Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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the way i look at it hardens got one of the best roles in the league.  his situation in okc is ideal he gets to ball out while kd and westbrook deal with all the negativity.  even after he went ghost in the finals u almost never hear criticism towards him. i understand its a business but from a basketball standpoint i cant think of a player in the league with a better situation than harden and for me 13/ mill a yr would be more than enough to keep it that way.

Watch the "Broke" documentary and think again if you can afford to leave money on the table.

Pay da man OKC, you paid him a rookie contract last year and he gave you all star performance, you got you discount now pay up.
the way i look at it hardens got one of the best roles in the league.  his situation in okc is ideal he gets to ball out while kd and westbrook deal with all the negativity.  even after he went ghost in the finals u almost never hear criticism towards him. i understand its a business but from a basketball standpoint i cant think of a player in the league with a better situation than harden and for me 13/ mill a yr would be more than enough to keep it that way.

Watch the "Broke" documentary and think again if you can afford to leave money on the table.

Pay da man OKC, you paid him a rookie contract last year and he gave you all star performance, you got you discount now pay up.

The Broke documentary was about athletes mismanaging their money more than anything. I'm pretty sure him not accepting $13M would have nothing to do with that. I also dont think he is a max player though, and hopefully OKC realizes it. I also think if they trade him, the can bring back some pieces to fill other holes in their team. If Harden can score them a quality center they would be even better. If you could turn James Harden into Joakim Noah (plus a pick) or Al Jefferson, I could see that being a great move
Watch the "Broke" documentary and think again if you can afford to leave money on the table.
Pay da man OKC, you paid him a rookie contract last year and he gave you all star performance, you got you discount now pay up.
im sorry but if a dude cant manage his money wisely making 13 mill a yr he deserves to be broke.
Harden thinks he's worth 15mil/yr? Athletes are way overpaid these days. 

I'm not mad at him. If i were him though I'd opt to take the Ginobli approach. However its not guaranteed that he'll be taken care of on the back end. I wish him the best its a tough decision.
Can the Cavs afford Harden?

If he hits FA.. Yes... But as a RFA Thunder will match all offers.

As for trade offers, it depends on what they'd be willing to give and what OKC will take... If OKC wants all 800 picks + cap room then sure they could
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He's restricted. The Thunder still hold the cards.


Their cards... Pay him max now, or pay him max later..

Harden holds the cards... He can just say no to every extension under max knowing he will get his max next off-season from the Thunder.
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Here is a list of 8 figure 3rd options. Formatting sucks, but it's not that uncommon. Obviously, having a 12.5mil 4th AND then Perkins at 8 mil is what kills us.

But still, Bennett and then have to stop being such ******* about the tax, and waving

Marc Gasol $13,891,359 $14,860,523 $15,829,688

Rajon Rondo (Pierce is 32 mil over the next 2)




Tyson Chandler



Brook Lopez




Luol Deng


Richard Jefferson



Danny Granger


DeAndre Jordan




Pau Gasol


Dwyane Wade



Nicolas Batum





Tony Parker (Stephen Jackson makes 10)



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Point is these types of decisions don't usually get made with such a small sample size in mind.

I think he will get what he wants
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There is quite a few 3rd options making 13 or 14 mil for a 3rd option is about right.

Marc Gasol $13,891,359 $14,860,523 $15,829,688

Rajon Rondo (Pierce is 32 mil over the next 2)




Tyson Chandler



Brook Lopez




Luol Deng


Richard Jefferson



Danny Granger


DeAndre Jordan




Pau Gasol


Dwyane Wade



Nicolas Batum





Tony Parker (Stephen Jackson makes 10)




Danny Granger is the 1st option. Tony Parker has been an MVP candidate. Rondo (and Parker) is ARGUABLY the best player at his position, and is easily the best player on his team. Marc Gasol is a skilled 7 foote, D Wade was the 1st option when he,got that deal, and led his team to a title. Brook might be the most skilled offensive big man in the NBA
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And with the exception of Rondo & Tony Parker... Harden is clearly better than every single one of them

So if $13mil is your point.. Harden deserves more..
There is quite a few 3rd options making 13 or 14 mil for a 3rd option is about right.

Danny Granger is the 1st option. Tony Parker has been an MVP candidate. Rondo (and Parker) is ARGUABLY the best player at his position, and is easily the best player on his team. Marc Gasol is a skilled 7 footer, D Wade was the 1st option when he,got that deal, and led his team to a title. Brook might be the most skilled offensive big man in the NBA

I generally just chose the 3rd highest paid player. Tony Parker is an exception because Tim Duncan took a MASSIVE paycut so Parker is actually the 2nd highest paid. And that is incorrect, Wade and LeBron and Bosh all signed their deals at the same time.

Rondo makes less than Pierce and KG. So if you want to argue that either of them are really the 3rd options, then Boston is paying a 3rd option 16.7million (Pierce).

Granger, you're right he is less than Hibbert but more than West (10,000,000) so I should have put David West.

Point still remains, most contenders are paying their 3rd option/3rd highest paid player 8 figures.

How many have an 8 figure 4th option? List gets shorter
I'd rather pay the luxury tax and lock into several years of the current core then try to re-shuffle things through trade. No reason to not be in win-now-at-all-costs mode.
I agree. I guarantee the payoff of winning a title or being a legit contender and the $$ that brings in is worth more than the amount you save being under the cap and not.

And seriously, pay the 1.1 million and send Lazar Hayward home, and trade Cole for a future 2nd or give him his 2.4 and send him home too.

We got 4 good to great players, 4 legit role players, 2/3 guys we're waiting on and the rest NBDL dudes.
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23 year old budding stars normally don't take less money, so OKC is gonna have to offer the max now or match a max offer sheet later.

If you're willing to give him 52, ga'head & go to 60. It's only 2 mil more per year and it aint like Harden can be easily replaced.

And they'll only have to deal with the Lakers for 2 more years. After that, they'll have an almost guaranteed trip to the finals with their big 4.
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23 year old budding stars normally don't take less money, so OKC is gonna have to offer the max now or match a max offer sheet later.
If you're willing to give him 52, ga'head & go to 60. It's only 2 mil more per year and it aint like Harden can be easily replaced.
And they'll only have to deal with the Lakers for 2 more years. After that, they'll have an almost guaranteed trip to the finals with their big 4

You sure about that.. They'll have $30-35 million in cap space in 2 years.

Also the Thunder won't be able to afford that team for long.
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Wow, what does this even mean?

So they rolling with Ibaka, KD, WB.

Things just got interesting.
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