Bosh is slightly late on the recovery. Turner sinks the floater, and so began the Sixers’ late game push.

Hopefully this type of play isn’t an isolated occurrence. Holiday has the combination of size, strength, and agility to find his way into the paint at will. Mastering the different angles and alleyways from within the paint will be the next step in his accelerated development. Filling in for absent players is a solid gesture, but Holiday will soon have to assert his own strengths for the team’s continued growth. Because the Sixers are still trudging through unstable grounds, and the sooner the team can fall back on a poised young leader, the better.

So yes, Jrue Holiday is smooth. He’s calm, collected, controlled. And if he inexplicably reminds you of someone, he should. Â Perception is a powerful tool, and it’s hard not to see shades of players past and present who’ve held a similar clout over their teams. For Holiday, it’s not fully realized, but the flashes are there. More than anything though, Holiday passes the eye and gut test. And really, has that ever led us astray?
Clippers currently have a log jam at the guard position....

No sorry, I don't rock with the Pacers...

Not really. Billups is going to be inconsistent all season and Willie Green shouldn't even be playing. Paul Crawford and Bledsoe is a pretty solid back court rotation with Billups thrown in when he's healthy.
Nice find. I particularly agree with the false idea of Iguadala and Brand being the core. The entire team had to adjust to them, Andre especially. And look how well they are doing without them.
This is once again where stat-heads are very confused...if you watched Jrue actually play, you would know he did not suck and that his level of play...playing PG for a damn good team at 21 and doing a very capable job only meant he was on the path to being what he is right now. He played on a team with a load of anemic offensive players for a while and still had good numbers.
I know the Chauncey Billups comparison gets thrown around by lots of people looking to show some guy has the potential to take the step but it was clear as day if you actually watched Jrue and saw the maturity and abundance of tools he possesses.

I watched him play, not impressed, I exaggerate when I say he sucks more like mediocrity, he's a good defender, but offense? Besides this 14 games a whole sucking to mediocrity.
Once again, a product of his system. He played on a horrible offensive team as a 21 year old. If you watched him play you could see his ability to get to the hole, good form on his jumper, athelticism and ability to guard 1-2 spot...its whatever though, he sucked i guess.
Why is it always assumed that "stat heads" don't watch games? It's a ridiculous thing to say.
because they always say things that don't match what is happening on the court.  they don't consider alot of variables when trying to make their case.  It would make one wonder if you just look at "advanced stats" and boxscores and not actually see how these stats come to life
never knew the details of the strip club shooting 
Once again, a product of his system. He played on a horrible offensive team as a 21 year old. If you watched him play you could see his ability to get to the hole, good form on his jumper, athelticism and ability to guard 1-2 spot...its whatever though, he sucked i guess.

The Chauncey Buillips comparison is asinine, Chauncey Buillups game is predicated on three things, floor generalship, mistake free decision making at the pg position, elite three point shooting and a uncanny knack for getting to the line, espcially off of 3 point flops and mid ranger jumper pump fakes.

Jrue is a turnover prone guard who lives on mainly long twos outside the paint

Chauncey shot chart


Jrue's shot chart


see how all of Chauncey work is at the 3 or in the paint, thats whats might get chauncey into the hall of fame meanwhile jrue is the best offense player on one of the worst offenses in the league.
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because they always say things that don't match what is happening on the court.  they don't consider alot of variables when trying to make their case.  It would make one wonder if you just look at "advanced stats" and boxscores and not actually see how these stats come to life

1. Why would anybody look at basketball statistics if they didn't like watching basketball?

2. I think different, because of what I have watched and what I have read, attack the logic, falling back on "oh you don't watch the games" is merely a cover for idiots.

I watch a sickening amount of basketball from college, to Europe to pro's If I could inject basketball directly into my veins I would,but for now watching it is about all I do.
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because they always say things that don't match what is happening on the court.  they don't consider alot of variables when trying to make their case.  It would make one wonder if you just look at "advanced stats" and boxscores and not actually see how these stats come to life

yeah its like someone goes 10/10 the first 3 quarters and 0/6 in the fourth

10/16 sounds good :smokin
I'd guess the vast majority of people who use advanced stats do so as a compliment to watching the game. Your eyes can deceive you, your bias can make you see things that others don't. I'm not saying numbers are 100% infallible, but neither is just watching the game. Using advanced stats doesn't mean you love basketball any less and neither does refusing to use them, it's simply another tool that we have at our disposal.
because they always say things that don't match what is happening on the court.  they don't consider alot of variables when trying to make their case.  It would make one wonder if you just look at "advanced stats" and boxscores and not actually see how these stats come to life
yeah its like someone goes 10/10 the first 3 quarters and 0/6 in the fourth

10/16 sounds good
Except we can look at individual quarters specifically, if we choose to. That's kind of the point, actually... to avoid looking at just the box score and making broad assumptions. 
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I had to get plastic surgery on my lips with no anesthesia, with all my teeth gone. Can you imagine how painful that is?


Stephen Jackson :pimp:

I always respect dudes like that.
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