Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Vino's acting like a crybaby blaming Jones for the sprained ankle. Defending a potential game-tying shot, you HAVE to guard the shooter tightly, especially one as good as Kobe. And Kobe's legs kicking out sure didn't help prevent the sprained ankle either. :rolleyes I don't see how this is a foul or dirty play on Jones' part.

How about you take a shot and i come right underneath ya see how you feel, the guy didnt even jump talking about i contested his shot foh. Jones has had a track record of being a dirty player from his Duke days, like kobe said i gotta wait another yr to see him again :evil:
because you gotta allow the shooter a clear path to land on his own two feet...simple as that...its the rules of the game..

i done heard some outlandish stuff trying to justify mr.jones  not sure he did it on purpose, at the very least its 2 shots tho...thats in the rulebook mane

I'm actually the reverse to your thinking

I'm not sure if it could've been called a foul in the refs eyes (since Kobe was forcing a shot, flailing a bit too, making it easier for Jones to walk under him and make it look "natural")

But I AM sure Dahntay did it on purpose... he's had a Kobe complex ever since the 09 WCF when he was tripping Kobe deliberately and pushing him in the back while he's in the air for a layup and clapping in his face after doing it.
There are grown men who really call another grown man Vino?
as there are grown men who call another man king, jesus, his airness, big ticket, truth etc
Vino's acting like a crybaby blaming Jones for the sprained ankle. Defending a potential game-tying shot, you HAVE to guard the shooter tightly, especially one as good as Kobe. And Kobe's legs kicking out sure didn't help prevent the sprained ankle either. :rolleyes I don't see how this is a foul or dirty play on Jones' part.

:rolleyes You don't walk underneath shooters period, especially one fading away.
Anyone have any clue how long Kobe will be out? He's on my fantasy team and playoffs start next week. I have no chance advancing in the playoffs without him :frown:
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Clearly a dirty play on Jones part. You can see after he contests he sticks his right leg underneath Kobe. No way that should ever happen, especially to someone shooting a fadeaway.
Clearly a dirty play on Jones part. You can see after he contests he sticks his right leg underneath Kobe. No way that should ever happen, especially to someone shooting a fadeaway.

Yeah. His foot ends up really close, if not right under Kobe's left foot. Plus him going into him created contact that probably set him off the natural momentum of his shot and off his balance. IMO anyway.
Anyone have any clue how long Kobe will be out? He's on my fantasy team and playoffs start next week. I have no chance advancing in the playoffs without him :frown:

No offense bro but I don't think Kobe's in a rush to get back to help your fantasy team.
But relax, His team is actually in a heated playoff race. I'm sure he's going to try to come back as soon as he can :smh:
Lets see.....

Conley in the month of March (7 games): 16.7ppg / 9apg / 2.9rpg / 2.6spg / 51% FG . Grizz are 6-1
Conley in the last 5 games: 18ppg / 10.2 apg / 2.8rpg / 3spg / 51% FG

In wins: 15ppg / 6.9apg / 2.9rpg / 2.4spg / 46% FG
In losses: 10.6ppg / 5.1apg / 1.9rpg / 2.2spg / 36% FG

Not just regarding these numbers, but for people to say Conley does not impact the game like a lot of PG's do in the NBA should keep watching the games. When COnley plays well, the team plays well. I'm just amazed he's been putting up those kind of assist numbers lately in our offense.
and still not a top 10 PG like you tired to say early on in the season. i see you waited all year for him to have a good stretch of bball play to bring him up again
as a human being i hope koba can continue playing with his daughters at productive and intense levels....

as a ballah i hope sohe kryin ratface weasal-man nevah comes back!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hater??? u bettah believe it!!! he deserves the hate. he'll nevah be mj. he'll nevah be loved like that. and that is a GOOD THING.

MJ wanabe with small rat claw hands. mamba out gimme a break!!! lmao

some dummies actually repped this post lol
I think it was cuz of all of the misspelled words and cuz he's a celtics fans. I mean look at the hate he's spewing "rat claws"? "ratface"? :lol: I'd almost say he's mocking someone and not serious.
There are grown men who really call another grown man Vino? :lol:
I don't know what the name means but if Kobe was a white Italian there'd be no problem with it. So I see no reason for a problem now. Dude has his Italian roots/connections.
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they would lose money regardless because the high price is a turn off for consumers.

price um at 120 or 130 and they will move better

I noticed other guys in the league are starting to wear the Rose's. Like Matt Barnes was wearing them last night. Maybe that will help sell them to the masses. At least they get to see somebody from the NBA play in them, even if its not Rose himself.

I don't care how many cats in the league where them...nobody really wants to pay $160 for that shoe.
as a human being i hope koba can continue playing with his daughters at productive and intense levels....

as a ballah i hope sohe kryin ratface weasal-man nevah comes back!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hater??? u bettah believe it!!! he deserves the hate. he'll nevah be mj. he'll nevah be loved like that. and that is a GOOD THING.

MJ wanabe with small rat claw hands. mamba out gimme a break!!! lmao
Kobe answered someones comment on twitter and he said that this was only the second time in his career that he twisted his ankle on someone while shooting a fadeaway. The other time being when Jalen Rose admitted he did it on purpose in the 2000 Finals. He seems to be mad because it is almost impossible for you to land on someone while shooting a fadeaway unless they get underneath you on purpose. He never complained about Bowen's antics and they used to play often and he used to be dirtier than Jones.
I don't care how many cats in the league where them...nobody really wants to pay $160 for that shoe.

I agree. I was more commenting on the fact its looking more and more like D. Rose won't actually play a game in the Rose 3s. I'm pretty sure nobody would buy a shoe just because Matt Barnes was wearing it, even if it only cost $50.
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