Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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This is the genius, Barclays group assumed ALL the risk, he spent their money to basically insert himself into the profit centers of an NBA arena and what little money he did spend, THEY GAVE IT BACK TO HIM. :lol:

"I can sell ice in the winter..."

He's running the same thing on CAA, he is using their dime and their resources to build and agency, if it don't work out, its their problem, if it does, best believe he will split it off, probably while poaching talented agents as well.
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imagine lebron and kobe in the finals!! thats if the lakers make the playoffs though. Still, that would be one hell of a series
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The college game won't be pure if it's obvious that a kid has it wrapped up and is paid, even though we know he will be. And I guess it's not fair if an NBA team has a kid getting better for them for free. :rolleyes

There are players who get drafted out of HS and also while in college to the NHL. Their system works....teams have the rights. Once they sign their entry-level deal, their amateur status is over.

I don't think the NBA or college hoops would be hurt as much if this system was put in place.
I was just playing devil's advocate. Both products would be improved a lot if players could stay in school til they were ready. When these kids have to learn fundamentals of defense and passing and even shooting in the NBA, on a team that, for probably good reason, didn't make the playoffs...that's where you learn bad habits and get ready to wash out of the league.

And uh...Andre Drummond. 29pts, 11rbs in 34 min. :smokin
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I was just playing devil's advocate. Both products would be improved a lot if players could stay in school til they were ready. When these kids have to learn fundamentals of defense and passing and even shooting in the NBA, on a team that, for probably good reason, didn't make the playoffs...that's where you learn bad habits and get ready to wash out of the league.

And uh...Andre Drummond. 29pts, 11rbs in 34 min. :smokin


I dunno if we'll ever see anything like this....but people are always complaining about guys coming into the league not ready.

On the flip, would that hurt the d-league?
I would love to see the Knicks face the Heat in the Eastern's going to happen too. We just need Kidd to bring that 2011 Finals game to the table..
I would love to see the Knicks face the Heat in the Eastern's going to happen too. We just need Kidd to bring that 2011 Finals game to the table..

No guarantee the Knicks get passed Indiana after Boston. Plus Boston doesn't ever go quietly so that series will be a battle. I'd love to see it though.
Chi leads the league I'm attendance without their superstar stepping foot on the court. Pretty impressive
So I guess if Kobe juicing then what is LeBron doing???:nerd:

How many season injuries have they both tell me? You will probably never see either withstand a long term injury and that's no coincidence either. To answer your question. He is taking hgh too.

I don't see how some people are saying Kobe is on roids on whatever. He is still doing what he is doing at 34, because of several things: icing several times a day, a STRICT diet, the best trainers, doctors, massage therapists, acupuncture therapy, and as much as he believes it taking a helicopter to the game so his legs don't suffer from atrophy while sitting in traffic. Plus he says he stretches several times a day with a person who is paid just to stretch him out. I mean he is not stopping at McDonald's getting a value meal and drinking soda, everything he does is designed for a result and I don't think many people understand that. The personal chef is is cooking things that may aid in recovery for back to back games, or while he is on the plane he may be hooked up electro therapy for all we know. Its not like he just started doing this stuff, this is years of doing these things. The performances that we are seeing at this stage is just the residue of YEARS of preparation. Adjusting his game due to a decline in explosiveness also helps as well, and being a master of the fundamentals and exceptional footwork which many of you do not understand.

My biggest question is if some of the other guys who came in with Kobe in 1996 could have had this same level of production if they had done exactly what Kobe has done. As far has working out, diet, etc.

What we have to realize he has access to 99.99999999999999999% of things (professional sports performance people that are the best in their field in the world) people will never have

My dude said "ice baths" tho! Lol I don't know how many of yall are atheltes or have been before but those type of things are cool and all but they are temporary soothings not permanent fixes or reverse type actions. Lol that baseball he had on his ankle last month takes way more than ice. Try shots, hgh, and stimulation treatment...emphasis on hgh and shots. Imma stop now tho and let yall believe what you want to but trust n believe they hv stuff out there to keep you from getting winded aka stamina boost that bryant uses to be able to play so much at such a high level. Hell even Herbalife has a supplement that does a small fraction of the stuff this guys takes. Blood doping plus that Herbalife type supplement times 3 will have you playing 48 minutes in an nba game like a teenager.

Strict Diet? My ***. Kobe splurges every now and then, peep Vanessa instagram. Kobe IS taking something to get his stamina back faster than most, and it aint no ice bath or helicopter rides either.

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