Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

Congrats to everyone able to cop, but man I've came to a conclusion today for me...After these Hazelnuts drop, I'm officially done w/ major shoe releases, LOL. I can't take sitting in front of a computer screen for countless hrs waiting for a special hashtag to pop up, missing somewhat amount of hrs of sleep tryin to cop online, than sites crashing the moment you're @ checkout, and worse it's not safe to campout, which I never done...It's been proven to me that if you don't have a connect...Just don't even attempt to get a pair. The most legit way is a raffle and that can even be rigged. One NTer said it also and I agree w/ him now...If I can't just walk in there @ any time and cop I don't even want it or its just not meant for me to have it...This shoe game is crazy now
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Congrats to everyone able to cop, but man I've came to a conclusion today for me...After these Hazelnuts drop, I'm officially done w/ major shoe releases, LOL. I can't take sitting in front of a computer screen for countless hrs waiting for a special hashtag to pop up, missing somewhat amount of hrs of sleep tryin to cop online, than sites crashing the moment you're @ checkout, and worse it's not safe to campout, which I never done...It's been proven to me that if you don't have a connect...Just don't even attempt to get a pair. The most legit way is a raffle and that can even be rigged. One NTer said it also and I agree w/ him now...If I can't just walk in there @ any time and cop I don't even want it or its just not meant for me to have it...This shoe game is crazy now
Preach, wouldn't change a single word of this paragraph, explains everything.
Don't know how much you know about guns but you can shoot to kill & there's away you can shoot to protect yourself. So let me ask you this in the vid they say dude is "pick pocketing" people right so if your in Walmart and a guy "pick pockets" you & you have your "concealed gun" you your going to just turn off and start to let off on him so he doesn't rob or pick pocket anymore Walmart shoppers? And then proceed to purchase your bag of Cool Ranch Doritos while dudes over there dying?? Bottom line is dude got killed at a shoe release attempting to rob people of their money they where going to use to purchase "shoes/sneakers/kicks" phrase it however you want to lol Kanye said best "The New Slaves" (not trying to ruin this thread continuing to talk
about this so anybody else who wants to chop it up just pm me)

I agree with you.
I'm a pretty heartless guy, and I dont feel sorry about the robber.
You intend to harm others, u get what u deserve.

BUT only killers and people completely numb inside kill another person and go about their day like it was nothing.
In other news.

A heads up to those asking about sizing.

I'm a size 9.5 and I mostly size up to 10 for more toe room
I won A raffle and had to get a sz 9.
I loosenned the shoes as much as possible and they fit fine.
Seems like these Have less cushion and the inner leather gives u more room than Regular x.
I don't have wide feet either.
Don't know how much you know about guns but you can shoot to kill & there's away you can shoot to protect yourself. So let me ask you this in the vid they say dude is "pick pocketing" people right so if your in Walmart and a guy "pick pockets" you & you have your "concealed gun" you your going to just turn off and start to let off on him so he doesn't rob or pick pocket anymore Walmart shoppers? And then proceed to purchase your bag of Cool Ranch Doritos while dudes over there dying?? Bottom line is dude got killed at a shoe release attempting to rob people of their money they where going to use to purchase "shoes/sneakers/kicks" phrase it however you want to lol Kanye said best "The New Slaves" (not trying to ruin this thread continuing to talk about this so anybody else who wants to chop it up just pm me)

I think it's sad when idiots like you defend criminals sadly its a lot of people like you that feel the same way and people can die from being shot in a place that wasn't intended to kill least likely but still and the robber ran then died btw.

Back to the shoes I really hope 700 pairs for the championship pack is just a rumor and the amount is like this where all hoh, nt, Ndc, eastbay gets them but probably will be 700.
I agree with you.
I'm a pretty heartless guy, and I dont feel sorry about the robber.
You intend to harm others, u get what u deserve.

BUT only killers and people completely numb inside kill another person and go about their day like it was nothing.

I feel you and for the record I wasn't trying to defend the shooter lol I was talking about the overall big picture a man kills another man in an Urban environment (rather white black hispanic or whatever) at a shoe release big deal we'll just scrape him off the curve later now run a long boy,and go get those new Nike shoes you wanted lol That's how I see it but that's all. I'm gonna quit now because I know we have a lot of "G's" in here who be busting their guns on call to duty lol
I think it's sad when idiots like you defend criminals sadly its a lot of people like you that feel the same way and people can die from being shot in a place that wasn't intended to kill least likely but still and the robber ran then died btw.

Back to the shoes I really hope 700 pairs for the championship pack is just a rumor and the amount is like this where all hoh, nt, Ndc, eastbay gets them but probably will be 700.

Idiots I called no names??? lol You got a problem wit me just pm brah you bout that life???
I think it's sad when idiots like you defend criminals sadly its a lot of people like you that feel the same way and people can die from being shot in a place that wasn't intended to kill least likely but still and the robber ran then died btw.

Back to the shoes I really hope 700 pairs for the championship pack is just a rumor and the amount is like this where all hoh, nt, Ndc, eastbay gets them but probably will be 700.

Idiots I called no names??? lol You got a problem wit me just pm brah you bout that life???

What are you going to do tough guy?
This is crazy I remember when NT was a community where people would look out for each other and actually help each other out. Now its just about resell, resell. Not gone talk no ish about nobody but if you got a size that you dont wear i know where you coming from to try and trade. But you got a size you dont wear whats it gone hurt to trade a person that actually wears the size for a size that you selling rape prices for just saying. and yea im salty, stood inline for hours was first inline but all store had was 3 sizes 10 being biggest
This is crazy I remember when NT was a community where people would look out for each other and actually help each other out. Now its just about resell, resell. Not gone talk no ish about nobody but if you got a size that you dont wear i know where you coming from to try and trade. But you got a size you dont wear whats it gone hurt to trade a person that actually wears the size for a size that you selling rape prices for just saying. and yea im salty, stood inline for hours was first inline but all store had was 3 sizes 10 being biggest
13 is worth more than a 10. you remember back to 2012 nice
No computer thugging over here lol anybody got a problem wit me hit me up. I see my inbox is still empty? No need to keep posting up here trying to get laughs etc either get at me or get back to the kicks simple
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Saw a pack of Corks and Denims...what's the value of these together?  Thinking about pulling the trigger.
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