Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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He hasn't shown himself to be better than Howard, Bynum, Gasol, Duncan, Cousins, Jefferson, Gortat, Nene, Hibbert, Noah, Bogut, Horford and Monroe.

Thank you. the center position is not as bad as advertised. Also Bosh and Pau are basically centers. DJ is in his 4th year and just now got a post move
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Good for McGrady

Thank you. the center position is not as bad as advertised. Also Bosh and Pau are basically centers. DJ is in his 4th year and just now got a post move
Good catch. I was going to list Bosh (and Garnett) too but I wanted to list the "true centers" first.
that's what the shooting coach told the announcers when asked by them about blakes progress on his jumpshot don't get it twisted. :rolleyes

damn son u getting worse as the one spurs fan when defending your team. jesus... even protecting the announcers lol

If you watched the game when they made that erroneous claim they clearly showed the shooting coach in the crowd and referenced him as the source of that "blake will be not a good but great shooter" comment.


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Someone tell Dwight to shut up. Seriously....why is this dude doing some TMZ gossip every other day. Shut the F up and play ball. Diva Howard.
I keep looking at the Kings roster and I have to believe that the person who created this has no idea how basketball works.
T-Mac really overseas :smh:

What an injury can do to your career :smh:

Anyway, NBA tips off this upcoming Tuesday. Gonna have to find some sites to watch my NBA games on!
Oh, so Blake Griffin sucks now. Alright.

And I don't care what position they're playing right now....Duncan, Bosh, Monroe, Al Jefferson, Nene and Cousins are all true power forwards. I still rank those guys with power forwards regardless. If they had a competent true center on their roster they wouldn't be playing that position. I also don't know how anybody can put Andrew Bogut on any type of rankings list. I feel like I haven't seen the dude play since Jennings rookie season a few years ago. Dwight, Bynum, Marc Gasol, Pekovic, Horford, Hibbert, Lopez, Gortat, Chandler and Noah are better than DJ though. So he's the 11th best true center in the league right now. But his combination of size, athleticism and potential is greater than anybody not named Dwight Howard so I'd still take him on my team any day.
what did he say now? the same could be said for that idiot Shaq though.. :smh:

I just saw a headline on ESPN for an article stating "Howard wanted trade to Nets"

SHOCKER!!!!! Really? We had no idea Dwight wanted to go to Brooklyn.

This is like the super feminine flamboyant friend everyone has who finally comes out of the closet. No s***.

People around him or Kobe needs to make him unavailable to the media. Dude is thirsty.
Oh, so Blake Griffin sucks now. Alright.

No one said that, calm down.

And Mjshoes, go away.

i said it, all Blake can do is dunk. he cant dribble, he cant shoot. all he can do it travel, flop, dunk, and use his off arm and never get called for it.

This isn't true. At all

so what can he do? please, elaborate. making a jumpshot doesnt count as being a good shooter just so you know,
He's a fine dribbler for a guy his size, he has good hands, he can pass better than most guys at his position, but he can't play a lick of defense. :lol:
I'd take Blake on the Wizards. Count it.

I don't think he will be shooting like Dirk by any means and he needs to chill with the whining and sour emotions when things don't go his way a la Cam Newton.

Usually the loudest dude gets dropped first, I would put my money on Blake over Dudley.
"What's up?..What's up?"

I dont know if Blake will ever be the best player on a contender...he isnt very skilled as a low post player but his athletism and motor on offense makes up for it. He isnt going to win games for you by himself, he's not there yet. He scored that much cuz he had a player named Chris Paul spoon feeding him.

And he's a douche.
Matt Barnes was 100% right about what he said about Blake. Dude is a beast but he needs to cut that **** out. You can't be a power dunker who flops.

Same thing with Lebron. Son is to good to be doing all that acting.
Im shocked at how deep the Clippers got over the off season. But best case for them is a 2nd round exit again.
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