Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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As a huge OJ fan I can't even defend how OJ is playing down the stretch. How can someone who started the season off so well fall off THIS much :x
How do you go from dropping 40 pieces and 30 pieces to not even getting 15 points in a game man :smh:

And it's not like he's in a shooting slump. Homie doesn't even look to score anymore which is the most puzzling. Him from the first two months of the season until now is like a totally different player.

Maybe some of you are right, maybe he isn't a starting two guard on a winning team.
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Man i hope the lakers dont make the playoffs, i wanna laugh at they fans so bad man!! LMAOOO!!

Can't stand bandwagons :smh:
Juice doesn't play well with others. :lol:

Early in the season, he had complete control of the team. They weren't winning, but he was playing well.

Once Dirk came back, he just couldn't get his groove. He needs the ball in his hands to be efficient scoring the ball, but with that comes turnovers.

He's primarily become a spot up shooter, which he isn't really good at. He needs to create for himself. Having Mike James dribbling the ball for 17 seconds doesn't get it done.

That said, he's shown some really good playmaking skills. He makes the right pass more often than not, it's just when he dribbles too much he turns it over.
I'm kinda surprised Mike James never hung on to a team after his 05-06 season when he blew up
I'm kinda surprised Mike James never hung on to a team after his 05-06 season when he blew up

He has the issue of terrible nba players.

He thinks he's better than he is. He's a good spot up shooter, but he drives to the basket and thinks he's Russell Westbrook when he's closer to Kendrick Perkins.

He doesn't create shots for others either.
Juice doesn't play well with others. :lol:

Early in the season, he had complete control of the team. They weren't winning, but he was playing well.

Once Dirk came back, he just couldn't get his groove. He needs the ball in his hands to be efficient scoring the ball, but with that comes turnovers.

He's primarily become a spot up shooter, which he isn't really good at. He needs to create for himself. Having Mike James dribbling the ball for 17 seconds doesn't get it done.

That said, he's shown some really good playmaking skills. He makes the right pass more often than not, it's just when he dribbles too much he turns it over.

QFT. 100% right. To piggyback off of what you said, he's not playing bad at all. He's playing hard, he makes the right play/pass more often than that, it just appears that he doesn't know how to manufacture offense for himself when there are other players on the floor who want the ball as well ala VC, Dirk. Having Mike James and DC who are pg's looking for their own offense doesn't help either.

And we have to remember that contrary to what most people believe, (And i'm sure you Japan have seen remnants of this this season following the mavs) he's a very unselfish player. He was touted coming out of HS as one of the most unselfish superstars in recent memory. He doesn't force any bad shots, and doesn't look for his own offense unless it's absolutely necessary.
how r being wrapped up while bulldozing someone and a missed block attempt not basketball plays?  if hinrich didnt wrap him up it probably would have been a charge.  i really dont understand how someone of u can so blindly cosign such ***** made tendencies.

Lmao. A basketball play would have been take the charge or move out of the way. Not wrap up and bring to the ground. He didnt make a play in the ball at all, didnt even attempt to. And that taj Gibson one was 50/50. You could make arguments for both sides

Just like bron charged into boozer no attempt on the ball shouldve been a f2(worse than when fisher hit scola) & he shouldve gotten a tech for hanging on the rim during nate fingerroll

Twice he should have been tossed & wasnt
yeah Jerryd Bayless is doing his thing, smh Raptors should have kept him, he is ill, i don't care if he isn't a passer, I'd still start him at the PG position. PG's rarely pass anyways nowadays.

Been a fan since his High School Days
yeah Jerryd Bayless is doing his thing, smh Raptors should have kept him, he is ill, i don't care if he isn't a passer, I'd still start him at the PG position. PG's rarely pass anyways nowadays.

Been a fan since his High School Days
Bayless was playing good when he was with hornets to
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