Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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It was a team effort for every team Dallas battled against that post-season, but that doesn't make DeShawn Stevenson and Shawn Marion scrub defenders, because it was their primary objective to stay in front of him, and force him to hard shots.
Some interesting little nuggets from a 2008 article on "How to (Sort of) Stop Kobe":

Good post. Since 2008 Boston showed how to beat bryant (some say lakers). Get up on him while playing tough D (swapping defenders helps too) and make him uncomfortable and allow him to play 1 on 8, period!



Lol exactly! Not to mention one of the most important pieces to killing bryant was when he did happen to get by them he was met by Tyson who wld normally beat that crap he threw up! Lol

It was a team effort for every team Dallas battled against that post-season, but that doesn't make DeShawn Stevenson and Shawn Marion scrub defenders, because it was their primary objective to stay in front of him, and force him to hard shots.

Lol Japan makes every effort to kill a poser! I guess I can't be mad...
It's crazy how one first round exit just totally changes people's perception of what a contender is. Using stuff more than half a decade old to build a case for what's going on presently when the make up of the team and the coaching style is completely different is simply asinine. Not to mention this team just went to the WCF last year.

The team that went to the WCF last year and only got better us somehow fools gold, yet the other team that went and then got worse isn't. I see...

Good game by the warriors last night though that's really impressive.
^you got an idea if Pop is resting players this Sunday against the Heat? (nationally televised game) That would be so awesome if Pop rested TD, TP, Manu and still ended the heat's streak if it makes to Sunday. Want to see some Nando and Mills. :pimp:
"You guys"? He is the only one saying this stuff that I'm aware of. I think he honestly knows jet, matrix, n d Steve D'd dude up and is just too salty to admit it or he did not watch that series. For the sake of this forum, I'm hoping its the former.

Lol At D Kobe up. Obviously someone didn't watch basketball. No one on the Mavs can single handed stop Kobe. They only way yall can D Kobe up is by playing double or send a man to help.

Phx Marion was a lot more quicker and athletic. He didn't really D Kobe up lol. And Kobe is known for scoring 20 30 points on the league elite defenders.

LOL at D kobe up. Yea right. Carry on.

Stop it. It's not about him being healthy or not. He was certainly healthy enough to play the series out. Plain and simple, Dallas defensively did a great job on Kobe. You cannot deny this. Bringing up health isn't an excuse, considering Kobe played the series.

Anyway, it's all history now. If I was a Laker fan, I'd be more worried about the future on the organization more than anything else. You guys are seriously in BIG trouble in the next 2-3 years. Nash is 39 and the wheels will fall off within the next year or so. Pau is losing his confidence and his game as the year goes by. Kobe isn't going to be around forever and Father Time catches up to EVERYONE sooner or later. Kobe is just lucky to be playing in an era where medical advances are so far ahead, he's able to play at the level he is now.

Earl Clark, Jodie Meeks and Robert Sacre aren't going to save the Lakers. Mitch Kuchack needs to take a real hard look with the roster and figure out what to do. If I was LA, I'd go after OJ since he's going to opt out and then try to get a younger point guard like Jennings.

Waiting for 2014 might be a possibility too, considering the Heat will lose out on Bosh, Wade or LeBron due to cap restrictions and luxury tax. It's the real deal and owners aren't going to spend that kind of money. Remember, the luxury tax is $3 for every $1 the team is over. Owners are now currently hedging this for the future as well. We're seeing it with our very own eyes. The days of a "super team" are over and it'll only happen if teams get lucky and draft stars playing under their rookie contracts.

Now, as for the Dwight Howard situation. Dwight isn't a "franchise" player nor does he have the attitude or desire to be one. He will never be the second coming of Shaq, and will suffer when he gets older due to injuries and age. He has no post moves and heavily relies on his athleticism and get him points. He should give a call to Amare. Dude will let him know what's up :smh:

At least Amare developed some sort of midrange game and put the time into developing a post game as well. It's just unfortunate that he can't stay healthy. Dwight Howard seems to be headed down the same path.

So you saw Kobe can walk on the floor that mean he was not playing hurt? So all the injuries bugs he had that playoff should be ignored like it didn't happened to him and hindered his lateral movements and explosiveness? If you know a thing or two about Kobe and his pain threshold. If the team med say he's 90%. It's really only 80%. Kobe is known for playing through pain just so he can play and compete. Kobe was there the floor doesn't change the fact that he was hurt that series.

As far as the Lakers future. We're not your Knicks. There will be a down period but the team always find away to get back to contending. Kobe retired? No problem. He'll be miss and be thankful for what he brought to the franchise. They'll find another talent. That just how it is for this organization. If Dwight can't perform to the team expectation then he will be moved, ship, packaged for someone else or a combination of different players. It's not like the Lakers is going to be like your Knicks who gone 40 something years from a title or the Mavs who's going to fade into irrelevancy after this season lol.

Not LA dude. Try again.

Some interesting little nuggets from a 2008 article on "How to (Sort of) Stop Kobe":

What a joke of an article. How to stop Kobe lol. Righttttt. They didn't stop him from beating them up. lol

I mean, if you want me to keep throwing numbers at you, I will.

2009-2010: @ DAL Feb 24: 9/23, 39%, 20 points, Loss. @ DAL. Jan 13: 5/11, 45%, 10 points, Win. Jan 3: 6/12, 50%, 15 points, Win. Oct 30: 6/19, 32%, 20 points, Loss.
2009-2010 Averages: 26/65, 40%, 18.75 PPG, 2 wins, 2 losses.

2010-2011: VS DAL Mar 31: 8/21, 38%, 28 points, Win. @ DAL Mar 12: 6/20, 30%, 16 points, Win. @ DAL Jan 19: 10/18, 55% 21 points, Loss.
2010-2011 Averages: 24/59, 41%, 14.6 PPG, 2 wins, 1 loss.

2011-2012: @ DAL Mar 21: 11/18, 61%, 30 points, win***. @ DAL Feb 22: 4/15, 26%, 15 points, win. VS DAL Jan 16: 7/22, 31%, 14 points, win.
2011-2012 Averages: 22/55, 40%, 19.6 PPG, 3 wins.
***Marion didn't play in that game, easily his best shooting performance over that three year span, :lol:

2012-2013: Oct 30 VS DAL: 11/14, 78%, 22 points, loss. Nov 24 @ DAL: 6/11, 54%, 19 points, win. Feb 24 @ DAL: 13/21, 62%, 38 points, win.
2012-2013 Averages: 30/46, 65%, 26.3 PPG, 2 wins, 1 loss.

I'll give you this, Kobe has had our number this year. Kudos. But saying that Shwan Marion hasn't been doing a great job on Kobe.... :rofl:

Your Stat don't mean ****. Watch the games. The way he were able to create to get his shots over Marion or get around Marion. This dude Marion fell for the pump fake like 4 times a game lol. As soon as Kobe shake him off the dribble. This dude call for help asap. Obviously he ain't stopping Kobe single handed. Video show Marion could not stop Kobe without helps from weakside. Your Stat doesn't show how Kobe took the shot or how it was defended neither. Jkidd and Terry, Deshawn etc are the same. They need helps whenever guarding Kobe.

And you're right. Kobe had Merion and the MAvs number this year. Why? Because he was healthier.
Didn't Carline try to play Merion, Crowder and VC on Kobe this year?
What happened? They got smoked. lol.
So no Merion can not stop Kobe dude. Try again.
Remember Raja Bell and Phx Suns Marion? He was more athletic then and Bell was a hard nose defender. Did they stop Kobe from dropping 25, 30, 35, 40 points?

Good post. Since 2008 Boston showed how to beat bryant (some say lakers). Get up on him while playing tough D (swapping defenders helps too) and make him uncomfortable and allow him to play 1 on 8, period!
Lol exactly! Not to mention one of the most important pieces to killing bryant was when he did happen to get by them he was met by Tyson who wld normally beat that crap he threw up! Lol
Lol Japan makes every effort to kill a poser! I guess I can't be mad...

LOl at get up on Kobe or make him uncomfortable. Load of crap. Small talks that fans of opposing teams trying to make to hide the facts that No physical defense or trash talk is going to intimidate a guy like Kobe Bryant. All that article wrote by this guy that guy etc are a bunch of craps. Look up Tony Allen(the Celtic best defender) interviews during the pre game show etc. He admit nobody on the Celtics could stop Kobe when he's get going.

LOl at thinking that Kobe can be intimidated by a guy like Tyson Chandler. Rightttttt

Tyson Chandler is a (). This dude is known for getting beat off the dribble so many times by guards whenever he try to play one on one face up defense. Dude only lurk and stay behind his perimeter defenders. As soon as his guys get beat. He would come out from the side and block the shot. Kobe have open lane and he would make Tyson Chandler his b***.
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^you got an idea if Pop is resting players this Sunday against the Heat? (nationally televised game) That would be so awesome if Pop rested TD, TP, Manu and still ended the heat's streak if it makes to Sunday. Want to see some Nando and Mills.
I mean we almost beat them the last time like that, I doubt he does it again though, simply because it would bring too much negative attention to the team. The streak ends on Sunday though BELEE DAT
I mean we almost beat them the last time like that, I doubt he does it again though, simply because it would bring too much negative attention to the team. The streak ends on Sunday though BELEE DAT
That last game was quite some time ago. Don't think they'll have a problem getting up to play the Spurs (with their main guys as usual).
I mean we almost beat them the last time like that, I doubt he does it again though, simply because it would bring too much negative attention to the team. The streak ends on Sunday though BELEE DAT
Last time pop did that I think only Manu played and they got ran out the arena while the spurs were trying to get their 50th win.....think pop knows better
You want to know whats so stupid about Wall's career night? Tony Allen probably only guarded him for 5% of his possessions :rolleyes

Everybody knows Conley struggles against bigger guards, except Lionel Hollins stubborn ***. They just stuck Wall on TA so he wouldn't have to do anything on the defensive end and put TA on ****** like Cartier Martin :lol:
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You want to know whats so stupid about Wall's career night? Tony Allen probably only guarded him for 5% of his possessions

Everybody knows Conley struggles against bigger guards, except Lionel Hollins stubborn ***. They just stuck Wall on TA so he wouldn't have to do anything on the defensive end and put TA on ****** like Cartier Martin
True that! And it sucks big time...
You want to know whats so stupid about Wall's career night? Tony Allen probably only guarded him for 5% of his possessions :rolleyes

Everybody knows Conley struggles against bigger guards, except Lionel Hollins stubborn ***. They just stuck Wall on TA so he wouldn't have to do anything on the defensive end and put TA on ****** like Cartier Martin :lol:
Then y would Tony guard temple who didn't take a shoot and hasn't done anything since his days at LSU. Don't know a dude for when he on
Then y would Tony guard temple who didn't take a shoot and hasn't done anything since his days at LSU. Don't know a dude for when he on

That's Lionel Hollins for you.

Its wasted minutes for TA to be on the court if he's not guarding the best perimeter player on the opposing team. He makes too many mistakes offensively to not allow him to make a difference on the defensive end.
Complain about the thread being terrible this year but proceed to go back and forth with a known raging homer who hasn't had a smart post in seven years about a playoff series from two years ago. Makes perfect sense.
I mean we almost beat them the last time like that, I doubt he does it again though, simply because it would bring too much negative attention to the team. The streak ends on Sunday though BELEE DAT
That last game was quite some time ago. Don't think they'll have a problem getting up to play the Spurs (with their main guys as usual).
I dont doubt that they'll be coming to play, however I still think that we'll win. We have the size to deal with Miami and can switch to a smaller lineup if necessary and still be just as effective defensively, but suffer on the rebounding end, which wont matter as much because Miami is a horrendous rebounding team.

I mean we almost beat them the last time like that, I doubt he does it again though, simply because it would bring too much negative attention to the team. The streak ends on Sunday though BELEE DAT
Last time pop did that I think only Manu played and they got ran out the arena while the spurs were trying to get their 50th win.....think pop knows better
Last time we did that we only lost by 5 and it was due to a LeBron takeover in the last minute and a half and Gary Neal trying to play hero ball.
It's crazy how one first round exit just totally changes people's perception of what a contender is. Using stuff more than half a decade old to build a case for what's going on presently when the make up of the team and the coaching style is completely different is simply asinine. Not to mention this team just went to the WCF last year.

The team that went to the WCF last year and only got better us somehow fools gold, yet the other team that went and then got worse isn't. I see...

Good game by the warriors last night though that's really impressive.

They truthfully didnt get better they our on the exact same pace they were on last year.... And two of their top three players have gotten a year older. For the past 5-6 seasons the spurs have looked dominant in the reg season.... and against teams in the first round.... when they play other elite teams they haven't looked the same so people are doubting them what do you expect?.... Either way it's a wash If ya'll somehow sneak out of the West... MIAMI IS GOING TO MURDER this squad.
They truthfully didnt get better they our on the exact same pace they were on last year.... And two of their top three players have gotten a year older. For the past 5-6 seasons the spurs have looked dominant in the reg season.... and against teams in the first round.... when they play other elite teams they haven't looked the same so people are doubting them what do you expect?.... Either way it's a wash If ya'll somehow sneak out of the West... MIAMI IS GOING TO MURDER this squad.
Those younger players got better that the key of having another season and last season was the lock out. Spur got depth and don't think capt jack can't still get buckets.... then u have to look at the many rotation the spurs have
I hear you on that point but other than Leonard None of those guys have a game that going to REALLY make a huge difference come playoff time.... I simply don't trust Gary Neal, Danny Green, Patty Mills to make critical plays against great teams.

That responsibility comes to the spurs stars.... Tony is playing fantastic and he's going to get his, but against the Thunder, clippers, or even Memphis i don't know if duncan & Manu are going to have the output that they Need in order win those close games. Pop is a GREAT coach so i know they legitimately have a shot against most teams but quite frankly if you look at there make up, they're a team that doesn't rebound well, Is average Defensively, And relies HEAVILY on jumpshots.

That doesn't seem to be an equation that wins championships.
It's crazy how one first round exit just totally changes people's perception of what a contender is. Using stuff more than half a decade old to build a case for what's going on presently when the make up of the team and the coaching style is completely different is simply asinine. Not to mention this team just went to the WCF last year.

The team that went to the WCF last year and only got better us somehow fools gold, yet the other team that went and then got worse isn't. I see...

Good game by the warriors last night though that's really impressive.
They truthfully didnt get better they our on the exact same pace they were on last year.... And two of their top three players have gotten a year older. For the past 5-6 seasons the spurs have looked dominant in the reg season.... and against teams in the first round.... when they play other elite teams they haven't looked the same so people are doubting them what do you expect?.... Either way it's a wash If ya'll somehow sneak out of the West... MIAMI IS GOING TO MURDER this squad.
They did get better, Danny Green, Kawhi, and Tiago are ALL better players than they were last year and now that they have the playoff experience under their belts so its less likely they will come up small the next time around. They've also gotten significantly better defensively, its a huge leap forward and makes the team the only team that has a chance agianst Miami. We match up well, can play small or big, and have a competent coach who will make adjustments if needed. There would be no murder believe me.

This is the best Spurs team since 2007. You could have said this last year and it would have been true but this year its not a question.
I hear you on that point but other than Leonard None of those guys have a game that going to REALLY make a huge difference come playoff time.... I simply don't trust Gary Neal, Danny Green, Patty Mills to make critical plays against great teams.

That responsibility comes to the spurs stars.... Tony is playing fantastic and he's going to get his, but against the Thunder, clippers, or even Memphis i don't know if duncan & Manu are going to have the output that they Need in order win those close games. Pop is a GREAT coach so i know they legitimately have a shot against most teams but quite frankly if you look at there make up, they're a team that doesn't rebound well, Is average Defensively, And relies HEAVILY on jumpshots.

That doesn't seem to be an equation that wins championships.
Gary Neal is a no, I expect his minutes to drop come playoff time in place of Nando, but Danny Green and Tiago will play big during the playoffs. Theyre not average defensively, theyre actually a top defensive team this year. This isnt an opinion, that is a fact. We dont rebound well because we ignore rebounding in our defensive philosophy, the same way Miami does. We shoot a lot of jumpers but we also have 4 competent inside scorers so in the even that the jumpers stop falling we have options, we arent a team like the Knicks who needed them all to fall or else.
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I don't totally disagree with your post, but I don't think bringing stats from the 2nd round sweep is as relevant as the others. Kobe was pretty much playing on one knee at that point and had very few proficient scoring outputs for most of that season. Granted he had a terrible series and the Mavs clearly were doing something right on defense since they won the title that year, but I'm pretty sure if Kobe was healthy he would have posted better #'s.
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I think the only way to stop kobe bryant is kobe bryant. Im not discrediting good defenders but we have seen guys do all of the above correctly and he still sinks fadeaways/off balance jumpers. Hes his worse enemy at times. When hes on, hes on there is no stopping him but when hes off, hes off n whoever is checking him will get credited for it (not sying they shouldnt) if that makes sense.
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