Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Watching Cavs game is so frustrating today. They can't defend 3 pts, they can't defend inside, they can't defend anything. And to make up for their atrocious D, what do Cavs do on offense? play 1 on 1, make forced pass, shoot contested shots. It's not like they are playing against the best Miami squad with LeBron, Wade, and Bosh on their lineup. They are getting lit up by freaking Norris Coles, Mike Millers, and Joel Anthonys...

just be happy chalmers aint playing
Cole Adrich 

Sooo....the NBA is going to say 'NO' to a bunch of money being made from that game?

So how does Boston as a franchise make up for ticket sales, food sales, merchandise sales that would have came from that game?

dont think its that big of a deal especially with the attack today. why take a chance of something happening? you never know.
Its all jokes B
Does that really matter right now? If they ran that game it would have been a PR nightmare
Uh, yes it matters. Business is business. I don't care what anyone says. There's workplaces all over the world that deal with their little bit of tragedy on any given day - and continue business as usual.

Nothing personal. But they shouldn't of canceled that game because of what happened today. That ultimately proves that those who attacked today, won and affected more than who they intended to attack.
As true as that may be, its better to cancel the game. I'm sure the minor amount of money lost is enough to show people that the NBA actually cares and wont just carry on as if nothing happened. 

The NBA isnt your typical business though, its highly dependent on public approval. Its not an essential product and if one day everyone in the world said "We dont like basketball anymore" The NBA dies. This is well worth the loss they took.
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amnesty kobe and lose their fanbase aka their source of income. lol people will believe anything

They should try it and find out.

:lol: :lol: at people thinking Star players >>>>> the business. When it all comes down to it, if they wanna get rid of you, they will, just like that long post from a couple pages back showed. I couldn't believe that Hakeem was traded to the Raptors way back. I assumed they would let him ride off in the sunset. But thankfully we traded him, or else we wouldn't have been able to draft the legendary Bostjan Nachbar.
Its all jokes B
Does that really matter right now? If they ran that game it would ha
ve been a PR nightmare

Uh, yes it matters. Business is business. I don't care what anyone says. There's workplaces all over the world that deal with their little bit of tragedy on any given day - and continue business as usual.

Nothing personal. But they shouldn't of canceled that game because of what happened today. That ultimately proves that those who attacked today, won and affected more than who they intended to attack.

you want them to still hold the game after what happened today? how insensitive are you?
Sensitivity issues aside, it just isn't realistic. Copley Square is on lockdown, there are SWAT teams everywhere, reports that bomb squads are gonna scan the entire 26-mile route to search for other explosives that didn't go off, a significant part of the subway is shut down, people from all different countries are stranded. It's chaos right now. Not sure when it will be back to normal.
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Well are the janitors and concessions workers still getting paid?
Cuz they live paycheck to paycheck usually
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