Not saying i'm against it or not, but who are you replacing him with that will make the clippers better?

It's a hard question to answer because I'm not sure I'm aware of all the potential candidates. A long-time retread, former NBA head coach doesn't excite me. But there may be some highly regarded NBA assistant coaches who may be good. Some current broadcasters?

Nobody like that is guaranteed to be better than Doc, but I think it would be a worthwhile gamble to in a different direction at this point. Think the Dubs are pretty happy they took a chance on the unproven Kerr over Mark Jackson, who was doing a good job there.
It's a hard question to answer because I'm not sure I'm aware of all the potential candidates. A long-time retread, former NBA head coach doesn't excite me. But there may be some highly regarded NBA assistant coaches who may be good. Some current broadcasters?

Nobody like that is guaranteed to be better than Doc, but I think it would be a worthwhile gamble to in a different direction at this point. Think the Dubs are pretty happy they took a chance on the unproven Kerr over Mark Jackson, who was doing a good job there.
Yeah but what are the chances we end up with a steve kerr after our 'mark jackson?' Like Mark Jackson already had them upping their win totals in consecutive seasons, and had they not been injured against us there's an argument to be made that they would have bounced us in RD1 with him at the helm.

Which brings me to my point. The Clippers were a 57-60 win team this year pace wise when Chris Paul was healthy. Under Doc, he had us right there for the conference finals. He can't control us blowing 3-1 series leads and in game collapses. He can't control Chris Paul and / or Blake Griffin being injured for an extended period of time EVERY SINGLE SEASON that he's been at the helm.

So i'm not saying i'm against replacing Doc, but the person replacing Doc is going to have a tall order in front of them because they're already really good and we may be setting that guy up for failure due to the results based nature that is coaching.
Going back to last season, the CP / DJ PnR w/o blake has been one of the most devastating plays in the league and they've been really good with those two. Big Reason why we were able to win 53 games even w/ Blake missing 42 games in 15'-16'

From this season:
 137 minutes with Chris Paul and DeAndre Jordan and no Blake or Austin this year. +25 per 100 possessions !!!!
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Yeah but what are the chances we end up with a steve kerr after our 'mark jackson?' Like Mark Jackson already had them upping their win totals in consecutive seasons, and had they not been injured against us there's an argument to be made that they would have bounced us in RD1 with him at the helm.

Which brings me to my point. The Clippers were a 57-60 win team this year pace wise when Chris Paul was healthy. Under Doc, he had us right there for the conference finals. He can't control us blowing 3-1 series leads and in game collapses. He can't control Chris Paul and / or Blake Griffin being injured for an extended period of time EVERY SINGLE SEASON that he's been at the helm.

So i'm not saying i'm against replacing Doc, but the person replacing Doc is going to have a tall order in front of them because they're already really good and we may be setting that guy up for failure due to the results based nature that is coaching.

I hear everything you're saying - though I would disagree that Doc bears no culpability for the playoff chokes against OKC and Houston. The really elite coaches are able to get their teams out of panic mode and back into a winning mindset. I'm not sure Doc is very good at doing that.

You're right, with Doc we can pretty much count on winning between 50 and 60 games and a top 4 seed in the West. BUT, it also seems like we can count on a 1st or 2nd round playoff exist. Even if we were fully healthy, I don't think any of the regulars on here gave us much of a chance to get past GSW. Was going to be more of the same.

The thing is, how will we ever know if someone else can take us further than Doc if we don't take a shot at it?

Guess what, before Doc, while we had Blake and CP, we had a coach that guided us through great regular seasons and had to deal with injuries in disappointing playoff finishes. He still got fired because the organization hoped Doc could take us even further. So far, he hasn't. I'm not saying Doc isn't a better coach than VDN, but I also don't think he should get unlimited chances when, in four seasons, he hasn't really done what he was brought in to do, regardless of injuries.

There's the old saying, "the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Along those lines, I believe there are situations where change is needed even though the fact things haven't gone as hoped aren't really anyone's fault per se. There's something with this squad, as currently constructed and coached, that isn't cutting it. They've had enough chances to break through doing it the same way. I'm just ready to see a different approach.

Hasn't been discussed, and is unlikely, but perhaps Blake's Toe Injury, if bad enough will force him to opt in instead of opt out and play the FA game next summer.
- Joe Johnson got hot obviously, but offensively the clips stalled down the stretch while Joe Johnson went super saiyan.

- JJ Redick and Jamal Crawford have been so bad this series man and as bad as they've been offensively, defensively they've been even worse. Starting to really hate them being on the team lol. For the sake of this matchup, Austin's absence hurts more and more with every game.

- Joe Ingles is pure irony. Do we even know where Jared Cunningham is right now lol?

- Blew a golden opportunity tonight and may have blew the series.
this core really needs to stay together. tired of all the "break up the clips" talk that comes out of all these analysts mouth. if they broke up gsw when we beat them in the first round, what would they have?

paul george, carmelo, and even gordon hayward could give us what we are lacking. i also strongly feel that a coaching/gm change is needed. (a big time scoring SF that can create his own shot and be a closer in the 4th)

i said it before and i will say it again...this team is no better now than it was the day vinny del negro got fired. by that standard, a coaching change should happen at playoffs end IMO. this team has no general direction under doc rivers.

i love CP3 just like most of you guys here. but his on court demeanor and reported attitude weighs heavily on this team.

let redick go, he's going to want too much money to stay and not be able to create his own shot.

hopefully the clips can get rid of that awful jamal crawford contract that doc signed him to as well.

i am a faithful clippers fan like all of you guys. i'd love to win this series vs. utah, dont get it twisted. but at the beginning of the season, it was WCF and a good showing or bust for me. i am just ready for whats next.

tired of this team and the rest of the WC chasing after gsw and choosing to play pace and space basketball thinking that it will carry them over vs. gsw. we had the roster to really beat down gsw on the glass and present different issues for them. we have the ability to switch every PnR against them. we have the ability to really hit them hard in the post. but we dont do it and thats docs fault.
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Not saying i'm against it or not, but who are you replacing him with that will make the clippers better?

It's a hard question to answer because I'm not sure I'm aware of all the potential candidates. A long-time retread, former NBA head coach doesn't excite me. But there may be some highly regarded NBA assistant coaches who may be good. Some current broadcasters?

Nobody like that is guaranteed to be better than Doc, but I think it would be a worthwhile gamble to in a different direction at this point. Think the Dubs are pretty happy they took a chance on the unproven Kerr over Mark Jackson, who was doing a good job there.

i actually think mark jackson himself could do alot for this team. he's a no nonsense type that is liked by his players and his defensive philosophy is solid and proven being still in place and used by gsw to this day.

and lac is just as good points wise as gsw when they are firing at all cylinders and everyone is healthy
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And credit to Iso-Joe for going off last night, but we really did a poor job defending him. Got to his sweet spots way too easy and when we did double him, the double teams were ineffective.

Joe for sure presents some match-up problems for us, particularly with Blake out. But we can and should do better against him.
Such a tough spot for AR to be in man.

Fresh off of a hamstring injury, your return is the pivot game 5 of a series tied at 2. Oh and the other guards on the team have been for the most part awful so yeah, have fun :lol:

If we get regular season Austin then that could be a difference maker. Anything to keep JJ off the damn floor. Someone that can get to the rim, and floor space and defend. I'm optimistic but I'm not sure what Austin we'll be getting for game 5. That's a tough game to come back in.

Either way Austin back has to be a good thing. He can't be any worse than what Jamal and JJ have been in this series on both ends
I thought JCrossover did well on Game4 and when you see Joe Johnson take Luc to school, then Jamals defense on him doesn't look too bad.

IsoJoe was just getting every shot he wanted and those shoulder bumps to create space then hook was just a deadly combo.

I think Redick should be benched and come off with the reserves, Ingles not starting up against him might help.
Yeah...Jamal was awful in game 4 to me. Maybe not from a point sperspective but he was legit hemmorahing points to everyone. Joe Ingles was getting into the paint at will and constantly had Jamal on his hip.

And that is one of the fatal flaws of this roster from a construction standpoint. We need Jamal out there because of his scoring potential but he gives up as much points as he scores. The fact that someone with as much offensive variance as Jamal crawford is this vital to our team is a fatal flaw. Same with JJ, we need these guys to play well but they aren't really good enough for the roles they occupy on this team.

And Joe J was just awesome last night man. A lot of those buckets on Luc were over some really good defense man. Ironically enough it was the disorganized, on the fly double teaming that did us in last night.
^^^ Yeah, once you let a guy as offensively skilled as Johnson get going, it's hard for any one defender to stop him, even great defenders like Luc.

IIRC, Joe already was pretty well cooking by the time Luc started guarding him in the majority of possessions.

And I agree that Jamal's terrible defense offset the points he put in. He also took - and missed - a shot late in the 4th Guerrero that was just awful. Was like an semi-transition 18 footer with lots of time on the shot clock (I think).
Nah, Johnsons scored like 8-11 points straight on Luc, if you guys watch the game back, he just bulldozes the shoulder to get the separation and Luc was out of range for Joes hook.

For the most part Jamal is bad on defense, his switches and lack of def reactions laughable but you can't say Joe just had a good game last night so Lucs premiere defense was no match when Joe also lit up the Clips in game 1.

Jamal wasn't as big of a defensive liability last night, I think he even came up with a few swipes and a steal or two, got to give credit when it's due. He hasn't played well offensively last night and without him, the Clips wouldn't even be up in the 4th and we got to stop acting like Clips lost that lead because solely of Jamals defense. For once I actually thought he was decent on that end last night, not great but well enough.

I didn't see the Jazz scoring and going, "damn Jamal, where you at?". The whole team just couldn't defend and the whole team couldn't score and Jamal took two shots in the 4th, one 3pt that went in and then a mid-range that missed at around 2min mark and that was it. Luc took more shots that Jamal in the last quarter.
IDK why, but I'm thinking this is finally the game Utah goes real cold from 3...

I could be completely wrong though.
- Okay first half. Gotta play a little faster, game looks ugly and that favors Utah. The Jazz aren't shooting that great from 3, but they've missed a few wide open 3's and IMO the Clippers guards are making fundamental errors in regards to guarding the 3 point line. They're like two steps too many on their tags of divers and rollers, which is giving guys timely 3's. Clips defense isn't horrible, but they've gotta get some easier, faster baskets man. Gonna be tough to win playing at this pace.

- Idk why CP is at 17 minutes in the first half. Should have been at around 20.

- Clips wings are at such a disadvantage defensively that it's compromising the entire defense. Too much dribble penetration. We're lucky IMO that the Jazz aren't making open shots.
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