OFFICIAL March Madness Thread

Nice post.

With you on the Pitt thought

I think the biggest trip mines for any of the 1's and 2's will be for Georgetown, Duke, and Memphis -
Sadly, I've thought the same
I was supposed to go get my brakes fixed this morning
.. I just said *@%* it ima stay glued to the Tv for the rest of the day/night
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General Admission line: 132,074

at the same time
Defiantly taking a personal day today and not going to class.

I am in this pool with 8 people where we all picked 8 teams and get points for each win your group of 8 teams accumulates. Has anyone ever done this before?

I have Tennessee, Xavier, Notre Dame, Mississippi St., Indiana, Kentucky, Oral Roberts, and Belmont. I am not liking my group, but did the best with what wasleft.

UCLA dropped to the fourth pick overall
, so the dude who got them got awaywith straight robbery.
It's pointless for me to watch this online because it is a minute behind and they constantly have the scores of other games up on live tv.
Nice post Craftsy.� Have fun at the bar today, pound a few brews for us.�

I think Pitt and The Ville are going to make some noise.� It should be known that I did post that Louisville was going to win the Big East tourney so takewhatever I write with a grain of salt.� I am a Big East homer, apologist, what have you, and personally think that 3 teams from there can make the Final 4 -G-Town, Pitt & The Ville.� The brand of hoops these teams play and their coaching�just seem condusive to tourney success in March.� Again, take what I typefor what its worth.

I am not going to be online much this afternoon, so everyone enjoy the day of hoops.� If you need me tomorrow, I will be behind a wall of empty Miller HighLifes at a sports bar in Brighton, MA.
MMOD out here running smooth as ever right now... We'll see how long it lasts.
They gotta "boss button" on this CBS feed. I don'tremember seeing that last year.
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