Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Smh Russell aint even a point guard.

Rondo is top 3 in the league easily. The disrespect.
Nash over Rondo?
Lol ya theres no bias in that opinion whatsoever :rolleyes
Rondo is a top 10 player in the L regardless of position

Rondo is def in top 10.

No bias here bro. I hate the lakers more than the celtics.

I choose nash because I place more emphasis in passing when i assess PGs.

Ya'll need to relax and just post your own top 5.

My list aint the end all be all; it's my opinion
Lol there is not 5 pg's in the L better than rondo.
die hard knicks fan and i cant argue against this point... i think hes one of the best pass first point guards in the league i can only really rank cp3 DRose above him and thats cause they are amazing scorers
They brought up the "Too white," discussion on PTI today. Happy at what I heard from Wilbon. The northwest area of the USA has been one of the most racial accepting areas in the country for about a century now. Also said they stunk when the team was an all-black team, and that the best way to win fan support is by winning. They handled it well.
Aint no one mad famb. It actually makes me more excited for the season. But im not iike fans who really wish the NBA were the WWF. I am a fan of the game. Save your storylines for monday night raw
LOL people throw the word sensitive around too much. Call me old school, but if I were a pro I would not put myself into such a photo op. But honestly Rondo and Iman are not really near the elite tier of players in this league, so I guess they get a pass for their sophomoric antics

If you're a fan of the game then you'd appreciate what Rondo does ON the court. Dude is arguably the best PG in the league. He's been disrespected over and over and finally (last season) proved to a lot of haters out there that HE is the straw that stirs the drink in Boston. As Rondo goes, so do the C's. He's THAT good. I suggest you get yourself some league pass - or the free preview for the next 2 weeks - and get familiar.
I have no problem with Rondo being in that pic. If he ain't got no love for King James well let it be known then. This has become one of few real rivalries in the league. And Ima big fan of Lebron but its not that big of a deal. Combined with the hate they have for Ray Allen now I think that game is gonna get real physical. Hopefully the refs let 'em play.
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If Rondo masters the Jumpshot end of discussion he's the best PG in the league
Rondo not having a jumpshot is a unique part of his game and he showed it in the preseason. Since players shade off him and give him more space he can pull up from spots randomly and hit the J every once in a while without being seriously contested, its cool if i must say so myself
Yall watching ESPN? theyre gonna have da Bron interview.

Oh dear God ESPN switched from Hating Bron to Slurping him.

SMH at ESPN I thought they bled green through and through. Traitors
Why is is so hard to understand rondo just don't like him or the heat?

Makes for better games anyway
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