Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

Actually, I'm gonna think he was able to. He didn't have to abide by any laws for  NCAA compliance or anything, so he would've been able to receive gifts, sponsorships, etc, right after he graduated since he had no intentions of going to college. So yeah, I think he could've afforded to spend $250 on a shoe.

That Nike sponsorship :pimp:
I agree with most other posters here. $250 for a non-suede material is plain wrong. They should drop it down to the $180 retail price of the Denims. 
I agree with most other posters here. $250 for a non-suede material is plain wrong. They should drop it down to the $180 retail price of the Denims. 
Nubuck is the same as suede. Nubuck is also the better of the two choices (nubuck vs. suede).

Nubuck = Suede... the difference is which side of the skin they use.

Both go through similar processes, with nubuck being made using the outside of the leather and suede being made using the inside. The outside is more durable and definitely the better of the two to use on sneakers. (Think of your skin. Your skin is much tougher on the outside as it has to protect your body.)

Oh, also, the process is more expensive to make nubuck than suede - In any shoe. So you are getting the premium materials, so quit *****ing. No one's forcing you to buy it. Oh, and denim (cotton) is tons cheaper than leather, are you serious?

edit: Adding a quote straight from wiki, so I'm not just talking out of my ***.
Nubuck  (pronounced /ˈnjbʌk/) is top-grain cattle leather  that has been sanded or buffed on the grain side, or outside, to give a slight nap of short protein fibers, producing a velvet-like surface. It is resistant to wear, and may be white or coloured.[sup][1][/sup]

Nubuck is similar to suede. It differs in that suede is created from the inner side of a hide, whereas nubuck is created from the outer side of a hide, giving it more strength and thickness along with a fine grain.[sup][2][/sup]  It is generally more expensive than suede, and must be coloured or dyed heavily to cover up the sanding and stamping process.

Some of the identifying characteristics of nubuck are similar to aniline leather; it is very soft to the touch, it will scratch very easily, and water drops will darken the leather temporarily (it will return to its original color upon drying).[sup][3][/sup]

The word nubuck probably comes from new  + buck(skin).[sup][4][/sup]
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Nubuck is the same as suede. Nubuck is also the better of the two choices (nubuck vs. suede).

Nubuck = Suede... the difference is which side of the skin they use.

Both go through similar processes, with nubuck being made using the outside of the leather and suede being made using the inside. The outside is more durable and definitely the better of the two to use on sneakers. (Think of your skin. Your skin is much tougher on the outside as it has to protect your body.)

Oh, also, the process is more expensive to make nubuck than suede - In any shoe. So you are getting the premium materials, so quit *****ing. No one's forcing you to buy it.

edit: Adding a quote straight from wiki, so I'm not just talking out of my ***.
Need me remind you... GO STRAIGHT TO 0:40second... 

I hope nobody is honestly justifying a $250 price point by the "nubuck/suede" material used on the shoe. If I remember properly the Lebron 8 V1 was made of the same upper material BUT was also engineered to be used for basketball purposes unlike this Mint Ext that's a shell of the signature shoe. Make no mistake about it, THIS price point is aimed at the cash cow consumer Nike has created with its marketing hype engine. Nothing more, nothing less. Buy it or pass, choice is yours.
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So suede = has hairs, and nubuck = no hair? Yeah, this guy is an idiot. Talk to any leatherworker.
I'm not saying you're wrong man.  I just want to share that voice at 45 second. LOL

They're basically the same but different feeling. One sanded on the inside (suede) while other sanded on the outside (nubuck) of the skin.
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I'm not saying you're wrong man.  I just want share that voice at 45 second. LOL

They're basically the same. One sanded on the inside (suede) while other sanded on the outside (nubuck) of the skin.
Gotcha. When I wrote the response, it didn't sound hostile in my head, but re-reading it it did, lol.

Yeah, they're one in the same. Nubuck that those 12s and 5s in that video were sanded much longer, and if I remember correctly those are a nubuck + synthetic combo.
$250 for a sneaker, nubuck or suede, is just ridiculously overpriced and outrageous.

And on that note, bring on the Mints :smile:
I'm going for the Mints but if if fail... Oh well... I need to slow down my sneaker spending. I'll take the fail as a sign from the almighty baby Jesus.
$250 for nubuck lmao. Should've changed the price to $180 then "Black Nubuck" doesn't sound silly.

As long you guys keep buying "premium" materials at a premium price they can get away with it. |I

So if they changed the name to "Black Suede", would that be ok?

Nubuck but name them suede, that'll be false advertising. Any way you look at it still overpriced. I'll pass even if it's $180. I'm good with my nubuck black/red 8 V/1 that I paid $120 brand new almost three years ago. Oh how hype, oops I meant time has changed.
Everyone stop saying that you wont buy and screw the price increase, we all know that these will sell out in 10 seconds online(and these will be more limited since they wont be at footlocker(online), so no champs, eastbay, and probably no finish line). And after these sell out they will sell for 350 and up for like 2 weeks until the hype dies down again. The price increase sucks but then dont buy it if you really dont want to
Nubuck but name them suede, that'll be false advertising. Any way you look at it still overpriced. I'll pass even if it's $180. I'm good with my nubuck black/red 8 V/1 that I paid $120 brand new almost three years ago. Oh how hype, oops I meant time has changed.

Didn't the 8's retail for 160??
Just left Cumberland HOH... They haven't received their shipment yet. Hmm...
I believe they haven't. I was told they received the Hazelnuts after they gave out raffle tickets, and in the end didn't receive enough to sell to all the winners. So they might not do a raffle, possibly FCFS.
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