**Official Lupe Fiasco Thread** (LASERS March 8, 2011 // Friend of The People Coming Soon)

Stereo Sun

And I'm sure all the ppl who wrote those sub-par reviews on Lasers are NT'ers too.

I've always been a Lupe fan (stan) but Lasers is garbage. End of Story
The sheep mentality may apply to many on NT but this album is bad. Lacks replay value and the production for the most part is awful. Even lyrically some of the shh Lupe is saying is unfathomable. Even if he was making a completely different sounding album from his first two Lasers is simply not up to par.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by sonunox34

Originally Posted by MetroKid26

Sometimes I think NT host the most foolish people. The only reason everybody hates this album is because the first person who commented on it didn't like it.

Naw, man.
I don't care what NT thinks. This album is BAD. 

Everyone on here likes Based God, but you couldn't pay me to listen to him. I'm my own man.
This is the realest #+%+ ever posted on NT. It applies to the General and Music section, I don't know about the others like S&T.
I developed this "Snowball Sheep" theory several years ago and have been testing it on the Music Forum. 100% of the time it happens. 

No matter the quality of what you post if one of the first replies is disdain for your post, the rest will be. If it's a laughing emoticon, the rest will be.

Highly Effective if a member with e-fame starts it. 

This album ain't good or bad. It's just very average. 
This really isn't the platform for yall little spiel, you're just making yourselves look like fools. There's some truth to what you're saying (and it's nothing profound or new, everybody knows this and it spans across the whole forum) but this album is poor compared to Lupe's incredibly high standards. No amount of *****ing and moaning will change that. Don't try make peoples reaction to his album anything more than what it is.
final answer....

cop or not?

And I'm sure all the ppl who wrote those sub-par reviews on Lasers are NT'ers too.

I've always been a Lupe fan (stan) but Lasers is garbage. End of Story
The sheep mentality may apply to many on NT but this album is bad. Lacks replay value and the production for the most part is awful. Even lyrically some of the shh Lupe is saying is unfathomable. Even if he was making a completely different sounding album from his first two Lasers is simply not up to par.

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by sonunox34

Originally Posted by MetroKid26

Sometimes I think NT host the most foolish people. The only reason everybody hates this album is because the first person who commented on it didn't like it.

Naw, man.
I don't care what NT thinks. This album is BAD. 

Everyone on here likes Based God, but you couldn't pay me to listen to him. I'm my own man.
This is the realest #+%+ ever posted on NT. It applies to the General and Music section, I don't know about the others like S&T.
I developed this "Snowball Sheep" theory several years ago and have been testing it on the Music Forum. 100% of the time it happens

No matter the quality of what you post if one of the first replies is disdain for your post, the rest will be. If it's a laughing emoticon, the rest will be.

Highly Effective if a member with e-fame starts it. 

This album ain't good or bad. It's just very average. 

. Show me your posts where you have tested this and where it is true since EVERY time it happens. This album is not that good at all. At best 4 solid songs, all the other songs just sound like he's trying to make a BOB type single. That is not his style though, so why try to make it.
Another huge Lupe Fan here..there is good to be found in this album, Lupe rides these beats effortlessly. It is because you have to seek out the good in this album that it fails..Lupe was always one for not sacrificing for the sake of sales. Granted he basically had an industry gun aimed at his head when he recorded this, its still not THAT good...its average..about what one would expect B.O.B's second offering to sound like..
man im glad that i didnt buy this album i was soo mad it was wack will i guess i need to wait for F&L 2 cant for that...
Copped it. I'd say it's pretty good. Don't care if it's wack compared to F&L and The cool. Was gonna support Lupe regardless.
Listening to Lasers for the first time. I'm writing a review of it for the school newspaper. I own F&L and The Cool, but so far this is unbearable. I told myself I would listen with an open mind, ignoring the numerous bad reviews Ive read. But, damn Lu! I know they "forced" you to make a different album, but damn if you gotta make a pop album make that #@+@ to the best of your ability. I heard/read comparisons of this album to B.o.B's joint and that album is better than this by miles.

I'll give the album a few more listens...
Originally Posted by FlyGuy3

Originally Posted by FullMetal

Its official Lu did 200,000. Just doesn't make sense to me, but I'm happy for him.

how you know?

Lupe Fiasco is on his way to scoring his best week ever on the Billboard charts, as his third album, "Lasers," is on track to sell around 190,000 to 220,000 copies and easily bow at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart next week.

 Some industry prognosticators suggest the set -- if all goes well -- could shift even as much as 240,000 by week's end on Sunday, March 13. Any way you slice it, even if it comes in under 200,000, it will still beat out his previous high, when "The Cool" started at No. 15 with 143,000 according to Nielsen SoundScan at the very end of 2007.

Originally Posted by nickgotmoney07

this dude only did 204,963 he did less what they projected so they might drop him doubt it tho

why would they drop him? these are his biggest first week numbers yet. 200k is a REALLY good number these days. some rappers that you would think to outsell Lupe easily arent even doin those numbers. look at Ross, 2010 was the biggest year of his career so far and his last album didnt even break 190k in its first week. and correct me if I'm wrong but weren't the projections 200-240k?
They're not dropping him, 200K is MAAAD good for 2011 AND he has a gold single "The Show Goes On" or whatever that trash is called. The label is all smiles right now
Originally Posted by jookz

man, sounds so weird hearing 200k being top sales. still gotta cop, blind faith.

Yea but in this day and age almost no one buys albums anymore. 200k would've been terrible years ago but nowadays it's actually very impressive.Its the  biggest first week sales this year

Originally Posted by nickgotmoney07

this dude only did 204,963 he did less what they projected so they might drop him doubt it tho


,and why in the world would they drop him??? 200k is more than anyone projected this album would do. It's the biggest first week sales this year and the best of his career and all this even with all these negative reviews.This shows that he's more popular than ever,he can do numbers even with a sub-par album,they wouldn't even consider dropping him after that. If anything,they should reward him for having a number 1 album.
while i agree with most that his other two albums were a lot more enjoyable for me, i feel that this album isn't as much "pop" as it is lupe tapping a little more into his inner "rock star" like he does with Japanese Cartoon. I do like the album, but what people are saying about him (not necessarily on niketalk, but all over the web) "selling out" and whatnot for the 200,000+ album sales is false to me. I think most bought his album out of support to show his record label that we supported this dude and his overall message. Granted, it wasn't the same Lupe that we expected, but I say we just wait and see what he does with Food & Liquor 2: The Great American Rap Album.
I went and supported too, solely for the purpose that once an artist has my attention and I listen to their music repeatedly, their album efforts are always auto cop for me..Enemy of the State was given for free, so I'll pay for this. Also for the fact that if he had tanked then Food and Liquor 2 might not have ever seen the light of day. Im gonna have faith that whatever success comes from LASERS doesn't affect Lupe and what made me a fan of him in the first place doesn't in fact take a back seat to the label again.
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