Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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He's been a better mid-range shooter than Wade for the last 4 years combined. Stop with the nonsense.

To play devils advoated I'd say he take a lot more wide-open mid-range jumper than Wade though who takes a lot of contested jumpers from that area
Lebron James shot chart for this season


Has he become smarter about the shots he's taken? Sure. But he's also gotten better, it's a fact.

He's developed a jumper. There's nothing laughable about that statement.

You can put up all the charts you like but nobody with any sense is gonna buy that he's a elite or even great shooter.

He's a good shooter now which is deadly combined with his ability to bulldoze to the paint.
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The East has been ravaged with injuries, I think Miami coasts to the finals.

Imagine if the the Bulls had a healthy Rose, or Boston had a healthy Garnett and Rondo, or New York had a healthy Amare.

I really think the Bulls would give them the most trouble with a healthy Rose, you have Luol who can do a decent job on Lebron, Noah who would clean up the boards, and Rose would be able to at least tire out Lebron a bit on defense.

Plus the Bulls, like the Celtics, are not afraid of the Heat, they really hate them and want to get the best of them. Noah been calling Lebron corny and you saw Boozer don't give a **** about Lebron, it would be such a fun series to watch, but sadly it wont happen.

My only hope is the Pacers really man up and Hibbert continues his good play and dominates on the inside.
You mean when rose was the mvp? The bulls still didn't do any damage against us..
DubA. U must have forgot Bosh didn't play a lot of games vs the pacers and the Celtics. U really think it works have still stretched to 7 with a fully healthy bosh for the couple games?
Lebron James shot chart for this season


Has he become smarter about the shots he's taken? Sure. But he's also gotten better, it's a fact.

He's developed a jumper. There's nothing laughable about that statement.

You can put up all the charts you like but nobody with any sense is gonna buy that he's a elite or even great shooter.

He's a good shooter now which is deadly combined with his ability to bulldoze to the paint.
Right... because I've said he's an elite shooter?

So what's that have to do with anything? People holding onto the myth that Lebron still doesn't have a jumper are either ignorant and never look at the numbers, or they just don't care and will still say "Yeah, but it's not as pure". 

The Knicks are

2-1 vs. Miami

1-2 vs. Indiana

2-2 vs. Brooklyn

0-3 vs. Chicago

1-0 vs. Atlanta

2-1 vs. Boston

2-0 vs. Milwaukee
You mean when rose was the mvp? The bulls still didn't do any damage against us..
DubA. U must have forgot Bosh didn't play a lot of games vs the pacers and the Celtics. U really think it works have still stretched to 7 with a fully healthy bosh for the couple games?
I'm saying, people are acting as if the Heat didn't beat those teams at full force without Bosh, now Heat have to worry about an even older Garnett and PP minus Rondo and Ray Allen? A Rose-less Bulls? Let's be serious.
Knicks are the biggest threat to the Heat

There is no threat to the Miami Heat in the Eastern Comference, None. I don't think there is one team that can win more than a game. These dudes way sweep the conference if they want to. (This is coming from a Knicks fan)

I was hoping they kept this pointless streak alive for like another 10 games, they were starting to get emotionally and physically drained and they would have entered the playoffs tired and over confident - maybe even banged up.

Now they're just going to rest there players, come back to reality, stay humble, strive for the main goal, and want revenge. This streak being snapped hurts Indiana, Chicago, Boston, or New York. Believe that.
You mean when rose was the mvp? The bulls still didn't do any damage against us..
DubA. U must have forgot Bosh didn't play a lot of games vs the pacers and the Celtics. U really think it works have still stretched to 7 with a fully healthy bosh for the couple games?

They didn't do damage? They were in EVERY game until the last 5 minutes. The Bulls def would have a possibility to beat the Heat With a fully healthy Rose.
Thread to the Heat in the Eastern Conference? WHERE? The only team that stood a chance was Indy and they're not the same team they were 3 months ago for whatever the reason. There are no other teams that should even be entertained.
Right... because I've said he's an elite shooter?

So what's that have to do with anything? People holding onto the myth that Lebron still doesn't have a jumper are either ignorant and never look at the numbers, or they just don't care and will still say "Yeah, but it's not as pure". 

This goes back to last night when Lebron was crying about the fouls. I said he needs to just make free throws or develop his jumper. You said he already had a jumper. You missed the key word "develop"

Yes he has a jumper but does he really trust it.?..doubtful. So he needs to develop it.
There is no threat to the Miami Heat in the Eastern Comference, None. I don't think there is one team that can win more than a game. These dudes way sweep the conference if they want to. (This is coming from a HEAT fan)

I was hoping they kept this pointless streak alive for like another 10 games, they were starting to get emotionally and physically drained and they would have entered the playoffs tired and over confident - maybe even banged up.

Now they're just going to rest there players, come back to reality, stay humble, strive for the main goal, and want revenge. This streak being snapped hurts Indiana, Chicago, Boston, or New York. Believe that.
just admit it bro.  u do have a good point with that last part tho
Right... because I've said he's an elite shooter?

So what's that have to do with anything? People holding onto the myth that Lebron still doesn't have a jumper are either ignorant and never look at the numbers, or they just don't care and will still say "Yeah, but it's not as pure". 
it isnt as pure though anyone with two eyes can see that
You mean when rose was the mvp? The bulls still didn't do any damage against us..
DubA. U must have forgot Bosh didn't play a lot of games vs the pacers and the Celtics. U really think it works have still stretched to 7 with a fully healthy bosh for the couple games?

Avery Bradley was hurt and so was ray Allen. Evens out enough for me to think that the celtics are their biggest threat

I gotta admit I forgot rondo was out. But they seem to be doing well without him

Either way I only think the spurs have a chance. Way too late for rose to come back. Pacers don't have the fire power. Knicks don't have the composure and health
Right... because I've said he's an elite shooter?

So what's that have to do with anything? People holding onto the myth that Lebron still doesn't have a jumper are either ignorant and never look at the numbers, or they just don't care and will still say "Yeah, but it's not as pure". 

This goes back to last night when Lebron was crying about the fouls. I said he needs to just make free throws or develop his jumper. You said he already had a jumper. You missed the key word "develop"

Yes he has a jumper but does he really trust it.?..doubtful. So he needs to develop it.
The definition of develop.
Grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate
to  bring  out  the  capabilities  or  possibilities  of;  bring  to  a  moreadvanced  or  effective  state
He's developed his jumper. You can say he doesn't trust it, if that's the criticism you're sticking to, but it's there and he uses it.
Right... because I've said he's an elite shooter?

So what's that have to do with anything? People holding onto the myth that Lebron still doesn't have a jumper are either ignorant and never look at the numbers, or they just don't care and will still say "Yeah, but it's not as pure". 
it isnt as pure though anyone with two eyes can see that
His jumper could be the most spastic and awkward shot in history, if it goes in, then I don't care. Is Ray Allen arguably the greatest shooter ever because of pureness? Or because he worked at it his entire career? Or both and is talking about it being "pure" purely visual?

My point was, if people don't mention the numbers then they'll rely on their eyes and find criticism there. But that's subjective, that's my point.
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He's shooting 56% from the damn field and 60% of those attempts have been jump shots. He's shooting 39% on threes. I really don't know what it's gonna take to convince you guys he's developed a jump shot.
You mean when rose was the mvp? The bulls still didn't do any damage against us..
DubA. U must have forgot Bosh didn't play a lot of games vs the pacers and the Celtics. U really think it works have still stretched to 7 with a fully healthy bosh for the couple games?

Avery Bradley was hurt and so was ray Allen. Evens out enough for me to think that the celtics are their biggest threat

I gotta admit I forgot rondo was out. But they seem to be doing well without him

C's are 3-7 their last 10 games. avery bradley is passing and shooting like derek fisher. the celtics have a snowballs chance in hell without rondo
The definition of develop.
He's developed his jumper. You can say he doesn't trust it, if that's the criticism you're sticking to, but it's there and he uses it.

You just proved my point with your definition. He needs to advance it more so he can trust it. Because pretty soon he aint gonna have the space to shoot it like he does now
Knicks are one of the worst road teams,,JR doesnt show up unless someone is cheering him on.... knicks might take 1 game at msg,, the most gms i see the series going is 6

You think before you post some of the stuff you post? One of the worst road teams? The Pacers play like dog **** on the road most nights and their best player is a shell of himself outside of Indiana but they're still the best shot Miami? Boston would be the worst road team in the entire playoffs and missing the cog that was probably most important pushing Miami to 7 games but they'll be a bigger test? Come on now. If you all wanna **** on the Knicks just to **** on the Knicks, I'd respect you more if you came out and said it.
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