Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Wow, I totally forgot Houston can offer Harden the full five year max extension. Oklahoma City could only offer James a four year extension (Westbrook took the five year last year). So he's going to get a lot more than he ever could have in OKC.
:lol: :lol: :lol: OKC. If I'm OKC I give Harden the max, pay the tax, and be the dominant team in the West once Kobe and Nash fade into the sunset. How is this a good trade for OKC? Morey gets blasted for stock piling draft picks, but OKC won in this deal. How? By declining to give Harden the max? When did ya'll become Kevin Martin believers all of sudden? :lol:. Martin is a good stop gap, and Lamb definitely has potential, but he's no James Harden. Harden doesn't make the Rockets a threat. But Harden is automatically becomes the best building block the Rockets currently have.
Yea, because he's going to get 60 mil from somebody else. 23 year olds normally go for the most money. Not that I agree with that. I'd personally go with 52 & a title contender rather than 60 & a fringe playoff team.

You would think that having friends would play a role too. Him, Russ, and KD seemed to be good pals. 52mil, contender, with good friends. I know we're talking about millions and ill never know what the actual situation is like but I'm looking at it like changing schools in high school. I'd be like no these are my people I don't wanna hang out with Jeremy Lin.
i dont know how i feel abou this trade... first of all harden is not a max player and he should have accepted his extension at 13 mill per year... and not to mention he has been playing garbage lately in the finals and in the olympics... but i wouldnt be so quick to give him up just yet... and kevin martin is a free agent next year also so it doesn't make sense... jeremy lamb on the other hand is a promising player and if he can play up to expectations he can replace harden easily but thats a big "IF"... he was nice in college but the nba is different werd to hansboro and reddick...hopefully he is a stud

So upset with James Harden.

Turn down $52 Million?

Julius F. Wrek
Yea, because he's going to get 60 mil from somebody else. 23 year olds normally go for the most money. It's certainly not the smartest move. I'd personally go with 52 & a title contender rather than 60 & a fringe playoff team.
Yup I always agree with young players chasing the money. I can't believe Houston went through with this they got ripped off imo

Wow, I totally forgot Houston can offer Harden the full five year max extension. Oklahoma City could only offer James a four year extension (Westbrook took the five year last year). So he's going to get a lot more than he ever could have in OKC.
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So the new guy on trade watch is Love right? It won't happen this year for sure.

Love put the T'Wolves management on notice this past summer at the team USA Las Vegas practices when he started "Quietly" voicing his frustration's to some of his team USA teammates; probably mainly to (Kobe) and to some media members.Saying he's getting tired of losing and that if Minnesota didn't make the playoffs this season and become title contenders in a couple years he wants out.

KG exit the sequel. T'Wolves fans get ready.
houston how did they get ripped off? they clearly got the better player... but if they pay the max i dont know :lol:
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Lakers fans are rejoicing!!!
okc actually got a really good deal for harden. 2 first rounders, kmarts expiring contract, great rookie in jeremy lamb, for harden. okc needs harden right now but they didn't get a terrible deal for him.
wonder how Durant felt finding out about this through twitter / text messages while at the Oklahoma Notre Dame game?
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This is great for Jeremy Lamb tho

Agree. Him and Perry Jones learning behind Durant? Bruh :x

If the coaching staff can develop them like they did with Russ/KD/Harden, that is a monster squad man.

2014-2015 roster: Russ, Lamb, Durant, Jones, Ibaka? :x :x :x :x
James harden and iguodala are the most overrated players in the league. Kevin Martin has averaged close to 20 points a game for most of his career, Jeremy lamb is a VERY promising player and they're getting two first rounders from a team that I don't see making the playoffs in the next year or two. Smh at the Rockets...but I guess it's worth the risk for a team that doesn't have much else going for them.
Just came in to say that K Mart's career is good as over unless he gets traded to lile the pistons or magic or bobcats
I wonder if Presti told Harden he would be dealt if he didn't sign the extension.

If he didn't tell him, I wonder if Harden would have signed if he Presti would have told him.

Ultimately, I feel like Harden will regret not signing when all is said and done. He could have recouped that 8 million over 4 years another way, all while trying to win a championship with his crew.

Harden messed up, and I know a lot of OKC fans are probably feeling slighted and are going to be wondering what could have been.
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