Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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He'd turn into Tyreke Evans :lol:

the reason why Lebron is so effective is because teams have to respect him in the post, setting up teammates, and even his occasional jumper... aka all facets of the game

Yeah, it'd be like an NFL team throwing the ball every down and literally never running it. Teams wouldn't have anything to worry about except collapsing their defense if Lebron drove in every time..
Barkley said he wanted the Spurs to go for the 3 with 22.9 seconds left because the Spurs can't beat the Heat in OT. Then next possession, he says the Spurs need to go for the quick 2 saying he always believes in a team goes for a quick 2.
What are you laughing at?

In OT the better team would have won. To have the last shot and the opp. to go for the win is the best situation for the spurs.

He was advising a quick 2 in hopes the Heat would miss a free throw or two so Spurs could again go for win.
I love it!  People swear they know basketball and then show how much they really don't know
Yeah, it'd be like an NFL team throwing the ball every down and literally never running it. Teams wouldn't have anything to worry about except collapsing their defense if Lebron drove in every time..

He doesn't have to score every time. Wouldn't the defense always collapsing only help?

4 things can happen
Dunk/ lay up
Defense collapses and he kicks it to open man
Gets to Ft line
Gets blocked

I'd say he has a pretty good chance of 1-3

Then again stern might get pissed off because it isn't as aesthetically pleasing to fans so lebron might get sanctions. Better not risk it.
NBA is a business. The regular season is 82 games to entertain people across the country.  We don't need 82 games to know whos best and how to rank the playoff teams but we have 82 games.  If you are a pro you are expected to play 82 games if you aren't injured. 

I understand Pops reasons but taking out 5 key players is OD and a slippery slope because things have to be regulated.  You can't have the Bobcats doing this every 5 games to get the #1 pick.  Pop is a winner but he doesn't get more "rights" than the Wizards coach Wittman.  Everything has to be even.  Stern will step in and I don't blame him.

Bottomline is Pop took it too far and embarrassed the league tonight.  He could've did this on a game that wasn't on National TV.  But the timing makes this even worse. 
Man what? Now we're really going to dictate how coaches coach their team? He is not here to appease the Miami Heat fans or the national "fanbase" His job is to win basketball games, and put the best interest of THE SAN ANTONIO SPURS before anything else. The nerve of David Stern to even try and tell him how to coach the team. What if we win, what do you say then? This is nonsense of the highest degree, David Stern has gone off the deep end.

Not to mention that we do this all the time... I'm mad this is even up for discussion
NBA is a business.  They got some of you guys fooled thinking this about basketball.  This is about money.  If you play/coach in the league you agree to do things that are in favor of the league.  OR you end up like Iverson or Tim Hardaway getting blackballed.

Is it right? ehhhh thats up in the air.  But the fact is these games are entertainment and if you are a pro you are paid to entertain unless you are injured
Stern don't like people playing with his profit margin and television revenues! :lol:

That's like a pimp having his baddest b****** stay off the corner because it's cold outside on one of the busiest nights of the year. He not trying to hear that and neither is Stern.
It's a business on both ends if stern felt so strongly he should have brought it up during the collectively bargained agreement.

The advertisers are mad at stern. I'm sure most people understand that

I can't even comprehend how that rule would be worded. "If a game is televised make sure the stars play so we can make that paper?". Or "when sitting a player in a nationally televised game, please pretend the player is injured so TNT gets off my back"

only thing I think might work is that the players must show up in person even if they don't play.
NBA is a business. The regular season is 82 games to entertain people across the country.  We don't need 82 games to know whos best and how to rank the playoff teams but we have 82 games.  If you are a pro you are expected to play 82 games if you aren't injured. 

I understand Pops reasons but taking out 5 key players is OD and a slippery slope because things have to be regulated.  You can't have the Bobcats doing this every 5 games to get the #1 pick.  Pop is a winner but he doesn't get more "rights" than the Wizards coach Wittman.  Everything has to be even.  Stern will step in and I don't blame him.

Bottomline is Pop took it too far and embarrassed the league tonight.  He could've did this on a game that wasn't on National TV.  But the timing makes this even worse. 
Man what? Now we're really going to dictate how coaches coach their team? He is not here to appease the Miami Heat fans or the national "fanbase" His job is to win basketball games, and put the best interest of THE SAN ANTONIO SPURS before anything else. The nerve of David Stern to even try and tell him how to coach the team. What if we win, what do you say then? This is nonsense of the highest degree, David Stern has gone off the deep end.

Not to mention that we do this all the time... I'm mad this is even up for discussion
NBA is a business.  They got some of you guys fooled thinking this about basketball.  This is about money.  If you play/coach in the league you agree to do things that are in favor of the league.  OR you end up like Iverson or Tim Hardaway getting blackballed.

Is it right? ehhhh thats up in the air.  But the fact is these games are entertainment and if you are a pro you are paid to entertain unless you are injured
Its not up in the air, it clearly isnt right. But when you have a huge scheduling error like the one that occured here (no basketball team should be played that much in such a short span to begin with, but then you add the fact that its the oldest team? No way in hell) coupled with the fact that Pop said he was going to do this back in July when he saw the schedule, then you throw all that out the window and actually put basketball first, because any person who is a true basketball fan will see the facts and be disgusted by the fact that there were even talks of the Spurs being punished for doing what they did. Perserving the health and well being of one of the premiere franchises and best teams in the league should be his concern.
Pop has done his own thing for years... he's not getting blackballed, give me a break 

What's Stern going to do? Force the Spurs to fire the best coach they'll ever have? Fine him? I'm sure if they ask for donations at the next Spurs game, the fans will raise the money pretty easily.

Considering the Spurs appearances in the Finals consistently have low ratings, if Stern was going to do anything (if he could), it would have happened by now.
Pop has done his own thing for years... he's not getting blackballed, give me a break 

What's Stern going to do? Force the Spurs to fire the best coach they'll ever have? Fine him? I'm sure if they ask for donations at the next Spurs game, the fans will raise the money pretty easily.

Considering the Spurs appearances in the Finals consistently have low ratings, if Stern was going to do anything (if he could), it would have happened by now.
Will Pop get blackballed? No....but I bet you he won't do this again in similar fashion.  Stern and the boys gonna sit him down and remind him who's the boss.  They gonna be like "c'mon Pop we like you man we really do....we let you act a fool during the sideline interviews...we let you sit your guys when you want...but you embarrassed us tonight.  You gave the league a black eye by picking this game and not even playing Danny Green.  DANNY GREEN!  Lets not let this happen again"

No man or team is bigger than the league.  These rich dudes ain't losing that paper by any means.
It was a good game anyway, even without the starters, so who cares. 
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Every time I watch Jordan Hamilton, he's dropping buckets.


Gallo with the Shamgod. :smokin
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It's a slippery slope. Might as well start fining teams who make ****** roster moves and draft picks and trades, that negatively impacts the fans too, What if Rose is healthy in Feb but the Bulls hold him out longer? Fine them. Same with 6ers and Bynum?
I understand it very well, but lets not beat around the bush on the second part, this is clearly wrong.

You dont think that a bigger black eye will be dealt to the leagues image if there is a fine issued which will once and for all make it abundantly clear that money is more important than the integrity of the game? Even the casual fan wont respond kindly to such a message. What motivation will there be to watch the games when you know that the powers that be care more about the money than the game itself. A lot of people will lose some respect for it.

I applaud Pop for standing up it, not only for the sake of his team, but for picking this game in particular and not even bringing them to MIA to show the league that this kind of stuff shouldn't be happening. No commissioner of a sports league should be placing money this high above the actual game itself. It isn't right at all. This is more about the Spurs game at this point and I hope it escalates past it. This is such an up in the air issue that there really is no line and whats stopping them from fining for benching in blowouts or fining for tanking, or fining for bad trades? This cannot stand.
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Moral compass is of no concern of David Stern's when it comes to making money and running a multi-billion dollar organization.

Dude is retiring in a year.....he is just getting more bold and blatant with stuff now. YOLO STERN!
McGee looks like he's about to have an asthma attack every time I see him play :lol:
I understand it very well, but lets not beat around the bush on the second part, this is clearly wrong.

You dont think that a bigger black eye will be dealt to the leagues image if there is a fine issued which will once and for all make it abundantly clear that money is more important than the integrity of the game? Even the casual fan wont respond kindly to such a message. What motivation will there be to watch the games when you know that the powers that be care more about the money than the game itself. A lot of people will lose some respect for it.

I applaud Pop for standing up it, not only for the sake of his team, but for picking this game in particular and not even bringing them to MIA to show the league that this kind of stuff shouldn't be happening. No commissioner of a sports league should be placing money this high above the actual game itself. It isn't right at all. This is more about the Spurs game at this point and I hope it escalates past it. This is such an up in the air issue that there really is no line and whats stopping them from fining for benching in blowouts or fining for tanking, or fining for bad trades? This cannot stand.
Before you organize a march on Washington.. we should probably wait to see what Stern actually does. 
I understand it very well, but lets not beat around the bush on the second part, this is clearly wrong.

You dont think that a bigger black eye will be dealt to the leagues image if there is a fine issued which will once and for all make it abundantly clear that money is more important than the integrity of the game? Even the casual fan wont respond kindly to such a message. What motivation will there be to watch the games when you know that the powers that be care more about the money than the game itself. A lot of people will lose some respect for it.

I applaud Pop for standing up it, not only for the sake of his team, but for picking this game in particular and not even bringing them to MIA to show the league that this kind of stuff shouldn't be happening. No commissioner of a sports league should be placing money this high above the actual game itself. It isn't right at all. This is more about the Spurs game at this point and I hope it escalates past it. This is such an up in the air issue that there really is no line and whats stopping them from fining for benching in blowouts or fining for tanking, or fining for bad trades? This cannot stand.
Why are painting Pop as a martyr?  Standing up to what?  You telling me the 82 game schedule isn't fair when all teams do these crazy 4 games in 5 nights at least once a year.   Just because your guys are old doesn't mean you get to change the rules.

Also he took it too far.  He didn't just rest the old man Duncan or even Manu.  He sat down other guys including Danny Green man.  Thats a disrespectful move and he's gonna get checked for it. 

You got it backwards.  These fans don't care if players are tired from games and travel.  They wanna see the product.  So no its not a bigger black eye.  The players are entertainers. Whether you like that or not.  Unless you are actually injured you should be there.  I mean dudes didn't even show up to the arena.  Some people just want to see these guys in person.  Just take a blurry camera phone pic of Duncan on the bench and say "I was there, I seen him". 
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