Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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here's the vid of the dude who ran onto the court wearing a shirt saying "We Miss You, 2014 Come Back."

Is security that lax a dude can get on the court easily?

Damn :smh:

After seeing how easy it is, a lot of the idiots in this thread are gonna get bad ideas next time Kobe or Lebron come to their town :smh:
^ the real issue is...KD sees Russell becoming better and more dominant than him and the fact that he's becoming robin and its killing him. OKC is lowkey Russ's team now.

hahahaha hell of a response. Great job, no sarcasm. lol.

I say what I say because in reality, and ill of a scorer as kd is, dude is way to pasive agressive to be too great. the game comes easy to him, i get that, but its rare that he just imposes his will. and he def doesnt get in teammates *** when they act like boneheads. if Dr. Frankenstein could just put Russ' personality and blind courage into KD, you'd have a real monster.
Yeah I knew what you meant, it was just too good of an opportunity to pass up. KD will get there, the sting of losing will do it to him. He'll get angry and bitter and come into his own as an angressor.
refresh my memory...numbers wise, could the thunder have even been able of offering james harden the max? i know they gave ibaka a pretty large extension. would they had to amnesty a guy like perkins?
Yeah they would have to anmesty someone from what I remember. Anmestied Perkins and the 18 mill wouldnt have been subjected to the luxury tax then used Bird Rights on Harden.

Coupe said it.
OKC didn't want to pay a luxury tax, they thought they had a good enough roster to win a championship. Basically they were to cheap, thats what it all comes down to.
Yeah they massed up and I hope they know it, but if they value money over rigns who am I to blame them. I'm also starting to wonder if they didnt consider the extra revenue that would have come with winning a ring. Increase in ticket prices, merchandise, and all that jazz.
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You would never know the Thunder had won 8 of their previous 9 games. They lose to Denver and Memphis, 2 very good teams, with the Memphis loss being by 1 point in overtime on the second night of a back to back on the road, and people start going into panic mode.

The Lakers want absolutely no parts of OKC.

Watch the games. Then you'll know what some are talking about.

If this was a big market team like NYK, LAL, BOS, etc the panic button would have been pushed three weeks ago. OKC doesn't get the criticism they deserve, they are protected. That's why no national media outlets question the coaching of Scott Brooks or Kevin Durant as of late. They live in a small media bubble that barely criticizes or questions the team.

Ask the Thunder fans in here, they see where this team has shifted. They see that there team is not a good as last year and how much trouble they could be in during the playoffs. The record won't indicate "panic", but the playoffs will, the playoffs always do. A team thats this talented and who made the finals last year should be held to a certain standard.
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Ask the Thunder fans in here, they see where this team has shifted. They see that there team is not a good as last year and how much trouble they could be in during the playoffs. The record won't indicate "panic", but the playoffs will, the playoffs always do. A team thats this talented and who made the finals last year should be held to a certain standard.
This! I'm worried about them right now. Brooks is an idiot. Fisher is getting way too much PT and shooting way too much. Lamb gets no burn to develop and K-mart just drifts around a lot.

OKC needs to step it up against the elite teams, it seems like they are losing every "big" game.
Just on a different level...


*Ska...too early to start a Lebron 2014 FA thread? :lol: Cleveland got their hopes up :lol:
celebration is ice me hyped when i saw it last night..only my second time seeing it tho..

anybody wanna tell me what it means???  and how long has he been doing it?

He needs to chill with that taunting stuff man it's getting over board...I don't mind the chest slapping but that leg chomp gotta chill no need for all that
I watch their games, genius.

So I guess you don't get it, thats fine to.

You'll see what the Thunder fans and others are trying to say during the playoffs. It'll come you then. No worries.
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Just on a different level...


*Ska...too early to start a Lebron 2014 FA thread?
Cleveland got their hopes up
celebration is ice me hyped when i saw it last night..only my second time seeing it tho..

anybody wanna tell me what it means???  and how long has he been doing it?
He needs to chill with that taunting stuff man it's getting over board...I don't mind the chest slapping but that leg chomp gotta chill no need for all that
yep. how is that not a taunting call? 'cause he's not facing any player directly? it's showboating either way. way od of a "celebration"
you're wrong, we talk about how bad Brooks is all the time.

Ask DatzNasty
i'm not saying we dont talk about brooks.. but my problem is, that his name isnt first when people are critical of the thunder (or not mentioned at all by most)

look at the amount of discussions that have taken place in this thread about westbrook and/or durant
We might talk About brooks, but I don't see enough criticism in the press and media. It's all on Russ.
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Not saying anyone's right or wrong. But I notice Del Negro, Brooks and Spo get a ton of criticism when they lose and minimal credit if they win.

No other coaches seem to garner this sort of negative attention when they lose games. Del Negro probably deserves most of the negativity though...
I watch their games, genius.
So I guess you don't get it, thats fine to.

You'll see what the Thunder fans and others are trying to say during the playoffs. It'll come you then. No worries.
If you even noticed, a few pages back I agreed that losing Harden was a major blow to this team and I wouldn't even be surprised if it comes back to bite them in the *** in the playoffs. But people are acting like the sky is falling. We had one guy call them a mediocre team, we have people blaming Westbrook for everything that goes wrong just like last year, etc., which is why I said what I said.

But FOH with your "watch the games" ****. Laziest response in NT history, that and "you've never played basketball."
It's a players league. The perception is players are responsible for winning games, and it's the coaches fault for losing games. I ain't saying its right, but it's just the way it is.
If you even noticed, a few pages back I agreed that losing Harden was a major blow to this team and I wouldn't even be surprised if it comes back to bite them in the *** in the playoffs. But people are acting like the sky is falling. We had one guy call them a mediocre team, we have people blaming Westbrook for everything that goes wrong just like last year, etc., which is why I said what I said.

But FOH with your "watch the games" ****. Laziest response in NT history, that and "you've never played basketball."

Alright, I guess you didn't read the two paragraphs I wrote after I told you to "watch the games".

Real Lazy of me, I'll shoot for 500 plus words next time. My bad.
Just on a different level...


*Ska...too early to start a Lebron 2014 FA thread? :lol: Cleveland got their hopes up :lol:
celebration is ice me hyped when i saw it last night..only my second time seeing it tho..

anybody wanna tell me what it means???  and how long has he been doing it?

He needs to chill with that taunting stuff man it's getting over board...I don't mind the chest slapping but that leg chomp gotta chill no need for all that

yep. how is that not a taunting call? 'cause he's not facing any player directly? it's showboating either way. way od of a "celebration"

I bet if your fav players was doing that celebration yall wouldn't have said anything lol, stop *****ing
Honestly...the more I watch the thunder the less I'm afraid of playing them In the 1st round.

Westbrook is a ticking time bomb. All you hve to do is get in his head and he'll start jacking up crazy shots. He can implode at any moment.

I can't believe he's being enabled to take the amount of out of rhythm shots he is taking on a nightly basis. He really has no clue how badly he hurts his team some nights and no one on that team wants to step up and do anything about it.

I feel bad for KD, but at the same time I kinda don't. He should of been done something about Russ a long time ago. Instead he just chooses to watch.

It's very odd man...the whole world sees the problem and they don't seem to.

You're a Lakers fan? Nah dude, yall have NO chance in a series against OKC, all our flaws be damned. Play that "Russ is crazy" card all you want, like he didn't put damn near 30 on yall in a half and historically has had amazing games against LAL all but 1 time. 5 games at most barring injury. :lol: Using tired, exagerrated negatives to create false confidence.

And Brooks or KD are never going to get any criticism. Russ is the lightning rod for that, and it's not a bad role having him be the heel since he doesn't give a **** anyways. I don't know how KD would react if every time he turned on the tv/radio he was getting blamed for everything and tv sports personalities were dedicated to criticizing him without even watching games. Maybe it'd motivate him, maybe it'd make him self conscious and shrink, but doesn't matter because it will never happen. The closest he ever got to being criticized is old school dudes saying he needs to stop having sleepovers at LBJ's house in the summer. And ditto with Brooks escaping criticism. If/when we lose in the 2nd rd though, people will talk about Presti and the Harden move though, although eventually that will still trickle down to Russ criticisms
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I'll agree with that. Even tho OKC is trouble and has there issues. It wouldn't even be fair against the Lakers. Russell Westbrook would get to the rim at will, it'd play right to his and KD's game.

Lakers have to gun for that 6th spot, asap. Need a Clippers vs Lakers series.
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