{Official} Michael Jackson's Memorial Service. Vol. Fit for a King...(1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT)

RIP. When Paris came on I was like
Originally Posted by EzFlash26

Sharpton killed it btw....when he first got on the stage, I had the
face, evolved into
by the end.

QFT I normally cant stand it when Sharpton opens his trap but he really hit one out of the park with "There wasn't nothing strange about your daddy,but what he dealt with was strange"
Man, Marlon and Paris brought me to tears
overall the memorial was great.

The best parts for me was:

*John Mayer performing
*Usher performing
*Jermaine performing
*Marlons great speach
*Paris talking
* The manless spotlight and mic

R.I.P. Michael

Edit: Can' forget about Stevie he killed his performance!
Great Memorial Service for MJ. Appreciate those around you while they're living. RIP MJ, gone but NEVER forgotten
He should get his own holiday. If everyone lived with Michael's principles, every damn day would be a holiday. We owe him a day at least.

Damn, Mike, I never imagined you dying.
when his daughter spoke, when she started crying, i lost it...

haven't cried that hard in a long, long time...
I can't help but see MJ's life being similar to Jesus, I just can't help it. Im not saying he's a prophet or anything,
but like the way his life was really reminding of the way jesus' life was

In the way that he cared for people while many other speculators kept trying to beat him down.
the abuse he took from the world, the physical pain he endured, the amount of lives he touched, the premature death

when his brother said that people will now leave him alone finally
and when michael said that he wanted to be godlike with his impact and his works and remain immortal though his work

that really makes me think he was sent down here by god to relay these things to us

this man was truly amazing and he will be missed for ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever. just like the congresswoman said.

may he go hang out with god and chill out and do whatever he always wanted to do, which was have fun

smh. that last 10 minutes of the funeral made me sad for real for real
so what was that said earlier, something about cnn stating this was the most viewed television program in history?
I truyl feel he deserves it he was the best man he spread powerful message damn i miss him wish hedidnt have to go. Mj i know your looking down at us and Ican't wait to see u
Wow that was an emotional rollercoaster. When his daughter, Paris, spoke it was so sad, and disheartening.

Then they showed the Man In The Mirror video, and I lost it...

Long live the King.
when michael jackson's speech after the end of will you be there went off, i started ballin that song is so close to me, circa 1993 it just hits the spot,never really have cried for a celeb until now.
Originally Posted by kash55

Wow that was an emotional rollercoaster. When his daughter, Paris, spoke it was so sad, and disheartening.

Then they showed the Man In The Mirror video, and I lost it...

Long live the King.

homie was the truth. really brought out the good in everyone.
Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

when michael jackson's speech after the end of will you be there went off, i started ballin that song is so close to me, circa 1993 it just hits the spot, never really have cried for a celeb until now.

As a kid, I never put that Dangerous album down. That was my favoritesong on it too.
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