Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I don't understand why everyone thinks Kobe is juicing. He's 34 years old, this dude isn't 40. Yes he's been in the league for 17 years and has played a ridiculous amount of games. But if you watch Kobe compared to even 2 years ago, you can obviously see he's not as athletic and quick as he was.

What makes Kobe so great tho is his footwork and his ability to create a shot, it's still the best in the league. No matter how much athleticism he's lost, he's just still savvy enough. Plus the way modern medicine is now and that German operation every athlete is dying to try, I'm not surprised at all.

Last person over 34 years to score 45 plus, with 5 rebounds, and 5 assists was Micahel Jordan. When he was on the Wizards, he was 38-39 then. It's not impossible and out of ordinary for players of Michael and Kobe's caliber.

Kobe on steroids, nah man. Now HGH is a different story, but if you're going to single him out and speculate that on Kobe. Do it to the rest of the NBA. Cause HGH would not be a Kobe problem, it'd be a league problem.

So please, let's stop posting pictures of Kobe without a shirt. It's going nowhere. Appreciate Kobe while you can. He won't have many times like these after a year or two.
:lol: The only other person besides bryant who deals with a chemist who supplies the best of the best strands of undetected hgh is usain. #Facts

Yall can be in denial all you want.

These chemist have stuff that's so highly specific for these athletes to the point where bryant can be like "hey...i need my stamina to be at such n such level and any injuries i acquire throughout the season to heal within such n such time frame" and literally thwart the whole natural physiological process. I'm just sayin

Those ping pong players who are pros that play super fast...they have stuff for them too. It's highly specific. This aint the 80's anymore :lol:

Bryant is so desperate (as you can see from his style of play of hot dogging with no care in the world) to prove a point and get another ring that he will take the chance and use this stuff. I honestly think even if it's all for nothing (meaning he won't get another ring) that this will all come out and hit the fan not much longer after he retires. I can def see someone ratting dude out.

If ron artest didn't pique your curiosity then I don't know what to tell you :lol: ain't no way in hell he should have been playing talking about " I had no swelling". I know fool because you taking stuff. The body naturally will swell as a defense and healing mechanism when operating alone as normal.

:rofl: :rofl:

Did dis dude just do this?!?

Like, you cannot be serious right now.

So I guess if Kobe juicing then what is LeBron doing???:nerd:
:lol: The only other person besides bryant who deals with a chemist who supplies the best of the best strands of undetected hgh is usain. #Facts

Yall can be in denial all you want.

These chemist have stuff that's so highly specific for these athletes to the point where bryant can be like "hey...i need my stamina to be at such n such level and any injuries i acquire throughout the season to heal within such n such time frame" and literally thwart the whole natural physiological process. I'm just sayin

Those ping pong players who are pros that play super fast...they have stuff for them too. It's highly specific. This aint the 80's anymore :lol:

Bryant is so desperate (as you can see from his style of play of hot dogging with no care in the world) to prove a point and get another ring that he will take the chance and use this stuff. I honestly think even if it's all for nothing (meaning he won't get another ring) that this will all come out and hit the fan not much longer after he retires. I can def see someone ratting dude out.

If ron artest didn't pique your curiosity then I don't know what to tell you :lol: ain't no way in hell he should have been playing talking about " I had no swelling". I know fool because you taking stuff. The body naturally will swell as a defense and healing mechanism when operating alone as normal.

:rofl: :rofl:

Did dis dude just do this?!?

Like, you cannot be serious right now.

So I guess if Kobe juicing then what is LeBron doing???:nerd:

This dude is obviously trolling
You're smoking.

Completely remove the meniscus? lol

Not sure if that even possible without making permanent damage to one body.

In a total meniscectomy, the entire meniscus is removed. In a partial meniscectomy, the surgeon removes as little of the meniscus as possible. Unstable meniscal fragments are removed, and the remaining meniscus edges are smoothed so that there are no frayed ends.

Taken from some website.
I don't see how some people are saying Kobe is on roids on whatever. He is still doing what he is doing at 34, because of several things: icing several times a day, a STRICT diet, the best trainers, doctors, massage therapists, acupuncture therapy, and as much as he believes it taking a helicopter to the game so his legs don't suffer from atrophy while sitting in traffic. Plus he says he stretches several times a day with a person who is paid just to stretch him out. I mean he is not stopping at McDonald's getting a value meal and drinking soda, everything he does is designed for a result and I don't think many people understand that. The personal chef is is cooking things that may aid in recovery for back to back games, or while he is on the plane he may be hooked up electro therapy for all we know. Its not like he just started doing this stuff, this is years of doing these things. The performances that we are seeing at this stage is just the residue of YEARS of preparation. Adjusting his game due to a decline in explosiveness also helps as well, and being a master of the fundamentals and exceptional footwork which many of you do not understand.

My biggest question is if some of the other guys who came in with Kobe in 1996 could have had this same level of production if they had done exactly what Kobe has done. As far has working out, diet, etc.

What we have to realize he has access to 99.99999999999999999% of things (professional sports performance people that are the best in their field in the world) people will never have
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In a total meniscectomy, the entire meniscus is removed. In a partial meniscectomy, the surgeon removes as little of the meniscus as possible. Unstable meniscal fragments are removed, and the remaining meniscus edges are smoothed so that there are no frayed ends.

Taken from some website.

I'm pretty sure that Blake Griffin has had his meniscus removed on one or both knees.
Strict Diet? My ***. Kobe splurges every now and then, peep Vanessa instagram. Kobe IS taking something to get his stamina back faster than most, and it aint no ice bath or helicopter rides either.
99% of professional athletes take supplements, and for the most part they're banned by their respective league. It ain't just a good diet, ice baths and massages.
Strict Diet? My ***. Kobe splurges every now and then, peep Vanessa instagram. Kobe IS taking something to get his stamina back faster than most, and it aint no ice bath or helicopter rides either.
During the 2002 Kings series, dude was eating Cheeseburgers and Cheesecake
(Shout out to CP for the info)
[h1]Loose Cannons[/h1]
What do Ricky Davis and Lance Stephenson, once and future NBA lightning rods, have in common? More than you'd think.

Abrams delivers with another very good article.

The roguish days of the NBA seem a distant memory, but Davis hasn't forgotten.

"It was instilled in me," he says. "Anthony Mason coming in with 50 shots of tequila. This was before they brought the bottles. The waitress coming out with 50 shots and I'm 17, 18 years old.

He also finally got his chance to engage (and enrage) Jordan, who had recently returned to the NBA as a Washington Wizard.

Davis outdueled him, too. Both scored 18 points, but Jordan missed 10 more shots and grew impatient with Davis's dunks at the end of an easy Cavaliers victory. Jordan told Davis that he would remember his performance the next time they played. "I started talking," Davis says. "I don't know why. Who wouldn't say something, you know? Then after the game, I think he felt it. I said, 'Hey, MJ. Can I get your shoes?' He just looked at me. He came back and tore my *** up."

Later that season, the 38-year-old Jordan dropped 40 points on Davis. "He didn't say too much," Davis says. "Just, 'I've got your ***, young fella. I've got your ***.' That's what he said. When we stepped on the court, I didn't say nothing. I didn't want to wake him up no more. He came into the game and remembered that."

On his attempt to get a triple-double.

The sequence ignited a fierce debate about individual achievement and results in sports. The Cavaliers fined Davis $35,000. Figures around the league denounced him and his selfish style of play. Davis has the advantage of a decade's worth of perspective now. He says he's surprised the stunt has stuck with him, but he also concedes it was all his own doing.

"I had thought I got the rebound," he says. "I was so in my selfishness that I wasn't thinking of the whole perception of what could happen. When you're so young, you don't think about what will happen later. And me coming from where I'm coming from, playing in the park all day … I'm going to get in trouble? Why would I get in trouble? We're up by 20. That's what I'm thinking in my head. We're up by 20. Why would I get in trouble? But there's more politics involved. There's more than being a little kid and playing in a grown man's world."

On Lebron James

"One-two punch" is how Davis imagined himself playing with James. "Then Silas came in," he says. "Me and Silas had a past in Charlotte. I don't know why Coach Silas was mad, but I'm thinking it was all about LeBron and the transition of trying to make him the number one. I mean, I was ready to ride with him one-two 'cause I was doing my thing."

"They were kind of messing with me because I didn't need no plays. I was on fire, but they wanted LeBron, so it kind of got weird. They started taking me out, started labeling me, saying I was talking crazy to LeBron. It got kind of weird."

On getting back to the league

"I don't got a DUI, none of that. I might have got in the drug program. But who ain't did that? But 'Why?' is my question. Why can't I get back in? They don't look at it like, 'You've almost got 10,000 points.' I just want that 10,000 points. I'm about 80 points away from 10,000. Is that normal?"

Lance Stephenson, the boy they called Born Ready, is just starting to get born. Meanwhile, the man who witnessed a profound transformation in the league believes he is again prepared for the NBA.

"I'm ready," Davis says. "That's it. Ain't no ifs, ands, or buts. I'm ready."
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Over lunch at P.F. Chang's in L.A.'s Beverly Center, Davis appears at peace with his post-NBA life, but he's still hopeful for another opportunity. His trademark braids are shorn and his hair has been cropped into a short, even cut. Over lettuce wraps and apple martinis, Davis is reflective, repentant, hopeful, and self-aware. But, most important, he says he's healthy for the first time in years.

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