Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Isn't that from Harden's all white yacht party earlier this year?

To be fair, after 80 million I wouldn't be surprised if he dressed like that all day, every day
okc shoulda kept harden and traded westbrook for rondo and kg

instant title as rondo would be reunited with his lover perkins...
Presti has been the NBA golden boy as far as GMs are concerned. It's WAY early, but if the Thunder don't make the finals - yes, I said FINALS, he's gonna feel heat (no pun).
Presti has been the NBA golden boy as far as GMs are concerned. It's WAY early, but if the Thunder don't make the finals - yes, I said FINALS, he's gonna feel heat (no pun).
I disagree. This year he will be given a pass if they dont make it what with the Harden move and everyone and thier mom expecting the new look Lakers to beat them. Hes got a few inches of wiggle room to work with at the moment and hes being praised too much for the moves hes made to feel scorn. Maybe I'm wrong though, time will tell cause they arent going to the finals, the Spurs are so we will see.
Presti has been the NBA golden boy as far as GMs are concerned. It's WAY early, but if the Thunder don't make the finals - yes, I said FINALS, he's gonna feel heat (no pun).
No way. I'm sure that ownership was behind him making the deal. They didn't want to pay the luxury tax. They'll also be adding a lotto pick this year and have Lamb/PJ3 being a year older. Way too soon for him to feel any heat with KD/Russ not in there primes yet.
I saw someone ask but didn't see anyone answer...if Rondo is this all world best point guard in the league...why would Boston entertain a deal for Westbrook...clearly an inferior player right? They'd be taking on a bigger contract and an inferior player.

Ya'll play NBA 2K too much.
I disagree. This year he will be given a pass if they dont make it what with the Harden move and everyone and thier mom expecting the new look Lakers to beat them. Hes got a few inches of wiggle room to work with at the moment and hes being praised too much for the moves hes made to feel scorn. Maybe I'm wrong though, time will tell cause they arent going to the finals, the Spurs are so we will see.

There will be a lot of second guessing the order in which the extensions were given if OKC doesn't make the finals. I'd have to think there would be people questioning Presti's vision for the team if they falter in June.

No way. I'm sure that ownership was behind him making the deal. They didn't want to pay the luxury tax. They'll also be adding a lotto pick this year and have Lamb/PJ3 being a year older. Way too soon for him to feel any heat with KD/Russ not in there primes yet.

No, I get the whole lux tax bit....I'm talking specifically if they don't make the finals. Like I was saying to Antidope, people will question the order of the extensions given and also if the trade made them worse/better if the Thunder don't make the finals. The bar was raised VERY high after last year for this team - and rightfully so. However, a lot of things will be scrutinized at the end of the season (if they fail). I don't think Presti will be above that criticism. Right now, it's too soon. WAAAAY too much b-ball left to be played. Things can go in two directions for this team...and that's better or worse.


I saw an interesting point brought up on another forum in reference to OKC trading Harden. You have anomalies (like the Mavericks and Pistons) who have won titles sans having 3 "stars." However, in looking back at NBA champions of the past 10-15 years, aren't most teams built around 3 star players? I am just failing to see how this trade makes OKC any better in the long run. A few months back, they should have done everything in their power to keep Harden before extending Ibaka. As a matter of fact, I'm sure Harden would have taken a discounted salary to stay in OKC off of principal. Oh well...water under the bridge. We'll see how this plays out.
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If anything, the ownership would be more to blame. Presti could only play the hand he was dealt in terms of the finances and got back in return about as good of a haul as you can, certainly did better than the Magic did in dealing Dwight. Ownership put "fiscal responsibility" over contendorship. At some point, we have to put a little heat under Brooks seat too. I would've been had the Van Gundy's on the phone, 3.75 million offer, whoever takes it first, and 10 million to Phil Jackson + a p.j so he can go back to his Montana ranch whenever he wants, after the finals but not only did we extend dude, we let him talk us into an extra yr. Phil Jackson's interview about what it would take to bring him out of retirement, "hypothetically," damn near spelled out the Thunder. D day for us isn't until 2016 summer.

Dude, they been negotitating for MONTHS. Harden was taking no discount, he made that clear. The Ibaka negotiations are completely irrelevant to Harden's, it just means Ibaka agreed first while Harden and Pelinka wanted to try to strongarm.
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Just off one early game, and it means nothing grand scheme, I felt like Harden and Durant were the "calm" ones that kept the team movin when needed, slowed things down when needed, sort of like a chill out Russ. Now that's gone.

Russ is 157 MPH every single play and sometimes he needs to reeeeelax. But you can't give it to Martin and have him do anything with it, and there's a problem.

That's where this gets dicey. And here comes the fun part, Maynor if he's healthy is the more stable set it up of the 2, would we ever see Russ sittin on the bench letting Maynor run sets for Martin and Durant so you don't have any of those 21 foot flings, or crash into 4 guys under the rim plays? :lol:

Like I said, one game, lot can change in the next 7-8-9 months, but it's going to be fun, for everyone except BigJ. He's going to be snacking on children by the end of this season.
But how many teams have won with three perimeter stars? And I don't think Harden was taking any discounts. Once Westbrook got his contract extension and he knew the best offer OKC could make, I think he wanted out and wanted his own team.

Edit: I'll be fine... These kind of mistakes are going to be even worse now that Harden is gone. He'll have to learn and start to fix it, or the criticism will only get worse.
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But how many teams have won with three perimeter stars?

OKC was a play here, a play there from doing just that last year. All at 22-23. If that same squad was 25 with 2 more years of playoff know how, that's their title. That's how fine the line was.

What's done is done, no doubt, Harden went the hard line, so be it, but the 3 man perimeter thing was about to be out the window QUICK if not for that little thing called money. :lol:
I love Russy's motor, he just consistently doesn't make smart decisions. I think they should look at going with Maynor, Russ at the 2, Martin, KD at the 4 and Ibaka at the 5 at the end of games. Unless Maynor goes twighlight zone circa waving off KD like in that Dallas series he'd be a much better decision maker at the end of games and could alleviate some of Russy's confusion and need to try and make the proper play. OKC will be fine, but they will miss James Harden at end of close game situations.
I think Thunder needs to just run small-ball, ala Heat.

Maynor - RW0 - Sefolosha - Durant - Ibaka

The current starting 5 is a pain to watch (always has been), especially now that you know Harden is not gonna be coming in. Either this or institute SOME kind of offense besides isos all day every day :x While I agree the rest of the starters are pathetic scorers, there's definitely ways to free them up for easy dunks and layups (I'm looking at you Ibaka) when you got two great 1-on-1 players in Westbrook and Durant
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