Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I have anxiety disorder and I think any of you who are acting like he can just "suck it up" are ignorant jerks. It's a lot more serious than you guys realize.
It holds me back from being able to do a lot of things, riding planes is one of them.

I have tried to "suck it up," I tried to "man up," but it doesnt work like that. My anxiety damn near gave me a heart attack.

Its not something you can completely control. Yes you can work on it, I have done therapy and gotten meds. It has slowly gotten better, but it takes time. You cant just tell dude "get on the plane or else you dont deserve to be in the NBA." have some damn compassion damn :smh: Im sure the guy doesn't want to be that way. He is going to try his best to work on it, but people putting pressure on him and making stupid remarks isnt going to help.

Yeah its not an ideal start for a successful NBA career, I know that...but you cant be mad at him for trying to go after his dreams even with the condition. By acting that way you are basically saying that anyone who has any kind of medical condition doesnt deserve to be a professional at anything. They should all just sit at home and let the "healthy" dudes get all the success and happy-ness. :smh:
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I have an extreme fear of getting on roller coasters, but if you paid me millions of dollars to go on them as my job I would ride any damn roller coaster at any time of the day you want me to. **** that "anxiety disorder" fairy tale.....this is a grown *** man with a job to do. The dude has been playing basketball since he was a little kid knowing that if he was to get into the NBA one day that he would have to fly to other cities to go to games. He's 21 years old now...he should have been prepared for this. I have no respect for people that let little fears stop them from living the life that they should be living. At one point in our lives everybody is scared as **** when they're about to make a speech or go into an interview. But we get over these things because we GROW UP and have to do so in order to get anywhere in life. The guy isn't LeBron James....if he already wants preferential treatment for something like this then his *** will not be playing in the NBA for very long.

You consistently prove yourself to be one of the dumbest dudes on here. You being a ***** and not being able to ride rollar voasters =/= an actual pychiatric disorder

Buc Em is ignorant.
I remember having an anxiety/panic attack & ending up in the hospital THEN having to stay in there for a month this year after being diagnosed with multiple psychological disorders...its no joke & the only thing I enjoyed doing being there was eating 3 meals a day cause that hospital had a somewhat nice variety of food. But yeah, I wish none of these things on nobody

But if you were getting a million dollar salary from your job you would've been able to "man up" and get over it right?

:smh: @ Buc Em. Thanks for sharing your story. Maybe some people can learn from it ... I hope everything worked out.
if the celtics trade anybody it probably be pierce

If they trade Pierce and they are officially the worst organization in sports. you dont trade a guy whos been with the team since the day hes been drafted. Been through hell and back and one of the greatest celtic players.

checked my new u-verse for the NBATV yesterday & its wasnt working :frown: not subscribed ..... & i forgot the preseason starts today.... :smh:

texting the gf now so she can make that call... ill give up 2 espn's for NBA TV :lol: srs tho
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