Mets don't really have anybody to get a player with Holliday's magnitude.

They are going to have to wait until the off-season to do so.
I hate Carlos Beltran. It is time for this piece of $@%@ to get moved in the offseason for some reliable power hitting. He is worthless.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

drivin back...johan should have stayed in.

rain was light all night.

stadium is mad nice but they [phillies] are lame with dissin the mets fans...you dont see any of that nonsence at shea [phanatic mashing a mets cap, edited movie clips with jabs, etc]

fans overall were straight, def a loud environment....but dudes were getting reckless after the game gettin a lil too personal [was about to Break someones jaw....but my girl told me it wasnt worth it.

smh at the offense doing nothing vs 2 nobodies....johan pitched great but well enough to lose.

ill post pics later.
What section were you at? I was there last night also but saying Mets fan say nothing to Philly fans I'm not believing that. People from Phillythat went to Mets games say thats not true. I agree some of them cats were acting like it is more than just a rival from a game sense though. Cats weregetting all up in Mets fans face all night and I know you had to hear that loud dude screaming stuff all night long in the crowd?
I didn't say Mets fans don't say nothing to Philly fans, I'm talking about the Phillies ORGANIZATION as opposed to the METS organization. Shoot, Idon't know of any TEAM that takes jabs at the opposing teams FANS between innings, that was a surprise and pretty tasteless (even if it is in good fun).

I was sitting in the 400s by the 3rd base side.....throughout the game I had no problems, even chatted with some fans and they were all cool, but afterwardsthere were a lot of drunk ******s who said a lot of "personal things" and got in our faces.....at Shea is goes as far as "Philly sucks"chants.

Make fun of the team I root for, make fun of the players, etc...but don't say personal shhh to me about me or my girl, I don't take things like thatlightly and luckily my girl just told me to not stress it.

I can't front though...the "Jose is GAY IS GAY IS GAYYYYYY" chant by this one guy had me
Holliday would be nice, but I just don't see it happening because of his magnitute as a player compared to who we can offer.

Mez, thanks for lettin me know bout the kicks.
Mets had an extreme amount of chances last night (even sac fly's would have won the game), and a ton tonight, and they have not done anything.

Phillies are one hit tonight yet the game is tied, it also doesn't help when the ump does this:

Strikeout call on Church with a runner on, would have hit a right handed hitter


Ball call on Howard right, allowing him to be ahead of the count and smacking a run HR right after:


lmao...nice mez. That strike called on Church was RIDICULOUS.

FINALLY Schneider comes thru with a huge hit. They need to just close this out.
Nice win by the Metsies tonight (damn you Keith!)

Yo Mez , has ur girl always been a Mets fan or did u convert her?
my Girl has always been a Yankees fan, but since she's been with me she's been likin the Mets more n more

I hope Maine is ok
She was always a Yankee fan but she don't even watch Yankee games anymore.

Maine only had a cramp n his left arm (thankfuly), so he should be aiight.

Mets must find a way to split this series minimum, you don't know what you're going to get out of Ollie/Pedro the next two days, but Mets havefavorable matchups so hopefully hey can step up.

Jerry showed everyone why he is 100x more of a manager Willie ever was. Granted he has far more experience, this team needed a manager who knows his X'sand O's.
Nice W tonight, but still keep going back and forth with wins and losses. We need to start stringing some together.
Good win for you guys, but w t f is good w/ Beltran's BA?
I wanna see this team do well but I don't understand why the guy this organization haspaid (and contiues to) so much money for isn't swinging the bat the way you all thought he would.
I think Beltran's problem is he needs to be moved up in the order and get some more protection. Put him in the 2 hole behind Reyes and in front of Wrightand he will get plenty of fastballs.
Beltran could easily be moved up when Alou comes back Monday night, but he'll be on the DL Tuesday morning.

Beltran is pretty much the most streaky hitter on the team, his BA has taken a HUGE dip the past 2 weeks.
I will never diss Beltran.... dude always gets his .270-.285 AVG, 25-35 HR. 100- 120 RBI, 25-30 SB..... so I'm not sayin anything cuz the best is yet tocome for him this year. I still say we will finish strong and find our way into the playoffs.
I still say we will finish strong and find our way into the playoffs
Lord knows i need that!
keep hope alive if we win thenext two its only 2.5... striking distance, we just need to get caliente
I know I have absolutely NOTHING to do in here, but I still can't believe Delgado doesn't salute flag cause he's against the war.

And btw, what up Mez, We need a subway series so we can continue our little "battles"
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I didn't say Mets fans don't say nothing to Philly fans, I'm talking about the Phillies ORGANIZATION as opposed to the METS organization. Shoot, I don't know of any TEAM that takes jabs at the opposing teams FANS between innings, that was a surprise and pretty tasteless (even if it is in good fun).

I was sitting in the 400s by the 3rd base side.....throughout the game I had no problems, even chatted with some fans and they were all cool, but afterwards there were a lot of drunk ******s who said a lot of "personal things" and got in our faces.....at Shea is goes as far as "Philly sucks" chants.

Make fun of the team I root for, make fun of the players, etc...but don't say personal shhh to me about me or my girl, I don't take things like that lightly and luckily my girl just told me to not stress it.

I can't front though...the "Jose is GAY IS GAY IS GAYYYYYY" chant by this one guy had me
Oh yeah I wouldnt saw you then unless it was in ashburn alley then cause I was in section 102 2nd row. I agree with your girl you can't stresswhat fans say as long as they don't put hands on you. When you stoop to their level Phillies fans or not your no different imo. I get that type of yickyack never personal stuff though when I goto other teams stadiums also. Well yall got a win last night though
but we got yall today if the rain lets the game be played.
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

I will never diss Beltran.... dude always gets his .270-.285 AVG, 25-35 HR. 100- 120 RBI, 25-30 SB..... so I'm not sayin anything cuz the best is yet to come for him this year. I still say we will finish strong and find our way into the playoffs.


As far as Delgado and the flag... I know he refused to stand up when he was in Toronto. But since he's been here, he stands for the anthem. Not sure aboutputting his hand to his chest and all that though.

Either way, it's not that big a deal to me. I can see both sides of the argument though.
No Church or Castro today, and with a struggling TROn runs will prob be hard to come by.

Ollie will have to step up if they want a chance today.
Damnnnnn Endy.

Take notes Marlon, jesus.

...and someone tell Reyes the Mets needed a single, not a 500ft home run.
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