Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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[h1]The Inbounds: The Westbrook Frenzy[/h1]
Congrats, LeBron. You're in the clear. We've found someone else to shred like raw T-Bones among dogs.

For three years, LeBron James was the most divisive figure in the NBA, taking the mantle from Kobe Bryant after his Cavaliers were ushered out of the playoffs by Dwight Howard and the Magic (you remember the Magic, the Finals team that Dwight Howard was already plotting on bolting because he loves winning so much). His 2010 playoffs performance set off a frenzy about his "quitting" in the decisive game vs. Boston. The the Decision made that frenzy look like a city council meeting, and everything that came after was sheer madness. 

We tore, we rent, we fought over him like pirahnas. But he hired a new P.R. guy, played in the post, won a title, won a Gold medal, and shifted the story on himself irrevocably. 

But the pack doesn't like lying around peacefully. It wants the fight. 

Hello, Russell Westbrook. 

In Thursday night's game against the Thunder, Westbrook became the answer to everything bad about the Thunder. What was wrong with the Thunder defense? Westbrook blew his assignment (SO BADLY). What was wrong with the Thunder offense? Without James Harden, Westbrook was Westbrook, and he took all the shots and look off Kevin Durant and ruined all the good basketball there is to be played. Why did the Thunder lose? Because of Russell Westbrook. 

There wasn't a single other bad player on the Thunder last night according to not only broadcasters but the general public. It went from "Blame LeBron" to "Blame Westbrook" in about 35 seconds. 

I'm not here to deflect blame from Westbrook. I did not come here to praise Westbrook, I came here to point out the situation. I gave Westbrook an "F" last night in our nightly grades, and if there were a grade below that, I would have given it to him. His mid-range jumper was off. That happens. But he made poor decisions, forced the issue too much (something that he cut down on last year), and yes, was out of position on the last play. The Thunder lost because Russell Westbrook played poorly. If he pays better, they win. It's that simple. (Note: Nothing is ever that simple.)

But let's be clear on two things. 

1. The Non-Durant-Non-Westbrook Thunder went 14-38 from the field night. Serge Ibaka's defense was atrocious and not just on the throwdown from Duncan. Kevin Martin is going to have to A. shoot better and B. move better without the ball. 

2. Kevin Durant has had the same problem for years. He doesn't establish position off-ball and he doesn't cut hard for passes. Durant is the second best player in all of basketball right now, but that's a problem that media, scouts, fans see all the time. And that accounts for a huge amount of the problem with getting Durant the ball. Westbrook is essentially in a position where he must constantly flawlessly deliver the ball to a guy who for some reason never expects his defender to jump the route. Westbrook gets tunnel vision. Durant helps. 

But you didn't hear that last night, nor did you hear about Durant costing Westbrook an and-one on a follow. It can be both. Russell Westbrook can play horribly and the Thunder can play horribly. Oh, yeah, and they still almost won the game. They're pretty good at basketball if you haven't noticed. 

Harden might have helped Thursday night. We'll never know. But the Thunder are going to have to figure out how to go on without him regardless and a big part of that is going to have to be Russell Westbrook. Creating for teammates is part of it. Teammates doing a better job of finding opportunities is part of it. Not trying to jump the pass route on the final play of the game against a crafty veteran is part of it. 

What's interesting about the Harden matter is it has now shifted to whether the Thunder should have kept Harden over Westbrook. This despite the fact that they weren't up for extension at the same time. The conversation should be about whether they should have put their resouces towards Serge Ibaka, who is a great defender and shot blocker with a solid mid-range game, but not in the class of either Westbrook or Harden. Or perhaps towards whether they should have given Kendrick Perkins the extension they did. 

Durant is a singular talent. Harden is a singular talent. Westbrook is a singular talent. Maybe those are the players that should have been prioritized. But then, this is one game. And if the Thunder wind up better at the end of this season than last, who's to say they made the wrong move? 

The pack, that's who. Facts be damned.

f Durant, who has said openly in the past that he doesn't want to shoot a high volume because he wants to stay efficient, doesn't shoot more than Westbrook, it's Westbrook's fault, the pack says. If Durant struggles, Westbrook didn't find him opportunities, the pack says. When players like Ty Lason defer, they're too passive. When players like Westbrook are aggressive, they're ballhogs. Westbrook believes he's as good as any player on the planet. Guess what? Most nights he's got a pretty good argument. But the pack must fight over something, and LeBron has kicked them off and sent them whimpering back to their hiding places, so it's Westbrook's turn.

From Iverson to Kobe to LeBron to Westbrook, there's always someone. Bad games are unforgiveable, good games come with caveats. 

Welcome to the frenzy, Westbrook. The Beard is gone and somehow that's your fault, too. We'll see if the frenzy persists should the Thunder start winning the same amount.
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So it was suggested that he have the surgery last year, but decided not to in order to secure a pay day. That's on him and whoever in his corner that gave him that advice. Entire situation is a mess.
Also, props to D-Wade for coming out and saying that the NBA should have canceled tonight's game given the situation in NYC and the tri state area.
I can picture the reason being because he knows they're going to win, and thinks it will depress NY even more. 

Westbrook is not going to become the new LeBron after one game.
I saw someone ask but didn't see anyone answer...if Rondo is this all world best point guard in the league...why would Boston entertain a deal for Westbrook...clearly an inferior player right? They'd be taking on a bigger contract and an inferior player.
Ya'll play NBA 2K too much.

That was because he was chucking balls at refs and throwing bottles in the locker room and yelling at Ray Allen, etc. etc. Not because Westbrook was so much better.

Westbrook is better than Rondo in 2K, so I don't know what your point was :lol:
:lol: Blake not about to do a damn thing to ZBO.

Zbo mentioned that its nothing personal, but he does like to get in Blake's head. Notice that Blake didn't even have a good game at all and ZBo killed him on the boards. Its a good strategy and its 80's basketball. Now, the punch he threw at Blake in one of those videos was a little too much :lol:

I actually respect Blake a little more for attempting to hold his ground against him. Next matchup is on January 14th in Memphis :nerd:
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"Battle for LA." :lol:
Clippers fans gassed as hell. Reminds me of:

We're not the ones calling it that. That's a media creation. Most reasonable Clippers fans you talk to recognize that LA is pretty much always going to be a Lakers town. The gap may close a bit if the Clippers continue to win, but the Lakers are by far the biggest show in town here. That's fine. But we do realistically like how our team matches up with the Lakers right now.
So it was suggested that he have the surgery last year, but decided not to in order to secure a pay day. That's on him and whoever in his corner that gave him that advice. Entire situation is a mess.
Also, props to D-Wade for coming out and saying that the NBA should have canceled tonight's game given the situation in NYC and the tri state area.

Wade only said that after he got criticized for complaining about sitting in traffic for three hours.
So it was suggested that he have the surgery last year, but decided not to in order to secure a pay day. That's on him and whoever in his corner that gave him that advice. Entire situation is a mess.
Also, props to D-Wade for coming out and saying that the NBA should have canceled tonight's game given the situation in NYC and the tri state area.

Wade only said that after he got criticized for complaining about sitting in traffic for three hours.

Word everyone knew what he meant when he originally complained about the traffic.

Wade must have ONE HELL of a publicist, because the way he spun that into a "commendable" comment was one of the slickest PR moves I've ever seen.
It was fast as hell too, you know that publicist was blowing up his phone trying to get him to save face ASAP.

Now he looks like a hero to New York :smh: :lol:
So it was suggested that he have the surgery last year, but decided not to in order to secure a pay day. That's on him and whoever in his corner that gave him that advice. Entire situation is a mess.
Also, props to D-Wade for coming out and saying that the NBA should have canceled tonight's game given the situation in NYC and the tri state area.

Wade only said that after he got criticized for complaining about sitting in traffic for three hours.

Word everyone knew what he meant when he originally complained about the traffic.

Wade must have ONE HELL of a publicist, because the way he spun that into a "commendable" comment was one of the slickest PR moves I've ever seen.
It was fast as hell too, you know that publicist was blowing up his phone trying to get him to save face ASAP.

Now he looks like a hero to New York :smh: :lol:
Nah they still hate his guts.
Now wade donating his game check to NYC. Yeah he definitely got some good advice after he had to jump on twitter complaining about traffic
Inside the NBA straight Clowns on ESPN's NBA Countdown. Only brightspot for ESPN's crew is JVG's commentary :smokin
Man, they really look like the Mavs.

A tall white guy on the perimeter.

"CATS," instead of "MAVS," on their jerseys.

Brendan Haywood and Gana Diop.

PGs who shoot 40%.
ZBo still at it with Blake, Blake gotta retaliate one of these days
He would've done it by now. He'll continue to get manhandled by ZBo until the NBA cracks down on Zach or LAC has a goon do something about it.
The Hornets got hosed in that deal. Got damaged goods they were forced to sign to save face.
Dudes are so geeked off the Lakers trade being vetoed that they still refuse to acknowledge this.
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