Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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^solarius u actually proved his point by mentioning Hardens face (basically a blindside hit) and Piston FANS. Artest politely moved away from Ben Wallace to go attack a fan. Plus, wasn't Artest squaring up at Ibaka, WHILE backing up away from him :lol:? So.....yea.
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^^ Really? Last I checked LOLakers haven't beat us yet this season MWP and all. :lol:

:stoneface: At the people in here defending the fake thuggery of MWP and Serge.
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Out of all people I wouldn't call mwp a fake tough guy, serge cool ok, metta... Nahhhh
Real tough guys don't go after fans or take cheap shots on other NBA players. So many pseudo-bullies in the league.

what i was saying was MWP doesn't need to be a tough guy, he's INSANE.

he doesn't know right from wrong, you punch MWP below the belt, serge ibaka's face would be broken and i don't care how much bigger ibaka may be, MWP would never stop or be held back.
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Two good games just happened, and yall are talking about Artest being a fake tough guy?

What the **** is wrong with you people? :lol:
^^ Really? Last I checked LOLakers haven't beat us yet this season MWP and all. :lol:

:stoneface: At the people in here defending the fake thuggery of MWP and Serge.

Why you so butthurt tho? I'm sure you remember a dude by the name of Reggie Evans.
^^ Really? Last I checked LOLakers haven't beat us yet this season MWP and all. :lol:

:stoneface: At the people in here defending the fake thuggery of MWP and Serge.

Serge is a fake tough guy just like MWP.

James Harden's face, and a whole generation of Piston fans would disagree about Ron Ron

Real tough guys don't go after fans or take cheap shots on other NBA players. So many pseudo-bullies in the league.

I'm not sure what you want the dude to do, you need him to kill somebody or something?

not in here defending anything, but if that video doesnt say that dude is crazy and a "tough guy", then I dont know what to tell you.

s/n I completely forgot he played for the Kings. dude was so athletic earlier in his career
MWP not a tough guy? Like someone said what does he have to do to prove that? I mean it's not even like he's proud of it, he has been open with mental health problems and has donated a lot of his money to research.

He's as tough and crazy as it comes, he's done basically everything on the court...
I hope you realize how stupid you looked with that comment now. Cuz even in the loss Paul put in work

Where were you at halftime b?

And the only reason he got off was because he had to use a screen to get away from the length and athleticism of Westbrook. Towards the end of the game they went into a 1/4 set with CP and Westbrook and CP didn't get anywhere and fell right on the floor. He's a really good player so he took advantage of Nick freaking collison but the point still remains he's not getting anything against Russell and Thabo, which he didn't.

If you knew anything about hoops you would be able to see that.
Don't see Chris Paul having a good game in this one. At least not scoring wise
Why the **** not? It's not gonna be cuz of the "lock down D" by Russy. CP3 can easily frustrate dude. Won't be Thabo either cuz he can easily cook.

It's at this point that Chris can score if he wants to. Only he stops himself more times than not.

:lol: yeah okay man I'm going to quote you at the end of the game
I hope you realize how stupid you looked with that comment now. Cuz even in the loss Paul put in work

But the conversation was about CP3 and his [in]ability to penetrate Thunder defenders, shoeking was still right. Without a screen, Cp3 isn't getting by anyone off the dribble.
I don't know what the **** conversation you're talking about. I'm going off his quote. CP3 did his thing scoring wise. I'll quote it again cuz the statement is pretty clear and ppl want to tell me it was about something else
Don't see Chris Paul having a good game in this one. At least not scoring wise

pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +/- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts
C. Paul G 41:24 8-21 1-6 9-9 -13 3 3 6 8 4 4 3 0 1 26

He was the ******g leading scorer for the Clips. Are you saying he did not put in work? I did not at any point argue about how he did it. He had a good game, especially scoring wise.
Honestly though, MWP is more nuts than anything. He did NOT want it with Ben Wallace though. :lol:

But yeah two good games today. Hopefully we'll get a trifecta.
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